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Posts posted by braun453

  1. Hi @HappyMan2021, thanks for the reply!

    So the first procedure was done almost 2 years back and the repair surgery was done 3 weeks ago at Eugenix, Delhi.

    There were 2 issues mainly with the first procedure.

    1. Many doubles and triples implanted and thereby cobblestoning at the roots of these grafts.

    2. Bad moustache line. Too thick, not dense and non-symmetrical shape/outline.


    The repair procedure - 

    1. Got most of the doubles and triples extracted. The extraction area is already healing well with no noticeable scars. The cobblestones also vanished (almost) along with the extracted grafts. Placed them back in the back of the head (since my donor area was royally f*cked by the first "doctor").

    2. Also, extracted all the grafts that were too high above the lips, to form a narrow moustache. I wanted a thin and decently dense moustache that goes well with my overall facial hair.

    3. FUE'd ~100 beard grafts from the neck area and transplanted in the upper lip area (below the new hairline) to increase the density.


    I am happy overall with the clinic's work (but boy are they expensive!). The current issue is that quite a few hairs from the extracted sites are starting to grow back. I understand this is a possibility. So, I'd like to use LHR to kill these hairs off (these aren't newly implanted grafts, should be old hairs which weren't fully extracted growing back) and get a nice, natural looking hairline in my moustache area.

    Just wondering how long to wait before getting LHR because even though they are not new hairs, I assume the skin in the FUEd area must be still healing.

  2. My botched transplant was repaired by Eugenix last year and they did a fabulous job with minimal scarring at the extraction sites where hair was previously transplanted. Also the newly transplanted sites had minimal cobblestoning, so I'm happy.

    Now I need to go for another round of repair but Eugenix seems an expensive option. Wondering if there are other clinics in India which extract transplanted hair with minimal scarring and relocate them.

    Appreciate your replies ☺️


  3. Why is the density so low in your first two pics? Are you shaving the recipient area?

    I remember telling you that FUEing out the cobblestoned grafts restored the underlying skin back to normal but mind you, it was in a very small patch. I am not sure if an area as big as your recipient can be extracted without further scarring. You may need to pick and choose the bad ones and let the others be. You need to the opinion of an expert, best in person. I'd say start with Eugenix. 

    Btw I've also observed that the appearance of cobblestones gets better with time, hopefully that happens to you too. 

    If you are ok losing the transplanted hair, you can explore the route of lasering them off, then few sessions of MNRF/laser resurfacing may help skin get back to normal. I'm guessing this would work based on my experience, I'm NOT an expert.

    Also start wearing hats. At least until things get better. Wonder if there's any traditional Nepali headgear you can rock lol

    Name and shame the clinic and the absolute butcher of a doctor.

  4. Sure. May be I wasn't clear, I got two beard transplants done actually. The first one was from a noname clinic (biggest mistake of my life). The beardline was too high, there were small bumps at the roots of most of the transplanted hairs and many of them doubles and triples. It all ended up looking unnatural, may be even grotesque.

    The second one was at Eugenix. I only wanted to correct the hairline then. They FUE-ed the bad grafts and placed them further down. This was good enough for me then. 

    Wherever they extracted healed completely, leaving no trace of any cobblestone there previously. And the hair implanted by them also looks close to natural (singles, no bumps, naturally spaced out).

    Even though things are better for me after Eugenix, I would still say to anyone considering a beard transplant a big NO! Run as far away from clinics that sell beard transplants as you can! Whatever you do, your transplanted beard will never look natural. 

    Transplants are an option only if you are looking to fill in gaps in your hair. They look ugly when they are used to 'create' hair from scratch in a no-hair zone.

  5. Meanwhile I also consulted an aesthetic plastic surgeon in my city for making my bumpy recipient skin smooth, he suggested a "hybrid therapy" involving some kind of laser, similar to mole removal treatment. Not sure how effective it's going to be but I'm willing to give it a try. Does anyone know if such a treatment works?

    All I read online is that cobblestoned skin cannot be saved yada yada. I wonder, all this progress in medical field but there isn't a tried and tested solution for cobblestoning.

  6. I am one of the people who got beard transplant repair work done at Eugenix. I guess it's difficult to get Dr. Pradeep or Dr. Arika to work on you but the technicians there are also pretty good. Dr. Arika only gave the initial guidance required for the technician to do his job, and there was another doctor present throughout the surgery overseeing things.

    Everything went pretty smooth for me, as in there are no scars where the punches were made and transplanted hair extracted out. And also the transplanting was done neatly, no cobblestoning or scarring. I still have quite a few transplanted hairs with cobblestones at the roots. I think I should mention, I'm done getting the beard hair right and have been clean shaving since 7-8 months after the surgery. Since few cobblestones are still left, I feel awkward going out and staying in public for long time. I'm starting to learn to not care so much.

    When I get time, I'm planning to FUE out the rest of the cobblestoned hair (mostly doubles) to get my smooth skin back. At least on my bumpy skin, FUE repair at Eugenix worked out. YMMV.

  7. @Beneke I got unwanted transplanted hair in my beard transplant removed with virtually no scarring (not all of it but most, at Eugenix, India). I'm much more happier with my beard line now but the first clinic transplanted many doubles and triples, I can not grow it out because it looks very weird even with a more natural contour.

