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Posts posted by Matt3210

  1. How to choose a good hair transplant doctor?Hairrestorationnetwork is a forum that is used, among other things, to sell and promote doctors who pay for it and there is nothing wrong with that. You can find both good and bad doctors here. How to distinguish them, since you can read a lot of good words about each of them and everyone wants to be considered one of the best? Here are some of my suggestions:

    Good doctor:
    He is a doctor first, whose main mission is to help people. He usually needs a personal consultation before surgery to examine someone and assess whether he is a good candidate for HT. If yes, he will do the best he can. If not, or there is a risk of failure, they will not undertake the operation and will explain in detail why a hair transplant is not a good option for someone.
    It is difficult or impossible to find bad results and dissatisfied patients, and if it happens to someone, they will do anything to help. They will offer a free correction or refund.

    Bad Doctor:
    He is in the first place a seller whose main mission is to maximize the profits from his business. He does not need a personal consultation before the operation. He will say whatever the patient wants to hear. He needs a quick hair transplant booking and sale.
    It's easy to find bad results and dissatisfied patients. If this happens to someone, they will get away from rosponsibility with making a cheap excuse and turn away. Unless he can sell another hair transplant.

    I recommend everyone to research thoroughly and not ignore the reviews, both bad and good. I hope this will help someone avoid falling into the marketing trap and make the right decision. Why wasn't I so smart before...
    As for me, I got a bad job from Dr. Mwamba, and I include him in the second group. This is just my opinion and everyone may have a different one. I am not talking now about criticizing a particular doctor, but about drawing attention to the entire HT industry, which is very often incompatible with medical ethics.

    A hair transplant is a procedure that can change someone's life for the better or destroy it. I wish everyone to be careful and good luck.

  2. Hi Leos.

    Your hair growth looks good, but redness that lasts more than 5 months is not normal. What does your skin look like under the light? Is it perfectly even? Do you notice small bumps around the grafts or uneven, slightly raised skin at the hairline? I'm asking because I have seen chronic redness in people who have cobblestoning and rimming issues, but I hope that's not the case for you.

  3. On 11/11/2022 at 8:32 PM, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Dr. Mwamba, Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Diep are some good afro hair specialists. 

    You can use our list of recommendations as a starting point for research. 

    This is a list of recommended doctors by Hairrestorationnetwork. Will you find great doctors there? Absolutely yes.

    Are everyone of these doctors is the best choice? Not. Some doctors will always be excellent, some of the best in the world, despite many mistakes, as long as they pay subscriptions for marketing here.

    We are all gamblers when deciding to get a hair transplant. It's up to you and your research how high the risk is (very low with some doctors) Search for reviews/results from independent patients.

    Good luck!

  4. On 9/14/2022 at 1:50 PM, BaldV said:

    Poor growth is 99% Dr’s fault

    I agree that 99% of the poor results or complications are the fault of the doctor / clinic. Hair transplant is very safe these days if the doctor knows exactly what he is doing and has a well-trained team. I have not yet heard of any Dr. admit to making a mistake. Doctors always find a reason to avoid responsibility. In some clinics a poor result is more common, in others almost completely. Marketing gibberish is here too.

    This is a great website for research, many people share the results. I recommend that you keep a distance to the words about "excellent doctors" and make decisions based on the results of real patients, not related to the any clinic.

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