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Posts posted by THE GAME

  1. Hey everyone thought i would finally update . First thing when i got to Turkey i had let my hair grow out which showed my hair loss even worse. Keeping my hair short was actually giving me an illusion of hair i didn't have . Looking back on the pictures i am amazed at how bad my hair loss was.  So my hair loss was actually worse then the initial pictures i posted.





  2. We have the exact same hair loss pattern and i had my hair transplant with Dr Bicer on june 1st . I am 1 month post op our heads look similar even a month post op. I also have thin hair like you. We had virtually the same amount of hair pre HT and i am a norwood 6. 


    what i discussed with Dr Bicer and even the other doctors pre picking Dr Bicer was that i would need a Second  Ht. I am assuming this was made clear to you as well. Our hair loss is extensive and it would be impossible To get full coverage with 3800 grafts. I got 3900 i am expecting similar results to you . Other then a few exceptions from Zarev and pinto (and even them) 7000+ grafts are need to achieve full density for a norwood 6 or 7 . 

    Congrats on the new hair it looks way better then before . Are you taking any meds ? Are you planning on going back to Bicer??

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  3. Azaa i just read through your entire thread. I am sorry you had to go through hair loss at such a young age . I am 46 and just got an HT , your thread convinced me that no matter what happens with my ht results  ill be ok cause i can always fall back on smp. It look fantastic on you . 

    i want to wish you the best going forward my advice is dont sweat the little things life is short . Find happiness in the futur and dont worry about the past ….



  4. Ill take another pic in a few weeks and keep you guys posted. I plan to jump back  on minoxidil a month after surgery. I have also added biotin supplement to my diet .


    im going to pass on fin having been hit by major side effects. Its a shame because i was a really great responder to fin.


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  5. Hello everyone I have been a lurker for the last 3 or so years and the forum really helped me come to make a decision to have a hair transplant and how to choose a surgeon for the procedure. 

    I want to thank everyone for the information they all posted which really helped me over the course of the last  2 years to make the best choice. This will be a long post and will pertain to my own personal experience in selecting doctor Bicer and my procedure.

    First of some background on me :


    46 year old male 

    Norwood 6 with diffuse thinning , strong donor but not amazing.

    hair loss started in my early 30 ' I took finasteride and was a hyper responder after 1 year on the medication I experienced serious side effects including loss of libido which for me is in hyper drive 90% of the time. Needless to say I made the choice to stop the Finasteride and that made me lose all I had gained and kicked me back into hair loss mode. Over the next 10 years I tried minoxidil on and off which did slow the hair loss but did not really grow any hair for me.

    At about age 36 I discovered hair fibers and that was a game changer for me , I was able to keep my hair short and with help of my barber style it in a way that made me a Norwood 3-4 and much more presentable then what I really was . Of course this was not without its challenges but for the better part of 10 years I did a good job of concealing my hair loss from most. I also started wearing baseball caps religiously when I didn't use fibers , I could wear one at work so it became my daily routine of either fibers or baseball caps with haircuts coming often to keep the hair short so the fibers looked good.

    I was satisfied with this for awhile till I realized this will never stop, it will be fibers and caps till the END of my days. After 10 years of caps and fibers I said I would look into surgical treatments. I lurked on this forum and others , watched YouTube and tried to put a plan together.

    FINDING DR BICER :The first step in my journey is 5 years ago a friend of mine went for a hair transplant, he went to a hair mill in turkey and told me about his experience. I remember thinking how crazy he was to go all the way to Turkey to get hair. After 8 months I saw him again and he had went from a Norwood 7 to a guy that looked like he was balding but not hopeless in the hair department. It planted the seed that would eventually lead me to seek surgical help.

    I began researching extensively in the last 2 years and decided I would want a doctor doing the procedure, it would allow me to be comfortable and it would reassure me with my choice to travel across the world to have the procedure.

    This quickly brought my list down to 10 or so clinics ( I kept a few of the higher end hair mills on the list) I reached out 12 clinics and sent them my pictures , I waited for their responses and some used sales tactics like discounts or better accommodations to try to get me to reserve with them.

    out of the 12  all of them had pretty much the same conclusion: I had a decent donor but I would likely need 2 surgeries almost all of them proposed 4000 grafts to start and see how my hair would look like from there. Only 2 clinics actually asked me what I wanted the rest pretty much told me what they would do. The only clinic that did a video conference with me m was (Dr Bicer) she was kind and answered any questions I might have. The video conference lasted 7 minutes but she seemed willing to stay as long as I needed to answer my questions.

