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Everything posted by toasteroven

  1. Hey, Any thoughts on how long to stay in Istanbul post-surgery? I’m flying business class, direct, but it’s still a 13 hour flight! I plan to spend at least one day after surgery, but…should I consider two or three? Thanks!
  2. How big is the risk to existing hair with a transplant? No, I'm not talking about temporary shock loss. Dr. Konoir's website mentions the possibility that grafts can permanently damage already weakened hairs. Is this something to worry about if you're on medication and working with a reputable surgeon? I ask because I'm a diffuse, patterned thinner and will need transplants around existing hair. Thank you! Source: https://www.chicagohairinstitute.com/blog/2015/10/16/understanding-the-risk-of-shock-163737
  3. Yeah, personally, I can’t imagine doing FUT. I listed them in order of grafts recommended—lowest to highest!
  4. I consulted with Mohebi, Panine, Vories, Turan, Shapiro, Bicer, Nadimi, Wong. I was honestly just hoping for two to say the same thing!
  5. I'm a 34 year-old, white man with dark blond hair. My hair has been thinning since my early twenties. I've been on finasteride for 8 years and oral minoxidil for 2 months. As you can probably see, my hairline is still very much intact but I'm thinning diffusely throughout. I'm not so worried about losing it all because my father and uncles have all followed the same pattern and still retained a good amount of hair. My biggest concerns are the two patches in the front and the spot on my crown. I'm not looking for the density of a sixteen year old, just a nice even coverage of my scalp. I've consulted exclusively with doctors recommended by the forum. I asked for estimates of grafts for the front and back. The only doctor I was able to see in person said 2,000 grafts total. But another said 2,500. And another, 3,000. And another, 4,000. And another, 4,500. They all had different splits for the front and back too. Suffice to say, I'm totally confused! The doctors I got the best vibes from were those in the middle: 2,500; 3,000; 4,000. I want a good result, but I also don't want to burn through all my donor in the event I need touch ups in the future. Maybe I should start on the lower end and prepare myself for the possibility of a second procedure? Thank you for your thoughts!
  6. I was hoping for a discussion of the risks and rewards of traveling abroad for a hair transplant! I'm based in California and I'm in the fortunate position of being able to afford a surgery in the United States. But based on my consultations, it seems my surgery is going to be larger in graft count and so traveling will mean sizable savings. (Think $10-12,000.) It's not just savings motivating me either, as Dr. Bicer in Turkey has done similar cases to mine and her work really impresses me. That being said, I'm a little hesitant about traveling abroad for a medical procedure. I know it's unlikely, but in the event something goes wrong, I worry about being far from home and outside the protection of my medical insurance. There's already so much unknown in taking this leap; adding in travel to a country I've never visited (and where I don't speak the language) only compounds to it! My question is: Are there any real risks to traveling abroad? Or is this just anxiety talking? I'm sure I'm not the only one who's wrestled with this issue. Any and all advice is recommended!
  7. I was wondering if anyone on this forum has had a surgery—or even a consultation—with Michael Pan. He is relatively young, having only completed his residency in dermatology in 2019, but trained personally under Parsa Mohebi. According to the receptionist I spoke with, Pan is now full time at the practice doing surgeries of his own. I know that Mohebi is one of the best in the world and recommended by this forum, but does that recommendation extend to the doctors working under him? I should mention that there’s not just Pan, but also Dr. Manu Gujrati at the practice. They can’t possibly be as expert as their boss, but I imagine they’re both still very good—or at least safe bets? I ask because I’m based in Los Angeles and I’m considering plunking down the $200 for a consultation. https://parsamohebi.com/meet-dr-pan/
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