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Everything posted by Spence89

  1. Day after Op Week after Op 2 weeks after Op 3 weeks after Op 1 Month 2 months 4 Months 5 Months 6 Months 8 Months 10 Months 1 year Hope this can give you all a rough guideline on the timeframe of my hair transplant experience.
  2. 2200 grafts. Thank you. I can’t recommend Dr Mani enough!
  3. Really appreciate all the nice comments. Yeh, he is UK based. Where I had the procedure (hair transplant) was in London.
  4. I would say from the age of 25 my hairline started to recede. From the Age of 27 onwards, the wind started to become my enemy. I could only really style my hair by sweeping it over to the side, basically trying to hide my hairline. I started to look into hair transplants but always thought it would be ridiculously expensive. Having saying that, I would always look online and clock when someone famous would get a hair transplant, and think “wow they look good!”.I got really lucky how I crossed paths with Dr Mani, it was through work. When I started talking to Dr Mani our conversation lead to my hairline and how a transplant could be more realistic than I originally thought.Dr. Mani asked me to sit in the chair, he gave me his honest opinion, what would be involved and the price.like anything, I always get another opinion. After speaking to other company, I thought to myself, Mani is the man. It felt more personal with Dr. Mani, he took more care in explaining the procedure and the end results.I got myself booked in with Dr. Mani and was looking forward to the big day!On the day of my hair transplant, I was nervous but that all changed as soon as I walked into Mani’s clinic. It’s a really calm experience, everyone’s cracking jokes and just bantering with each other.I was in the chair for probably 7-8 hours. The team and Mani took the grafts from the back of my hair, using them to build my new hairline. Dr Mani is very particular and thorough in his work, even towards the end when some surgeons may be tired and just say “finished” Dr Mani kept going till he was happy with the final result. I was so happy with the results! Although this was only the start of the procedure, I was really excited for my new hairline.Mani still stays in touch with me, I send him monthly photos of his masterpiece.I can’t say though you enough but to Mani and the Team thank you! I’m now 15 months post op, and loving my results!! If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me.
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