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Posts posted by receedinglegend

  1. have you tried finasteride? you're hairline looks great and I would surprised if a good doctor would be willing to work with you to be honest. considering you're in london you should try manual's oral minoxidyl, I've been using it and have seen a noticeable improvement in my crown (better than with topical) + its way less work than applying topical.

  2. I had a similar thing where I couldn't commit to minoxidyl twice a day for more than 4 more months or so - and even then the results were negligible. I got on oral minox from manual about 6 months ago and it makes life so much easier + I saw better gains than I ever saw from topical. Good luck with the transplant :) please break the convention of Bicer patients who stop posting after 3 months 🙏


    On 9/26/2022 at 2:01 PM, Dan10 said:

    Hi..so on the temple points dr bicer did point out that the hair to be used in the temples was going to be a little more course than what was there originally(baby hair's)so might stand out a bit. As I didn't have any temples it was my choice to have them done. I decided to keep the temple design as small as possible and only to use baby hair's near the neck so fingers crossed, should see results in the next few months. Best of luck🍀only have great things to say about dr bicer and her team 👍

    would love to see a photo update mate

    • Thanks 1
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