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Posts posted by Xanadu

  1. 4 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    Not necessarily. Eugenix published a paper showing that graft survival rates can be improved by reducing the amount of time that the grafts are out of the body. The channels can remain open for about 72 max before they aren’t usable anymore, so the key is the time the grafts are out of the body & not the time the channel is open for (within reason). 

    Secondly, allowing the channels to be open longer can have advantages such as allowing any excess oozing to pass. I oozed a lot during the first day of surgery & it slowed things down massively to the point where I ended up having to finish the next day. If we’d have ploughed through and put the grafts in anyway the survival would have been impacted through ‘popping’. So leaving the channels open a bit longer can be useful. 


    4 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    Not necessarily. Eugenix published a paper showing that graft survival rates can be improved by reducing the amount of time that the grafts are out of the body. The channels can remain open for about 72 max before they aren’t usable anymore, so the key is the time the grafts are out of the body & not the time the channel is open for (within reason). 

    Secondly, allowing the channels to be open longer can have advantages such as allowing any excess oozing to pass. I oozed a lot during the first day of surgery & it slowed things down massively to the point where I ended up having to finish the next day. If we’d have ploughed through and put the grafts in anyway the survival would have been impacted through ‘popping’. So leaving the channels open a bit longer can be useful. 

    Interesting. Yes, there are two separate e issues.The first is their method of cutting the slots before Taki g from the donor (usually it's the o their way around). That makes a lot of sense that it would increase graft survival.


    The issue I was wonder ng about is scaring due to the scars/slots not being allowed to heal for longer. I would intuitively think that a scar has a lower chance of leaving visible scar tissue (anywhere on the body) the quicker it heals. 


    But maybe not.


    The oozing argument is interesting. Cheers.

  2. 40 minutes ago, general-etwan said:

    All the slits (5,300+) were made on the first day by Dr. Das, first step of the procedure. Not sure exactly how long it took; maybe 1-2 hours.  They remain open and able to be filled for a few days, so they were filled on days 1, 2, and 3, and if some were left over and not filled that's ok because they will close up in time.


    40 minutes ago, general-etwan said:

    All the slits (5,300+) were made on the first day by Dr. Das, first step of the procedure. Not sure exactly how long it took; maybe 1-2 hours.  They remain open and able to be filled for a few days, so they were filled on days 1, 2, and 3, and if some were left over and not filled that's ok because they will close up in time.

    I know this is how it's done, but it seems weird to me. The longer a scar is open it seems to me the risk of scar tissue becomes. Wouldn't it be better to make the cut and then asap put the graft in so it can start to heal with the graft?

  3. 13 minutes ago, HugoX said:

    Hairline obviously would have the higher cm/grafts, not the front front as those are single grafts but not more than 40 grafts/cm 2, this picture after the first procedure, around 10 days post op after scabs fell off shows a better view of the spread. 



    That's a super clean look that you could use if you wanted to have a buzz too

    • Like 1
  4. 43 minutes ago, Pbaird98 said:

    And yes the donor area does show that more grafts have been taken than they implanted. Was this someone who side lines in doing hair transplants? I would be surprised if they are doing it full time. I guess I’m just wondering how much experience they have?

    I agree. It looks like they took more out than were put in. And the way they were put in seems like it won't be dense at all. I really hope there are something we cannot see on those pics.

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  5. 21 minutes ago, Murat-kz said:

    Does anyone have doubts about possible downfalls of DHT method? If they have only 15 minutes for tha grafts examination and refining does it create some rush which can affect quality? Plus I saw some videos on You tube in which it is hard to notice a person using a microscope.


    No, I think it is an obvious benefit.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Zoomster said:

    Hi Guys 

    Donor at 2 weeks post op..a total of 9K scalp have now been harvested .

    Im homogenised up to my eyeballs..

    My headstone will read “ here lies a homogenised version  of himself “ 😄

    Im sweating more about the donor this time than the previous 2 x HT .perhaps understandably…I keep picking at a little scab on back of head thus it seeps a little blood ..I must stop







    This is going to be epic. I really think so.

    This was a real NW6/7 and not one of those where propiecia does half the job because there was a lot of minuterized hairs.


  7. On 3/19/2022 at 5:20 PM, mo23 said:

    Hi Everyone ,

    So I have been dealing with Hairloss for quite a while now (33 , started at 19). I have been using minoxidil for the past 8 years(once a day). Hairloss was slow but wasnt getting better for sure until now ofcourse where I wish I had done something about it earlier.  I recently upped my Min application to twice a day and finally had the cajones to try Fin (MWF) for the past 3 weeks (I tried to stay clear all these years because of sides). 

    I finally went ahead with my transplant with Dr. Bicer On March 15th. I was initially considering FUCAP , Camacho , and Bicer. Decided to go with Bicer since I saw some pretty good results on this forum for folks with average donor hair (Appreciate everyone's reviews!)

    When I booked , the plan was initially to tackle my hairline and midscalp and then do the crown (if my donor permits) during my second procedure. When I got there , Dr. Bicer switched it up by focusing on the hairline and crown to achieve consistency between the crown and midscalp. Second surgery she would shoot to increase density in the midscalp and crown (leveraging beard and chest hair). I went into this with the expecation that I am not going to achieve full coverage given my donor restrictions. Hopefully though I can fix my hairline and gain some coverage for the rest. Bicer implanted 3750 grafts in total. I dont remember the breakdown but she did mention I had more singles than usual. 

