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  1. Yes the plunging into the deep doesn't sound too promising. I will PM you later thanks!
  2. I've booked a hair transplant at Hair Center Serbia for later this year but somewhat getting cold feet. Searched this forum and there are some mixed reviews about the place and their lead surgeon Dr. Gorana Kuka Epstein. My procedure would be done by another junior doctor, Dr. Nemanja Gajdobranski. I've been in touch with him and he has been able to answer my questions about the procedure, etc. He has quoted me about 1500 grafts to fix my hairline. I have also reached out to Dr. Erkan Demirsoy in Turkey and he has advised me to take fin for a year and see where things are at before getting a hair transplant. I'm personally hesitant to take fin and my hair loss has been very gradual. I'm 31 now. The Serbian doctor has advised to start min+fin topically 10 days after my transplant. I do have a port wine stain birthmark on the nape of my neck which according to the Serbian doctor is something they'll have to work around. Would love to hear your thoughts about both consults and generally if anyone had a hair transplant done in Serbia. I'm Serbian and would feel much more comfortable doing it in my own country compared to traveling abroad. But if I have to I can of course travel, granted the results would be more promising somewhere else.
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