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Everything posted by Jpaw

  1. One year results! I’m very happy with it. The left side is slightly weaker than the right but unless someone’s really inspecting it it looks great. Any questions ask. K thx
  2. I’ll upload pics next month at the one year mark. But spoiler. It’s lookin pretty good
  3. I hope! I think there’s maybe 4 other Caucasian results that people have shared. Their YouTube channel has a short video of a guy with hair similar to mine that had a super nice looking result. I think Caucasian patients are a big minority, she said many come from Korea and Singapore to hairtran
  4. I’m at 6 months, but my left side is looking weak. So I’m preparing I’ll need a touch up session. I’ve looked and I just want to see someone that had a transplant that was sort of weak. Then add like 500 grafts to make it look more dense, then show progress of what that looks like.
  5. 6 months, left side still lagging. But my hair is waaaaaaaaay fuller than before. It’s not before and after, it’s just in different lighting
  6. Yeah 2 months was the peak of my shedding, and the left side shed much more than the right. But I didn’t shed as much as some people maybe
  7. 5 month update, with and without camera flash. It seems to be coming in good, the left side is still behind a bit but seems to be catching up.
  8. 4 mo update, left side looks horrendous, right side is coming in great. Looking forward to how it will look in several months
  9. Laorwang was $4000 for 2000 grafts which he said I needed. Patty had a special $2650 (95000 baht) for 2500 grafts. Judging by all the other hair transplants I've seen. I felt I needed 2500 rather than 2000 grafts. Plus it was cheaper and she seemed great. So it was a no brainer to me
  10. I only compared Laorwang and patty. And after meeting at hairtran I didn't see the need to look at other doctors I guess. I don't know anything about Dr path, I just looked him up and his before and after pictures look pretty good
  11. The only other clinic I considered was Dr laorwong. He quoted me $4000 for 2000 grafts. Hairtran had a deal for about $2650 for 2500 grafts, which is what I felt like I needed from looking at other hair transplants. I met with her and did a consultation and immediately trusted them. It's a smaller office that only does one surgery a day and Dr patty works on them all. They also have a YouTube channel with before and after results which I can't understand much because its in Thai, but they all look good. They also have a density guarantee. So if youre not satisfied with the density after a year, they will do a touch up for free. I have no idea anything about BEQ clinic, or Eugenix. I looked at BEQ and they look great, but they are very straight across. Hairtran does small zigzags which I was nervous about at first but I think it ends up looking more natural in the end in my opinion
  12. It's been 3 months. The right side is looking good. It didn't shed much to begin with. The left side shed more and I can see some hairs poking through. Still many completely bald areas too though. I'm always worried it's a failure, but I'm not gonna judge till 3 more months
  13. 2 Month update. I've shedded a lot of the hair, although the right side seems only like 30% has shedded. A lot of the transplanted hair has grown pretty long and I can see little hairs beginning to come in
  14. I can't remember what order she did things. I was just so tired during the procedure. I wish I remembered it all and could give more details of each step
  15. They do only DHI I believe. I met them in person. I was already in Thailand before I decided to do this procedure. Zoom call might be good too then. They speak great English theres no language barrier
  16. Dr Laorwang was my other choice as well. He quoted me 2000 grafts for $4000. Dr pattys deal is 2500 grafts for about $2600. I felt like I needed 2500 grafts, and the price was cheaper anyways. I believe Thai baht cash, cc, wire transfer. I had to use two cards tho due to limits on my card/bank. Yes they use DHI, with a WAW punch machine for extraction. The back of my head looked better than most people's after a day. The consult was good, they drew on potential hairlines and talked about the process. I really trusted them after meeting them. I'm sure Dr Laorwang is great also. If you're in Thailand maybe give them both an in person consultation. My donor was good. They never mentioned it's great or anything. It was it's typical white guy donor I'd say. No problemo
  17. Thanks! Im hoping it looks great in 6+ months. It was 80000 baht before, but it seems they're increasing price as they are gaining popularity
  18. Yes, the package was 95000 baht for 2500 grafts. Not sure why they gave me only 2468, but there's a density guarantee. If I'm not satisfied they'll do a touch up session for free after a year
  19. I know everyone's hair is different but I'm curious what your breakdown was For me I had 2468 grafts 212 singles 1576 doubles 680 triples 5404 hairs total. People don't often post their graft breakdown, but I was curious and was looking at several results where people posted their follicle per graft breakdown and I noticed this varies so much between people Seems Most people had more single grafts than me But many examples have had more grafts than me and much less total hairs I feel like people should talk about total hairs after the surgery rather than grafts
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