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Everything posted by akaraftw

  1. Hi, im looking to get advice on how to proceed for my hair transplant future. i have never used finasteride/Minoxidil before but i will start using it very soon. I have spoken to some doctors in the past year and this is what they said Dr Jerry Wong : FUT 4000 grafts 20k CAD Dr Ozlem Bicer : declined me because i was too young and should wait until im 30 years old to do a hair transplant to see future hair loss. Dr Asmed Erdogan : FUE 4000-5000 grafts 12.5k euro (option with more involvement from Dr) or 8.5k euro (with less involvement) HLC clinic Turkey: FUE 4500 grafts 15.5k euro Dr Felipe Pittella : FUE 8500 grafts giga-session 32k usd (Dr full involvement) or 25.5k usd (less involvement) or 17k usd (even less involvement) I have big of area to cover, a hair transplant will not be cheap for my case so im trying to save as much as i can but i still want good results. i understand that 2 or 3 hair transplants will be needed for the future. I feel that around 7000 grafts is needed for my current state, but when i grow older i think an extra 3000 should be needed also. Body hair transplant will probably be needed. luckily i have really good beard/chest donor. I boiled it down to HLC or Asmed Clinic because i feel that’s where i can get the best HT for the price. but im open to advice on other clinics that you can recommend. Should i start out with an FUT to maximize my grafts or do you think that some clinics are capable of doing the same work with FUE? I really dont like the idea of a scar in the back of my head but i’ll highly consider it if i can get more grafts for my future. and any recommendations for FUT clinics? Im looking on advice on how to proceed and if going with Asmed Clinic is a good idea since people label it as a “hair mill” or to pay a little more and go with HLC. Thanks you!
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