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Steve B

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Posts posted by Steve B

  1. 6 hours ago, Bundles123 said:

    Hey guys, I fly out to dr bicer soon. hope you don’t mind me asking but did any of you guys pay buy card?, seen on quotation it might be an additional cost if payed by card but don’t really want to be carry all that cash on me either. Also was it easy enough getting picked up from airport etc? 


    I didn’t pay by card. I believe I paid the deposit online and then USD cash in person (at the equivalent rate they quoted). I stayed at the Sheraton mostly because the closer spot was booked up. Sheraton was great but Ive heard great things about both spots so I don't think you can go wrong (Sheraton’s rates were a bit more price wise per night though). 

    I opted to have them arrange airport pickups/transfers. Worked out fine but I also recommend you get cell phone service for peace of mind in case you need to call/text them. Then during my stay I just walked around mostly to the mall area. The mall had a lot of food options too. I did do one day trip to Ayasofya (Hagia Sophia) and the Blue Mosque just to see the sights while I was there (I stayed over the weekend and had an extra day to burn before the procedure).

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 2/14/2023 at 6:43 PM, CharlesBarkley said:

    It looks good. I would like to see better quality photos. What are your feelings? Did this HT meet your expectations?

    Yeah im satisfied. I was told up front to keep my expectations in check. The focus was to build out a solid hairline and add some density behind it. I may have some thinning up top but unless someone is looking at me from above, it isnt as noticeable in person and i look great in photos. So i received what i expected. 

    Before this procedure, I did go to another specialist and they advised if I was worried about density behind the hairline I could consider micropigmentation. I dont think I need it right now and Im on min and fin to see how that helps by the end of the year. Hair fibers are also an option if things get noticeable and I dont want to do the micropigmentation. 


  3. 2 hours ago, Tres said:

    This is interesting, did you end up paying what they originally quoted you when they sent the offer after seeing your images? Or did they adjust the price according to the grafts they ended up using? I you don't mind me asking, did you pay cash or with card?

    I paid for 4000 grafts up front and paid in cash (deposit was electronic transfer). They didn’t adjust the price. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, DJ2210 said:

    Initially I said no but subsequently agreed on the basis face was blurred out etc.

    if that is a reason for lack of contact/aftercare then it’s not very professional given the amount of money it costs.

    anyhow, everything seems to be ok so thankfully not really needed anything.

    Who is your contact at Dr Bicer’s office? I agreed for photos only if my face was cropped or blurred. 

  5. 6 hours ago, DJ2210 said:

    What has your post op care been like? Have you had regular contact to see how you are progressing etc?

    I went with dr bicer in November and I’d say the after care is below what I was expecting based on other people experiences. Had a few questions which were answered but none of the updates, pictures, calls etc others have talked about. I have also requested details of the procedure (pics,graft count,split etc) on about 5 separate occasions and nothing.


    Sure, I’d be happy to answer any questions. Feel free to DM me as well.

    Initially I spoke with one of her staff to set up everything and answer any questions or concerns I had. They would liaise with Dr Bicer. I didn’t personally speak with Dr. Bicer prior to visiting the country but I was offered the opportunity for a call if I wanted. 

    After the surgery, I was offered to do a wash a day or 2 after but my flight was the following day so I declined. I did go in for a checkup before my flight though.

    After coming home, I was asked to submit photos each month to gauge the progress and I was given feedback on how things were going. I was also told that I can message them anytime (whatsapp) if I have any questions or concerns. They would be supporting me up to 1 year after the surgery.

    I’ve only been texting through whatsapp. I haven’t done any calls. They also told me my graft count after the surgery (it was a little over 4000 but I forget the exact number). 

  6. 5 hours ago, Spring15 said:

    Hey mate, are you able to share how you're looking now? Must be coming along nicely

    Yes, sorry, I’ve been caught up. Here are my results after 6-7 months post op.

    In short, very happy with the results thus far. Its a little thin at the top of my head just past my hairline but unless you are looking down at my head from above, you wouldn’t really notice. It doesn’t show in photos head-on. We’ll see how things fill in over the next 5 months. 





