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Posts posted by Snow

  1. 13 hours ago, Tres said:

    Thanks for posting an update and thanks for showing such a close shave on your donor, this is super interesting. Can't see it too well, but are there "indentations" or little holes on your donor scars, similar to acne scars? What size punch did Dr. Biçer use?

    Hi my friend, 

    you are more than welcome, hope it helps people when considering an ht. I dont see any indentations but some places still red, i Can take a close-up if you want? She used 0.7-0.8 punch size. 


  2. Hi fellas,

    3 month mark:

    I guess everything is going as it should, and im not sure if i see some growth yet, but let see for the next 4 weeks, some say it takes off after month 3. Still some redness but for sure it will be gone soon as i see its getting much better from where it was. I am still not on any medication and dont Think i Will ever be. 

    first 4 images is with flash, last one is without. 







    • Like 3
  3. 8 weeks update:

    I think everything is going well. I thought that i would be the exception but most of the ht have been shedding for good now, it just took longer than normal i guess, mostly week 6 or was it 5, cant really remember, where the ht shedded. This picture was taken with flash, still some redness and I Think its safe to say that im in the ugly stage now.. just have to keep believing.


    take care guys!




    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Eran said:

    Good luck! 
    from a very happy client of Dr. Bicer, you choose an excellent surgeon.




    Oh Ersan, I know you mate, have been looking at your results many times before, its simply amazing! If I only could get 50% of your results I would be more than happy, its a miracle that’s for sure! 

    hopefully I will get some good results as well.

    best regards

    • Like 1
  5. 1 month update:

    Hi everyone,

    everything going as planned i guess, im having shock loss but will cut the hairs where i havent have had hair transplant ( just my sides ) next week, so i think it’s ok. 

    I didnt shed the first 3 weeks but this week im seeing more and more hair coming of, but slightly, I will guess 40/50 percentage of the transplanted hair had shedded but not more maybe less, difficult to estimate, i just see a lot of the hair transplant is still there.

    as in one of my previous comments, I noticed that small hairs are popping up (not the transplanted area) besides the Long hair, hopefully its hair that i can count on to grow the next couple of months. Next update will be 2 month mark.








    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, StillAlive said:

    If you are using minox, maybe the hairs are growing because of that?

    Otherwise, it'd be really strange indeed. I've read that doing an HT can sometimes cause some major changes in the way the bloodstream is directed across hair follicles, so new growth may be a happy side-effect of that but really, it's anybody's guess what'll happen to those now :D

    PS Also possible that if you had experienced tellogen effluvium before or had temporary hair loss due to stress or lack of vitamins, you are seeing some healthy hair come back. 

    Oh bro, that would be amazing! I really wish that is something to do with me! Only time will show then!

    Im not on minoxidile nor any other meds, I changed diet and quit smoking shisha. Just crossing fingers for an great illusion of dense hair 😀


    best regards 

  7. 3 hours ago, StillAlive said:

    It's looking good man. Your implanted hair will normally go through several cycles before it grows into final, 'strong' hair, so don't panic if you see it all shed. The normal trajectory of an HT is that you get a preview once the scabs come off, then around months 2-3 you go full ugly duckling : all transplanted hair sheds, maybe some of your own hair sheds due to shock loss (temporarily, again, don't panic) and you look balder than ever. It's bandanna time. 

    Then at around Month 4, you start getting some slow proper growth and by Month 6, you can usually tell where things are headed. Month 8 will show you about 80% of the result.

    Now there's a very small percentage of people (around 5%) whose transplanted hair just keeps growing and they never go ugly duckling. There's no widely available scientific explanation for that but if you are one of the lucky few, also consider buying a lottery ticket, your odds are good. 

    So far so good, looking forward to your progress!

    Hi mate! 

    thank you for your message!

    Maybe i wasnt that clear😅 its not the transplanted hair that im talking about, they are still there and actually I wanted to mention it when im doing the “1 month update” that i only have shedded slightly, I’ll guess 30 percentage of the hair that I have transplanted is shedded, i still have a lot of the transplanted hair back, but i mean its only 1 month now, so there’s still some time for shedding i guess. 

    the hair that i was talking about is from the crown, there is so many small hairs popping up, and its not from the transplanted area, so I was just wondering if i could count on Them to grow? Cause then i Will get much more dense hair than pre surgery. 

    best regards 

  8. Hi guys,

    I’ll do the one month Update tomorrow, but i just observed some native hair growing all over the head. Can i count on them? Like will they grow? They are small compared to my other hairs, but if they grow more i will get so much more dense hair. Dont know why they are popping up since im not on any meds, just changed diet and quited smoking Shisha.

    I hope you see and understand what im saying😅

    best regards


  9. 3 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    Congratulations @Snow. You have not only picked who I believe to be the best in Turkey but a world wide top ranked surgeon. In many ways you remind me of myself. I was butchered very young (at 18) and after wearing a hair piece for many years had SMP. But like yourself I wanted my hair back if it was possible. I look forward to following your results and thanks for sharing!

    Hi gatsby!! Have been reading great answers from you! 
    yeah you know, make up for men is hair and beard, so if possible, we Will get it back! I still hope that this round Will be good enough to cover and give a more dense look when growing it long - for a while. Are you on any kind of meds? 

    cheers !

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Z-- said:

    Good choice! Bicer is easily Turkey's best right now, I feel. I think this go will get you a great hairline imo, but keep in mind you'll probably need another surgery for the crown and maybe to fill in frontal third based on the level of loss. Diffuse thinning is a pain in the ass but you did good this time around man.

    Thank you fella, appreciate it! Hopefully i Will have Long and enough hair to cover it for a while, maybe when i find out where to get minoxdile in tablets.

    cheers mate

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