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Everything posted by TwoAndHalfNorwood

  1. Thanks for the feedback! I do not know the thickness of my hair, other than it's more thin when compared to people with darker hair color (not sure how my thickness compares to other blondes). I have noticed that the recipient area hair seems to be a little less dense than my hair adjacent to the recipient area. This has bothered me a bit, but I don't know if it's noticeable to other people. Estimating the recipient area hair density did put me at ease however, since I realized that the density is very reasonable for a single operation. Your positive comments also give some good external perspective on the matter, as it's easy to lose perspective when you have stared your own hair for so long.
  2. I wouldn't say red, but it is still a bit darker than my normal skin color. This is probably because I'm super pale, due to avoiding sunlight to my face religiously.
  3. Here are 3 photos 11 month after the operation, that were not taken under direct sun light: '
  4. Hello, I had a FUT with 3200 grafts done 15 months ago in Europe (at age 39), for the price of around 9500 euros. The goal was to achieve a bit more youthful hairline. Since I don't have much judgement when it comes to hair-transplants, I would like to ask the more experienced people in this forum to give some feedback on the results. At this point I won't share more details about where the procedure was done, so that I won't affect your opinion in advance with any preconceived notions. First, here are photos one week after the operation, showing you the recipient area: Below are current photos, 15 months after the operation: Below are photos taken before the operation, for the sake of comparison (the lighting, my pose, and camera positioning are a bit different): Finally, I tried to estimate the recipient area graft density from a close-up ph oto. The average density is probably somewhere between 45-75 grafts per square centimeter.
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