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  7. On 11/29/2022 at 5:21 AM, Tres said:

    Bit of a silly question, what kinda hat did you get that was possible to be worn after the procedure? One of these top hat ones? Also, my surgery is on a Saturday as well, was hoping to fly home by Sunday as well… 😬

    Sorry for the late reply! I wore the fisherman hat Dr Bicer gave me on my way home. Then I got my own loose fitting fisherman hat for the first couple of weeks.

    Hope the procedure and trip went well!

    • Like 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, ray35 said:

    Cool, wow so you had a quick turn around. I keep thinking I'd want to hang in country and let grafts take but then I see folks like you who are jet setting around hardly 48hrs out from surgery😅 and not having an issue whatsoever with results. It's a long flight, were you keeping the grafts sprayed down in flight?

    Yeah so I actually spent that Sunday doing some touristy stuff. But yeah I had my mind set just heading back home as soon as she cleared me. She gave me a hat to wear over my head to prevent touching the area during travel and I slept with a neck pillow to prevent turning my head. You just need to be careful that you dont touch the hair until its safe to start washing on your own (she recommended using gloves to avoid accidentally scratching from nails). 

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, ray35 said:

    Great results, did you have them do that first wash before you left? You mentioned 3 nights, was that your stay? Really phenomenal results thus far!

    I wasn’t able to do the first wash there. I was in Turkey over a weekend so the office was closed Sunday. I flew in Sat, had the procedure on Monday and then left Tuesday after a checkup. If she recommends doing the wash, I’d go for it. The timing just didn’t work out for me.

    • Like 1
  10. On 11/17/2022 at 4:46 PM, GaryJ said:

    Great results so far. Did you wash on day 3? I am going to Nader in three weeks and heard he suggest to lightly wash the transplanted area on day 3. 

    Yes I believe she wanted me to start (lightly) washing after day 3 and every day after. And I do mean “lightly”. I had to use bepanthol cream on the area and then wash with baby shampoo. I had to be careful not to rub too hard or scratch with my nails as the area (and follicles) were very sensitive to damage. Was a little nerve racking lol. I recommend following Nader’s advice to the T. And always ask as many questions as you want. 


  11. On 8/6/2022 at 6:08 AM, CrustShip said:

    Looks really amazing Steve! How far in advance were you booked in with Dr Bicer? What's the best method of getting in touch with them? I've sent a whatsapp but I'm awaiting a response. Cheers

    Hey! Sorry for the delay. I contacted them through whatsapp about 3 months before surgery. She was booked up until February at the time. I asked that they let me know if anything opened up sooner. It kinda worked out because not only did I end up getting a sooner date (someone canceled) but I also had time to get 2nd and 3rd opinions.
    I used the number from her instagram. I think its the same on the site. I spoke with Doruk and Ozen to get set up. Whatsapp seems to be the best method but they could take a few days to get back initially. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, ener said:

    Looks very good and clean for me.

    Do you have a picture from the donor before Surgery?


    Next year I go to bicer too. 

    I forgot to take a pic right before the surgery but I have this pic from a month ago. (The flash exaggerates the hair but i do have early signs of hair thinning at the crown. Hoping fin and min will fix/extend that)


    • Like 1
  13. I had my procedure on July 18, 2022. First set of photos was before the procedure, followed by after they shaved my head (makes it easier to work with), then some photos immediately after surgery and then the morning after when they removed the bandages. A little over 4000 grafts (I needed a lot). I also just started fin last month (my choice after consulting with a different doctor a few months prior) and plan to continue taking it to make sure my existing hair lasts long. Dr Bicer advised I would likely experience further hair loss of my existing hair up top but my donor area in the back was apparently very good. She packed the graphs up front to secure the hairline and then transitioned a bit going towards the back to blend in and secure the areas that existing hair would probably fall out (hoping fin will help delay that). 

    Honestly impressed and extremely satisfied with Dr Bicer and her staff with my FUE. They have been very welcoming and accommodating right from the start.

    Making a decision for elective surgery is never easy. I spent months doing research and interviewing with a few doctors before coming across Dr Bicer. Im based in NY and thought maybe it would be best to have it done locally. Although I had confidence in the doctors here, I just felt far more comfortable with Dr Bicer.

