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bobs person

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Posts posted by bobs person

  1. On 4/1/2023 at 11:53 PM, DeltaV said:

    As I mentioned, the donor assessment by both the doctors were just a mere eye glance and not thorough check which is why I am paranoid.

    Hi Berik, I would like to build on this as well as I felt exactly the same way- Eugenix's doctor examination pre surgery seemed to be extremely careless and worrying. 

    In short, I had my surgery done with eugenix last year, and pre surgery, Dr Arika and Dr Das also just took a 30 seconds glance at my donor area and transplant area with their naked eyewithout any microscopic examination or examination with any equipment, even though I mentioned I was rejected by 2 other doctors before because of high chance of permanent shock loss. 

    Before Eugenix, I went to 2 other doctors, who did microscopic examinations of my transplant areas and donor area, and said that it will be a risky surgery as I may be prone to permanent shock loss in my transplant area. 

    After reading about how Eugenix has top tier doctors on this forum, I decided to visit Eugenix to give them a try and flew to India. I was prepared to be rejected by Eugenix and lose my deposit if they examined my transplant area and felt the same about permanent shock loss, as no surgery is better than a failed surgery.

    However, I was quite shocked when there was no microscopic examination of any kind, but just a brief naked eye glance.  From my understanding, microscopic assessment before surgery is a standard procedure.

    Even after I mentioned that I have seen 2 other doctors who cited a high risk of permanent shock loss, all Dr Arika and Dr Das did was glanced at my transplanted area for another 10 seconds before saying it's fine. I decided to trust the doctors ( though very worried) and went ahead with the surgery.

    Now that the surgery is done, it does look like i am having shock loss, but I am still waiting for it to be fully grown and am praying that it will grow out. 

    Regardless of the results of my transplant, I think potential transplant goers should be aware that it seems like eugenix does not perform any microscopic examination of donor and transplant area pre surgery, and will just decide whether to go ahead with the surgery through a naked eye examination. As such, if you are unlucky and have weak donor/ transplant areas, it may not be properly assessed, and there may be a higher chance of a failed surgery if you did go ahead with the surgery,

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  2. Hi,

    After much research, I have decided to go with eugenix for a transplant. 

    However, I have a question about the different packages, in reference to extraction.

    From what I know, extraction has 2 stages- punching of the graft with the help of a pen, as well as the manual extraction. 

    For the Super premium Package, where there is supposed to be complete extraction, does anyone know whether this refer to both the punching and the manual extraction of the graft, or only the punching, where the manual extraction will be done by technicians? Would be great if any past Eugenix patients can share their experience, as I have read conflicting info on this forum. Thank you! 

  3. On 7/12/2022 at 4:11 AM, Rahal Hair Transplant said:

    Life hitting me,

    My biggest concern is that it looks like your donor area is thinning out.   Is that accurate or are the photos that I’m seeing just make it appear that way?

    Long story short, it’s obvious from the pictures that you have some pretty severe hair loss all of the scalp which makes you a diffuse thinner.  I would suggest seeing a dermatologist ASAP to undergo testing to see if you have DUPA (diffuse unpatterned alopecia).   This condition it’s typically characterized by thinning hair  in various areas of the scalp including the sides and back of the hair. Because of this, men with DUPA are typically not good candidates for hairtransplant Surgery because there is no “safe zone“.

    Hair transplant surgery works on the principal of donor dominance. In other words, transplanted hair retains its original properties.  Because hair on the sides and back of the scalp are typically DHT resistant, they remain resistant to DHT when moved to the thinning areas on top of the head.  But if these donor hairs are thinning such as in the case of men with DUPA, they will continue to thin and fall out when transplanted.

    Assuming the hair on the sides and back of your scalp are viable for transplanting, which I have down space on the picture, I still feel that you should consider getting on finasteride ASAP to slow down, stop or reverse any additional possible thinning. 

    So as of now, that’s my advice.  Please get tested for DUPA and consider finasteride to help thicken some of the thinning hair.  Please report back to us and then we can talk about next steps.  

    Best wishes,

    Rahal Hair Transplant 

    hi @Rahal Hair Transplant, thank you for this. I suspect I have DUPA and have been previously rejected for surgery. I was wondering how do i go about testing if I have DUPA please? Thank you. 


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