    The experience itself was great . Ozen and Bicer make a great team and really helped me overcome some of my anxiety going into this. I would definitely recommend her based on the experience so far , hopefully the results match up :) !!

    A couple of pointers though to highlight. They dont provide free transportation and Hotel. I had my wife accompany me for the trip and got there a bit earlier to enjoy Istanbul (Amazing city btw). They had qouted me 500 euros for hotel 4 nights adding my wife to the room. 100 euros for transportation from Istanbul airport (Not sabiha). I ended booking on my own . Park Inn by radisson  (179 US dollars 4 nights). It was literally 10 minutes from the clinic and took an uber for 4 dollars each way. Hope this helps out some you cheapskates out there lol. 

    I"ll Keep you guys posted on progress !












    Your update looks good.

    ".  I recently upped my Min application to twice a day and finally had the cajones to try Fin (MWF) for the past 3 weeks (I tried to stay clear all these years because of sides)

    Because you had sides, or because of people scaring you with itt? And are you now on fin?

  8. If it's worth it depends to a large extent on whether you can be regular with finasteride. You can bet your bottom dollar that all the great hair jobs you see actors having maintained for many years and decades is like that because they have been religiously on finasteride. If you are not consistent or even stop it, then you will be like the footballer Rooney and other who looked good for a bit and then was overtaken by MPB again.


    If you will go on reddit you will more likely be the next Rooney rather than the next Ashton Kutcher. Even in here unfortunately the risk of developing nocepo is quite....well, present, due to several people scaring people every chance they get. It's a shame, but if you feel very sure that you have done the research and will not be tempted to blame a temporary sadness or lack of libido or the dishes not having been done (all things that can occur in life) on finasteride and stop taking it - then yes it's probably worth it. 


    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Bandit90 said:

    Thanks Vann! For sure, Dr Pradeep did an amazing job with the front and mid-scalp, so I have a strong feeling he has smashed it with the crown too! 

    Looks great, and it seems you have rather fine hair - which makes it more impressive. Also, you didn't really have miniturized hairs that finasteride could thicken up to make the HT look better than it really was (something we see in a lot of before-efter photos). So all in all I'm really looking forward to follow your progress. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 10/16/2022 at 8:09 PM, botchedguy95 said:

    How are the beard grafts growing compared to your scalp hair? Do you see or feel a difference?

    There is a difference in regards to how long they are in the anagen/telogen phases with beard hair being less in the visible phase than scalp hairs. As such beard hairs will usually not be able to be as dense. This is made up for a bit by beard hairs usually being a bit thicker.

    • Like 1
  11. This guy is a higher NW candidate, who was done by Eugenix (like Karl and many other higher NW patients). However, while the front third looks fine, the crown looks like only a few coarse, grey beard hairs managed to actually grow there. 

    It looks pretty good in pictures, but when we seem him combing his own hair, not so much.

    What happened? I know the crown is called the black hole for grafts, but Eugenics has some other cases where they managed to give high NW guys good density crowns.


  12. 11 hours ago, John1991 said:

    I've never heard anything remotely like that.  Not saying you're wrong, but it seems most say things just keep improving or stay the same at that period.

    I am a researcher by trade, so I think I have researched all there is to know about HT, medications etc. 

    This phenomenon I talked about is called 'desynchronization'. It can happen 9-15 months depending on how quickly the person's hair go through the phases.

    Here you go - an example where they mention around 15 months, but others mentions anything from 9 to 15 months:



    • Thanks 1
  13. 53 minutes ago, Welchy said:

    Need help and guidance*

    It's normal that after 9-12 months about 20% falls out because they go into that phase as they start cycle through the phases. So it is a known fact that the max density is sometimes around the 9-12 month period just before this happens. This is normal.

  14. 1 hour ago, Zoomster said:

    The redness will be gone by next week 

    By the way, I believe this is you...

    The haircut you have after 8 months looks super good. The picture to the left!. In my oppinion it looks even better than when you have it longer. It makes you look 30 something - pretty crazy... from 60ties to 30ties... mind blowing.

    At min 1.47.


  15. 5 hours ago, Zoomster said:

    It’s all look I’m tempted to sport next summer …some SMP on top perhaps ..let’s see ..pic attached day 8 


    Looks good, but the redness will have gone by then I imagine?

  16. Many we see with a high Norwood HT use quite long hair. I'm thinking all or almost all the guys with great results (zoomster, Melvin and so on) have longish hair.

    I wonder if a buzzcut would look good if a high NW had a HT?

    How about the style that the front hairline is almost always made denser than the rest - does thst look weird when buzzed short?

    And the FUE scars, are they always noticeable with a shirt buzz cut?

  17. 37 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    It’s actually the other way around. Sessions biggest advantage is donor management, and ensuring that grafts grow optimally, WAY lower risk. Doing sessions all at once is a gamble. 


    I was sure of the disadvantages of two session is for a long time still being bald with a moon - not a great look.

    So I was asking what disadvantages doing only one has - and you here answered that. That makes sense - cheers.  



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