    I echo the other reviews and recommendations here to say she is very experienced and well known in the field (please google her if you haven't done so). My only hesitation was travel to Istanbul (I have never been there prior). But things could not have gone smoother (it’s a beautiful country with friendly people and great food!)

    Dr Bicer and her staff took care of everything to ensure my stay was comfortable and stress free. I opted for an extra option to have them secure the airport transfer and booking hotel stay for me (the rates fluctuate but I paid 500 Euro for 3 nights stay and airport transfer). Her staff also provided recommendations on where to eat and visit, etc. They were always available through Whatsapp anytime I had questions. Really made the whole process smooth. These are the kinds of things that I found which set her apart from the other options I looked into.

    Her professional opinion and openness to designing the procedure according to my needs was critical for me. She even went out of her way to make adjustments during the surgery to make sure I was satisfied with the procedure based on my concerns and last minute conditions. I did not get this kind of attention to care from other doctors in the states who seemed to want to force one procedure or design over what I asked for. Nothing against those other surgeons, but it seemed like they wanted to push the type of procedure that was easier for them to do vs what was best for me. 

    Lastly, and I cannot stress this enough, do you research and ask questions! Dr Bicer and her staff will make sure you are 100% comfortable and leave happy.

    Honestly, the only part of the entire experience that I didn’t like was applying the anesthesia. For a short period, they have to poke you with anesthesia that stings (I have a low pain tolerance) but it isn’t that long and after that they will test you and apply more in any areas you still have feeling/pain. From there on out, it was smooth. I felt no pain at all and even fell asleep for a few hours of laying there with music playing. Dr Bicer and her staff are with you and she only takes one patient surgery a day (vs some hair mills in turkey that push quantity over quality to rush you in/out and having multiple patients going at the same time from what I have read). You are the prime focus the day of the surgery.

    After the surgery, she gives you a hair care kit and prescription meds with instructions to maximize the healing process. Her and her staff remain in contact with you for the full year after, checking in and asking to see photos to gauge progress. 

    Anyways, feel free to ask any questions! I received a lot of help from forums like this and happy to pay it forward. 









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  14. 10 minutes ago, Royce said:

    Appreciate your response and your sage advice - she sounds incredible.  Out of curiosity, did you consult with Nader at all?

    I did not. I live in NYC so was really hoping to book something local. After consulting with 2 people here, I started expanding my search and ultimately chose to look in Istanbul for a few reasons:

    -Affordability compared to the states. (The Euro and Lira conversions are very favorable from the US Dollar at the moment!)

    -New place to visit (I spent a few extra days prior exploring and doing the touristy things). 
    -Most of the research I did was easier to look up in Istanbul than other places. 

    I have nothing against Mexico by any means and have heard great things. Like anywhere else, there are good experiences and not so great experiences wherever you go. I just happened down a path that led me here. 

    • Like 1
  15. I literally just completed my HT from Dr Bicer yesterday (FUE). Had a great experience. Dr Bicer and her staff were very accommodating. I plan on posting about it once I get home to the states.

    Obviously too early for results but from the planning to the procedure itself, was very impressed and comfortable. I had never been to Istanbul and was more nervous about travel/food/lodging than the surgey itself lol. But her staff helps you get set up, they took care of a lot for me with hotel and airport transfer reservations. 

    After interviewing with a few doctors here in the states, what ultimately led me to take the plunge was her openness and overall feel of “honesty”. Other doctors seemed to push one type of procedure over another or one hairline vs the one I wanted, etc. and while I respect their opinions, I felt they were pushing what was easier for them to do rather than what I wanted. Dr Bicer was honest about what to expect during the surgery and post op (positive or negative) and worked with me to accommodate my questions, concerns, and preferences. I was the only surgery booked that day (she is not a hair mill) and she puts the focus on me vs some of the other stories I have read here about other clinics that push quantity over quality.

    Best advice given to me that I pass along to you, do your research! Google, reddit, and of course here. Go on multiple consultations to compare and get a feel. Everyone’s situation is different.

    Hope this helps.

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