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Everything posted by Beehive

  1. I don't think stopping hairloss at this point might be enough. If it stays like that I'd be better off with shaving it bald, but at the moment I am uncomfortable to do so. At the moment those are too pricey for me. Medication might help in the long run but since I don't want to stay like this (proceeded to far already). I finally got to make those photos. Hopefully that makes it easier to judge, would really enjoy your opinion please.
  2. That's how I found Dr. Resul Yaman actually, and I am, so I guess, halfway through all of the forums posts about him and his work. I see, I actually was told by Smile that I got Norwood scale 6. From your answers I am currently thinking about trying to wait a bit and trying medication.
  3. That’s about 5 times the price of the other two. It’s well above my limit.
  4. I don’t really have a fixed budget (sure I don’t want to pay 5k+ but a few hundreds more or less is alright) I want it to be a good procedure, and price-performance is what’s important to me.
  5. I am not on medication and never was. None of the people contacted me about any medication to be honest. I will share photos as soon as I get home. Thank you. Thank you, I’ll have a look. Do you know about the price range? The ones I mentioned were pretty alright between 2-3k €.
  6. Hello everybody, I am 28 years old, got blonde relatively thin hair and it began to thin out about 4-5 years ago. My hairdresser told me at the moment it stopped thinning out but I am unsure. I got a genetically receding hairline and on the top of my head the hair is very thin. Donor area is still full of hair. Everyone I contacted so far told me I’d need about 3500 Grafts but I don’t know whom to chose since everyone seemed competent: Smile Hair Clinic (found out about from social media), 3300-3800 Grafts Dr. Resul Yaman (found out about in this forum), 3500 - 4000 Grafts Elithair (found out about a work colleague), 3500 Grafts Can you help me which to choose or which to definitely NOT choose? Thank you very much
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