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Everything posted by Hawaiian1961

  1. Interesting. Thank you for the chart. Can you please cite your source?
  2. How do you know this? Have you been on for 2 years? I am reading your post history and I do not see that you have ever been on oral minox.
  3. Aloha, I have been on Finasteride for awhile now but the effectiveness seems to be waivering. I told my current dermatologist that I was interested in oral minoxidil but he turned me down citing heart issues. I called another dermatologist on island but got the same answer. I am 61 years old with a slightly elevated blood pressure. I thought that it would not be an issue being that minoxidil was actually a medication for hypertension. I am confused that many of you have gotten the prescription so easily. Has any had the same experience?
  4. Is anyone having problems with their Deluxe echeck? I cannot seem to pay for my order.
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