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Posts posted by zenmu

  1. 39 minutes ago, John1991 said:

    The middle is definitely going a bit, and if you're as young as you appear that's not a great sign.  That said, you still have very strong hair and you're on preventative medication so that's good.  Your design is too aggressive and I think it would leave you with a bit too flat/low of a hairline.  If you temper it back a bit more I think somewhere in the 2200-2500 range could potentially give you a great result.  Given how strong your hair is, you need the transplant done very densely or you'll have a whispy, horrid lower hairline in front of all the rest of that good hair you have.  To actually do the design you're proposing densely enough would probably be just north of 3000 grafts.  I'm not saying my design is perfect, but I think something more along those lines might suit you better as time passes.  The most important thing that can be stressed to you is that if you do proceed with a transplant, you need to go to someone who produces dense, crisp hairlines.  Better to have the hairline be a tad higher and strong than lower and weak.

    Screen Shot 2022-07-24 at 6.57.51 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2022-07-24 at 6.58.56 PM.png

    i agree with this design. also, im so desperate for a normal hairline i wouldn’t even mind a thinner one since ive never had a normal hairline to begin tbh. but now that you mention it, i think i should be more cautious about where i go, thanks man

  2. 10 minutes ago, sukh123 said:

    21 lol have you even finished university if you went lol . Way too young to be getting. A hair transplant . Fin for a year to see the direction your hair loss is going, but any ethical surgeon should not do a transplant on you yet till you see the direction of your hair loss and be on fin for a year atleast 

    yeah ive decided id wait till 23/24 atleast, tbh i just wanna have my hairline normal as soon as possible since ive never had it like that bruh 😭 and no i didnt do uni, i actually have my own business! and yeah ima be on fin for a few years first.

  3. 5 minutes ago, sukh123 said:

    21 lol have you even finished university if you went lol . Way too young to be getting. A hair transplant . Fin for a year to see the direction your hair loss is going, but any ethical surgeon should not do a transplant on you yet till you see the direction of your hair loss and be on fin for a year atleast 


    6 minutes ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    21 is absolutely without a doubt way too young to get a hair transplant. 

    I am sorry nature has been so cruel to you, especially at an age when the vast majority of your peers do not have hairloss. 

    But this is life and life is not fair. 

    As hard as it may be, please learn some coping mechanisms, haircuts, fashion styles to live with your MPB until you are mid to late 20s. 

    Any doctor who would entertain operating on a 21 yr old is going to butcher you. 


    yeah fr it sucks, especially as my hair is nice besides the hairline, it messes up all my styles, my hair looks normal when its down but i just wanna experiment w my hair with a decent hairline 😭

    also i appreciate the response, but what do you mean by butcher me though? a bosley transplant clinic near me which is pretty well known allows hair transplants on people aged 21+ 

  4. 28 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

    The first two pictures are not how a male hairline would look and you may be going too low and that would eat up a bunch of grafts. Easily over 2000 if not near 3000. That's a significant amount. 

    How old are you?

    Are you on any medication like Finasteride, Minoxidil etc.?

    The truth is, depending on the above, maybe you could be a suitable hair transplant candidate but you need to re-adjust your hairline design by a bit. Realistically a bit higher and closer to the lowest part of the middle "island" as it were and then a wider flat U shape. Lowering a hairline for you with what looks like you're heading towards deeper Norwood 3 temple recession wouldn't be ideal.

    ive mentioned i was on finasteride for 3 weeks. im 21, ive been on min since 17 ill probably change the design so i can do 2500 grafts

  5. 5 minutes ago, John1991 said:

    The front is definitely going a bit, and if you're as young as you appear that's not a great sign.  That said, you still have very strong hair and you're on preventative medication so that's good.  Your design is far too aggressive and you're going to end up having too flat/low of a hairline.  If you temper it back a bit more I think somewhere in the 2200-2500 range could potentially give you a great result.  Given how strong your hair is, you need the transplant done very densely or you'll have a whispy, horrid lower hairline in front of all the rest of that good hair you have.  To actually do the design you're proposing densely enough would probably be just north of 3000 grafts.

    im 21 my hairline has been like this since 13 which is really early, yet it didnt get worse for 4 years when i was 17 and now it still hasn’t worsened so i dont know how my hair is going to be years from now but ive been on minoxidil since 17 so maybe it preserved it some? i just started oral finasteride.  ill do what you recommend and change the design, im sure 2500 grafts would look great and i can get another one if i need it

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