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Everything posted by thebullyeagle

  1. My hair on one side has been receding faster now and I don't know what to do. I'm thinking about using minoxidil from Walmart but don't know what brand to buy. I also am using castor oil right now cuz I don't want to be to dependant on minoxidil cuz I heard once u start u can't stop or it will fall out again. I showed pics of my thinning receding part verse my thick healthy side of hair. Im only experienc hairloss on one side of my hairline.I first started noticing in on oneside where my edges were falling out.then the actual hair around it started thinning then receding. Pls help I'm only a teen. What should I use from a local convenience store cuz my parents won't let me order anything online cuz they think it's a waste.
  2. My friend took a pic and made fun of me and now I'm obsessing over it. I'm a teen btw.
  3. ye but my parents are pretty stubborn and they wont budge until they see me go like 99% bald.
  4. cuz its not tested for people under 18 so my parents dont want me using it
  5. So since i cant talk any minoxidl and finasteride cuz im a teen still, i was thinking about applying some topical oils like castor oil, coconut oil, and rosemary oil. and other stuff like that but i searched it up and a lot of those say it inhibits dht and i know im still a teen and need dht so im wondering if i should still buy and apply those to my hair and scalp.
  6. Hi guys I realized I didn't put a photo of my hair when I style it to look better. So here's an image of when I kind try to hide it. It looks pretty good except that part of my hairline at the right where u can see a little bit of thinning. But when I don't hide it u can see a lot of thinning. It's just starting to thin there. And looks a bit uneven cuz that part used to be filled in with hair. The second picture is from a couple of months ago and u can see I used to have lots of baby hair/ real hair covering that spot
  7. Hi so im 15 and im kind of thinning/receding on one side and throughout the day i get like random pains in the side where im receding. the other side is completley fine, but the pains kind of feel like my hair is being pulled out even tho its not being strecthed out. like im not doing a really tight hairstyle im pretty much just sweeping my hair to one side. it just happens randomly throughout the day and im wondering if thats normal.
  8. Ye but is there anything else other than topical minoxidl and other chemicals and medicines. im currently eating vitamins and they have biotin but ive been eathing them for years so i dont think they have helped much. i wanna go the natural route cuz my parents think im too young.
  9. Ye I thought it was a mature hairline at first but it's been like a few months ever since it started and it's only that one side. The other side is completely healthy and normal and shows no signs of thinning. But I'm not sure tho.
  10. Oh do you think that its just stress induced then? Cuz i mean ye my other side is totally unaffected but i thought it just takes time for both to recede. The only problem with my hair is that its super thin on one side and i can see through it. i think the inflammation that ur talking about is just my acne lol im a teenager.
  11. yes I do but they all balded in their late 20's and late 30's not teens. Im the only one. my brother is 18 and he shows no signs of balding.
  12. I looked at it and it looks like its for anti dandruff? i also see lots of sulfates and parabens. isnt that bad for hair?
  13. Ill be sure to ask my dermatologist in a few months. I have an appointment with im for my acne so I think im going to ask him the next time i see him
  14. I really dont want to lose my hair so early in life.
  15. Ye ive compared it and its definately thinner and i can see a lot more scalp, but is there anything i could do at my age to fix it?
  16. So ever since i was 14 ive been noticing my hairline receding/thinning. So right now its only on one side of my hairline, the other part of my hairline is completely healthy. But the other side is not. At first the baby hairs on that side fell out and then it started to recede. I was ok with that, but now more hair is thinning and I can see my scalp clearly and its continuing to thin even tho im only 15. And i cant take minoxidl or finasertide cuz im under 18. also my parents wont let me try anything natural cuz they think its impossible to bald at my age. pls help me.
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