    I'm shaving it all off everyday and it looks ok to me, but the recipient skin is damaged. I want to reduce the small bumps/cobblestones how much ever I can. My dermatologist suggested to go for LHR to reduce the transplanted hair thickness and CO2 fractional laser or RF microneedling to reduce the bumps by 30-40%. I'm happy with that number and planning to get this done.

    Beard transplant was a mistake, thanks Eugenix for repairing whatever they could. I'd say get a patch test done, not everyone scars with the small punches they use to extract bad hair.


  8. I got a beard transplant done about 10 months ago at a whatshisname clinic just because it was close by to where I live without researching much. Biggest mistake of my life. I got doubles, triples and even four follicles coming out a single spot one side of the face, the other side is ok. The doc started with the singles on the left side and by the time he got to the right side of the face I guess he just got tired and plugged in many doubles and triples. The result turned out looking unnatural obviously. Not even the outline he drew over my face before surgery was followed through but that another issue.

    I'm planning to get a repair done from a reputed clinic now and have a good plan before I reach out to any of the good ones. Here's what I'm thinking, please let me know your opinion -

    FUE out the most awkward looking doubles and triples, separate them out into singles and transplant the singles

    1. on other side of the face where there won't be any FUE extraction
    2. in slits made immediate adjacent extraction site 
    3. back in the extraction sites and adjacent areas - is this even possible to do?

    My preference is 3 > 2 > 1 but I'm not sure about the feasibility of #2 and #3.

    #1 would increase density on the right side but leave the left side barren :D, wouldn't look good.

    Friends and experts, comment on #2 and #3 approaches please. Is it possible to extract from a site and then transplant in the area just next to it? Will it heal normally without scarring? 


  9. I want to get rid of transplanted hair in unwanted areas of my beard transplant (my moustache transplant is little too broad and rounded). I'm evaluating electrolysis vs FUEing the unwanted grafts. I understand that with FUE the extracted grafts can be reused elsewhere but I am not concerned about that. My donor is still very strong.

    I do have slightly raised skin at the transplanted spots. Wondering if FUE will help in reduction of the raised skin look compared to electrolysis. If yes, then I will go for an FUE extraction. Else, electrolysis seems to be much simpler technique. 

    Looking for a comparison between these two methods for transplanted hair removal. Thanks!

  10. I have minor cobblestoning (I don't know if you can call it that, it seems to be slightly raised skin at the implant site) in my beard transplant done 5 months back. Also few grafts were placed in unwanted areas giving it unnatural look (Duck the last surgeon and the clinic). I now consulted with the best clinic in the country, the doctor said they can extract the unwanted hair grafts with minimal scarring. I trust the clinic and the doctor but without a mental picture of how the skin is going look and feel after the extraction, it's a tough decision to make. 

    If the raised skin/cobblestoning stays even after the extraction, I don't think it is gonna look very nice - raised skin with no hair. May be I'm better off with raised skin with hair. I'm unable to decide. I am not hoping that the recipient skin levels out with native skin but at least if the 'raisedness' reduces, I think I'd be happy.

  11. Would like to be aware of the possible medical treatments or home remedies to reduce the size of bumps at the root of the hair/make the recipient skin smoother and blend into the virgin skin around? From my research online, this is what I found

    1. Microneedling
    2. Dermabrasion
    3. CO2 laser resurfacing
    4. FUE out the hair follicles with large bumps?

    Of course none of these should be done without extensive research and expert doctor consultation and not before you heal fully. This list is just to be aware about the available treatments in case things go south.

  12. 20 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    Ok. At six weeks things could really settle down and everything is still healing. Keep us updated and be sure to discuss this with your doctor who performed the surgery. All the best!

    Thanks for responding, making me feel better. Sorry for pestering you with my questions, things do seem to be settling down. But please tell me you don't mean things would settle down now at this stage but they'd get worse later haha

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    How long ago did you have surgery? I wouldn't be doing anything surgical for at least 12 months.

    Been 6 weeks now. Not going to do anything surgical now, will stick to wet shaving the areas with unwanted hair.

    I don't have many bumps now, probably because I think I'm in the shedding phase now. My only worry is that bigger and more permanent bumps are going to come back when the hair actually starts to grow.. does it actually happen?

  14. 40 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    It is true and it has been my own personal experience that scars. discoloration and texture do improve over time. However they will never disappear but over the years they do continually improve, albiet, subtly. All the best!

    I'm actually happy with the way I'm healing, bumps are almost gone and the discoloration too, I'm 6 weeks in (very very unhappy and angry about the hairline on the moustache, I may laser/electrolyze/FUE out the unwanted hair in few months, I'm sticking to wet shaving off those small areas for now).

    But I'm sorta worried that bumps are going to come back when the hair actually starts to grow..

  15. 17 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    Who was your surgeon and how long are you post op? I would wait and speak with your doctor. Even if you do have cobblestoning the hairs themselves should mask this and the redness in time will subside. I had 4,500 grafts removed from my beard six months ago and the scarring in some parts took time to clear up. Some areas healed in a matter of weeks. Patience is your key. All the best!

    Aside from the topic but you must really love living on the edge to decide to remove so many beard grafts! I'd be scared to death thinking about the possible scarring on the face haha. Happy that your skin is healed now :)

    • Thanks 1
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