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Everything posted by Xeal

  1. Hey there RHT. Thanks so much for the response. I'm 32 now. At around 21 I lost a LOT of hair density, almost all within 6-8 months. It was very unusual and I thought at that rate I would be bald by 23-24 at best. At the age of 23 I noticed it had just slowed down drastically. I'd say I lost 75% of the density that I've lost between 21-23 (mostly in the first 6-8 months), and then a further 25% from 23-32 (today). I can't tell whether it was the FIN that slowed it down even long after I stopped taking the drug (it definitely did leave my with some mild side effects even today. Not having morning wood has become totally common for me, but all my blood work is normal, and I am healthy and happy. I had not worried about my hair for the last 5 or so years at all. I get the usual short haircut, comb my hair to the sides, and mostly no-one notices or says anything negative. I would also rather go bald than deal with any more side affects, and hence I am opposed to taking FIN again. I appreciate your input regarding the HT, and totally understand. Are there any other natural non surgical options that are FULLY side affect free that you recommend could help even a little bit? I've read about people getting bloated faces, dark circles, etc from Minoxidil, and that's the only reason I've so far stayed away from that. I am tempted to buzz my hair down to a number 1-2 guard to see how bad my hairless has gotten. It's always a reality check when the hair is not there to conceal the scalp and cannot be brushed sideways. Thanks once again for the response.
  2. It definitely sucks. As I mentioned earlier, fin worked like an absolute charm for me. I'm so happy I stumbled across this forum. I had a consultation with a team at hair of Istanbul (I am happy to do the hair transplant anywhere really and not worried about the cost), but I stumbled across them online and just had a chat. They seemed to think I was a good candidate, and I read alot of reviews here on folks that have had extremely bad results with Turkey. I will be avoiding it. And yes, I did have the same issues. Lesser extent, but same issues. Mind you, topical Spiro ALSO worked like magic for me. Sucks
  3. I would honestly rather not. I got depressed facing what I did in my early 20s with the side effects. I'm terrified of using anything that has even a 0.1% chance of affecting my sex drive.
  4. Thanks for the replies gents. I must say, I'm generally prone to side effects from meds it seems. I'm not sure what the actual rate is, but I can say that I am certainly one of the few that has side effects that never entirely went away. I to date dont have my natural morning erections and I definitely dont have the entire sensation back. My blood work is normal, and fortunately, I have no issues anymore (it took years to get better) with having sex. Very very occasionally will I have an issue, but not to the extent that it bothers me. I'm married recently, and I'm happy. I haven't been worrying about my hair for years, but seeing it gradually thinning further, I've been debating trying to get something that can at least maintain or prolong my hairless. I use nothing for my hair, and use Head and shoulders, which has been the only shampoo that has helped stop my mild dandruff. Fin took only a few weeks to make my hair look perfect, worked like a charm, but to me its not worth losing my sex drive. The last time I buzzed my head was 2 years ago, and when it's very short, no-one can really tell I'm balding as I dont have bald spots. I have a full beard and a good shape on my head, which definitely helps the overall look. Minoxidil I've avoided because I've read of the dark circles it can cause. I naturally have a bit of dark circles, and I made the decision to avoid that as well. I really dont want to correct my hair (potentially temporarily), only to have dark circles stick around forever. I have to say. I can't be sure that had I not used FIN, would I have already been bald now? I have no clue. But going by the fact that my hair started thinning out heavily at a very early age, even I am sometimes surprised I still have an almost full head (albeit thin) of hair 10 years later.
  5. I essentially couldn't maintain an erection no matter what. I tried to ride it out, but it seems like I was extremely prone. It took years for me to gain back sensitivity, and even then, I never recovered 100%. My hair was exceptional though when I was on fin.
  6. Hey everyone. Just a quick intro. I'm 31 years old, and have had my hair thin very rapidly ever since I turned 21. It sort of stabilized around 23, and it's been very very gradually thinning since then. My hairline never receded, and I have phases where my hair looks better, and then worse again. I have my hair relatively short, and style it side ways. Not many people can always notice that I am balding. When it is shorter than usual, I do get comments from my friends when it gets more obvious. I tried finasteride when I was 23 for around 10 months, but it gave me horrible side effects, and so I decided to stop using it. I then used a topical Spiro for a year, and believe it or not, that gave me some side effects as well, and I stopped that too. Its been roughly 5-6 years now where I have done nothing for my hair whatsoever. I'm not opposed to shaving or buzzing my head down if I need to, but I feel as though if I am somewhat an "ideal" client for a FUE hair transplant, I'd definitely get one. I would really appreciate your thoughts and feedback and suggestions. I am more than happy to give it a shot, and can justify the expense, especially if folks with diffuse thinning can be ideal candidates. After the side effects I encountered with FIN, I am really against using any meds that have potential side effects anymore. Would really appreciate your thoughts and feedback. Happy to share any more pictures that could help with the judgment.
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