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Everything posted by Holstt

  1. Hi there, About my case: I am 37 years old from Danmark It is very important to me that the result is good - even though I have to travel or pay more? I am searching for a good clinic? - which can make a good density and natural hairline? In Denmark, everyone talks about Turkey being the best place to get it made, but there seems to be no agreement in here? I have been to a consultation at Nova hair in Denmark which recommended me 3000-3500 craft with FUE, 5600 euro in Berlin - Novahair.de - I do not know if the number of hairs sounds reasonable? Here are some pictures, would love to hear from you! 🙂
  2. It makes good sense, then it is important I find someone who is specialized in blond hair, can you recommend others than Dr. Bisanga or is he just the man to go to?
  3. Thank you, it is of course important how the hairs should be distributed, I actually had not even thought about, you get wiser and wiser in here, thank you
  4. It makes good sense, then it is important I find someone who is specialized in blond hair, can you recommend others than Dr. Bisanga or is he just the man to go to?
  5. It makes really good sense, my budget as such is not locked. Since I would rather have done it right the first time! 😁 Is he the best for blonde hair? and if there is a big difference between ligh / dark hair, then I may have to mention I have light and thin hair. I know there are a lot of threads but have a really hard time finding my way around them, Are there other places i can recommend?
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