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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Hey! I'm close to making an appointment for a transplant, but not completely sure yet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated I'm a 31 year old men, have had first signs of thinning at least 8-9 years ago. Started taking Minoxidil 4-5 years ago. This has stopped the thinning in the crown, but temples have receded quite a bit still, although I do not really notice a difference between now and 2 years ago. I do not want to experiment with Finasteride before I had kids, but wouldn't mind trying it in in 5-7 years. I'm pretty bothered by what my hair looks like right now. I could see myself going for a close buzzcut at some point, but not in my 30s. I had 2 first in-person consultations (paid for) where both came to the conclusion that my hair quality was good for a transplant: Plenty of 3-4 hair grafts in the donor, very good density. What I'm worried about is: Most doctors I spoke with strongly recommend to go on Finasteride after the transplant. Does it really make no sense to do a transplant without it at my age? Also, most of my male relatives have receded to NW5 (but not 6) at some point. Will I have enough hair left to cover for later hair loss if I do a transplant now? I'm aware I will need 2-3 transplants. If the hair keeps receding, will it look hideous for some time before I get a new transplant?
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