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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. I've only worked out once since the surgery and only did calves. It should be okay to lift some light weights now, right? Yeah it is a little weird with the loss of sensation for me as well. Like you said, if you lay your head back on something.
  2. Thanks Raphael. Not nervous about the hair growing but still nervous about the donor area. It looks great, still scabbing, but just nervous I will sleep incorrectly and it will stretch or something. Probably just over reacting. Going to start back at the gym soon, light cardio...but can't wait to start lifting again. Ill give it a month and a half and lift light.
  3. It was nerve-wracking looking for a good HT doctor in San Diego. I think I was loosing more hairs just trying to decided on a good doctor. Anyhow, I was a lot more settled after meeting Dr.Ross and his staff than I was with other consultations. I was a lot less nervous the morning of the surgery than I thought I was going to be, probably since I was so tired. Surgery Date, 3/11/09. So his nurse/tech gave me some drug to let dissolve under my tongue, darvocet maybe, it tasted horrible so she gave me a jolly rancher and I was fine. Then I believe I received a valium injection. I went over to the procedure room, laid flat down and few minutes later I dozed off. I woke up and Dr.Ross was suturing my head. I couldn't wait for that part to be over not because the donor area hurt but I must of laid down originally in with my face not all the way on the pad and my neck was hurting me. The only real problem during the entire procedure is that my body clears out anesthetics very quickly. Some say it is because I weight lift. The dentist is a pain too, has to give me so many injections. Let's just say I had a lot of injections in my scalp and another one in my arm. Well what can I say about the rest, it was a long day. 6AM till 7PM. 2500 Grafts. I'll admit, I am a real baby, my wife has a pain threshold 10X that of mine and the HT with Dr.Ross wasn't even half as bad as I would have thought. The HT probably went so well because the doctor and his staff are not only talented but personable. When suturing me the doctor always asked me if I was okay, do I feel pain, do I need to shift, and same for when he was making the recipient sites. Recovery: The first three days are the most annoying. Even with valium hard to sleep well. Not a lot of pain, just discomfort, being cautious, trying to sleep in a comfortable position. I am a VERY critical person and I have to say Dr.Ross does a great job. As for his suturing ability, top notch. Dr.Ross' nurse removed the sutures 7 days later. She did an amazing job. Felt like little pin pricks. It seemed like 7 days for me was the perfect time; long enough to be strong for removal but not too long to where the skin starts adhering around the nylon. So it has been 17 days. Still tiny scabs on the relocated hairs. Donor area still scabbing. My neck muscles kind of hurt because I am being over cautions not to be stress on the donor area. Can't wait to start weight lifting again, but for now I will just do light cardio, need to lose 10 lbs anyhow. I will post some pictures soon. CONCLUSION: The procedure with Dr.Ross went well. End results, well we will have to wait a few months. Oh, and I just started taking propecia. P.S. I know I am skeptical of posts like this that sounds all happy and cheering when in actuality they are cutting your scalp then piercing it thousands of times but this is a legitimate post. I usually just post on board to complain, haha, but I was so nervous thinking about the procedure I felt I needed to post to let people know it isn't that bad at all, at least it wasn't for me.
  4. It was nerve-wracking looking for a good HT doctor in San Diego. I think I was loosing more hairs just trying to decided on a good doctor. Anyhow, I was a lot more settled after meeting Dr.Ross and his staff than I was with other consultations. I was a lot less nervous the morning of the surgery than I thought I was going to be, probably since I was so tired. Surgery Date, 3/11/09. So his nurse/tech gave me some drug to let dissolve under my tongue, darvocet maybe, it tasted horrible so she gave me a jolly rancher and I was fine. Then I believe I received a valium injection. I went over to the procedure room, laid flat down and few minutes later I dozed off. I woke up and Dr.Ross was suturing my head. I couldn't wait for that part to be over not because the donor area hurt but I must of laid down originally in with my face not all the way on the pad and my neck was hurting me. The only real problem during the entire procedure is that my body clears out anesthetics very quickly. Some say it is because I weight lift. The dentist is a pain too, has to give me so many injections. Let's just say I had a lot of injections in my scalp and another one in my arm. Well what can I say about the rest, it was a long day. 6AM till 7PM. 2500 Grafts. I'll admit, I am a real baby, my wife has a pain threshold 10X that of mine and the HT with Dr.Ross wasn't even half as bad as I would have thought. The HT probably went so well because the doctor and his staff are not only talented but personable. When suturing me the doctor always asked me if I was okay, do I feel pain, do I need to shift, and same for when he was making the recipient sites. Recovery: The first three days are the most annoying. Even with valium hard to sleep well. Not a lot of pain, just discomfort, being cautious, trying to sleep in a comfortable position. I am a VERY critical person and I have to say Dr.Ross does a great job. As for his suturing ability, top notch. Dr.Ross' nurse removed the sutures 7 days later. She did an amazing job. Felt like little pin pricks. It seemed like 7 days for me was the perfect time; long enough to be strong for removal but not too long to where the skin starts adhering around the nylon. So it has been 17 days. Still tiny scabs on the relocated hairs. Donor area still scabbing. My neck muscles kind of hurt because I am being over cautions not to be stress on the donor area. Can't wait to start weight lifting again, but for now I will just do light cardio, need to lose 10 lbs anyhow. I will post some pictures soon. CONCLUSION: The procedure with Dr.Ross went well. End results, well we will have to wait a few months. Oh, and I just started taking propecia. P.S. I know I am skeptical of posts like this that sounds all happy and cheering when in actuality they are cutting your scalp then piercing it thousands of times but this is a legitimate post. I usually just post on board to complain, haha, but I was so nervous thinking about the procedure I felt I needed to post to let people know it isn't that bad at all, at least it wasn't for me.
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