    I looked over the info and only 2 clinics made me feel comfortable going forward , I looked at travel plans and potential dates and continued to look at the reviews of both clinics. My choice  was made and it all came down to Dr. Bicer results and her approach. Out of the 12 clinics she was the only one that video conferenced and one of the only to ask me what I wanted , what my expectations were.


    I organized my life to give me 5 days in turkey to get the procedure done and get back home. I would leave Sunday night  and arrive on Monday , my friend who lives in Greece would come meet up with me and he would stay till Thursday with me. This would give us Monday to see Turkey a little and maybe Wednesday if I was feeling ok.

    The hotel is literally steps away from the clinic, Istanbul is a busy city and traffic is insane having the clinic next to the hotel is a major plus. Nearby there are malls, stores , pharmacies and restaurants all within walking distance. I was picked up at the airport with the vip transfer , my friend met me at the airport as well and we went to the hotel.

    the accommodations were very good , everything in Turkey is super clean and I was quite happy with the room and food at the hotel. One thing be warned there is not a lot of English speaking Turkish people that includes cabs , hotels , police and anyone else. This why OZEN the coordinator for dr. Bicer is such an important person she answered any question I had the whole time before , during and after my trip. She is a very patient person as she gets bombarded with texts daily , please be nice to her she works very hard and I believe she answers at all hours (not sure how she does it)

    First evening we went to Salt bae restaurant and got back to the hotel and had a good nights sleep , I was off to the clinic the next morning.

    THE PROCEDURE: arriving at the clinic I was greeted by Ozen and 2 staff members, the clinic is clean and is in a building next to the hotel.  I had to sign some paperwork and then I discussed with Dr. Bicer what the procedure would be and what my expectations were. She was honest and direct never trying to sell me anything. She designed a hair line which I felt would leave me with little density in the crown so we redesigned the hair line to where my current hair line is , given my age I felt this was a good compromise because it would allow me to have more density in the crown and would keep me from having a great front and a terrible crown after the first procedure. I understood this was not a perfect solution as I may lack density still a little but I am more then open to a second surgery if it means its a final surgery.


    I got changed went in the surgery room and everything there was impeccable , sterile and clean I sat in the chair and Dr.Bicer walked in and explained the first step is the anaesthetic , this part sucks it's terrible, it's 15 minutes of needles to your head and it does not feel good. Once that's over the worst is done. I did not feel a thing for the rest of the procedure I fell asleep 3-4 times. Dr Bicer was there the whole time she would periodically ask me if I'm ok. we stopped for lunch half way through and even the lunch was good. I got back in the chair and the 2 nurses continued to implant the follicles while Dr Bicer supervised.


    all in all it was about 7-8 hours , Dr. Bicer seemed happy with the results and asked me to post my results as she felt it would be a great result. They bandaged me up and I walked to the hotel my buddy had left for the day to discover Turkey so I walked alone without a problem to the hotel and tried to go to sleep.


    AFTER THE PROCEDURE:  ok the worst part for me was trying to sleep , it was virtually impossible to find a comfortable way to sleep. The first night I managed to get 4-5 hours sleep which I thought was not very much little did I know it was the most I would get till I got home. I got to the clinic the next day they removed the bandages gave me hat , Dr Bicer encouraged me to go visit Turkey but watch my head and stay out of the sun. We waited till the afternoon it was a cooler day and we visited the Blue Mosque , Aya Sofya and other landmarks in Istanbul. I felt fine we ate at a great restaurant on the European side and headed back to the hotel. Wednesday nights sleep was not good I managed to sleep 1 hour and it was miserable.

    Thursday my friend was leaving to go back to Greece so we had breakfast got all his things ready and then went around the nearby stores , we found a nice cafe nearby got to speak to some other tourists stayed for lunch and made some cool friends. My friend left that evening and I tried to sleep . I slept 2.5 hours again miserable sleep.

    I woke up the next morning (Friday) and went tot he clinic for my first wash. I was in a rush and had to be at the airport in an hour. They were so nice to me trying to hurry up to get me to the airport they did the wash showed me how to do it and rushed to the hotel to meet my driver.

    I got to the airport (amazing airport built 3 years ago). and jumped on the plane back home!!


    Conclusion: Dr Bicer is not a miracle worker she can't change your genetics or create a full of head of hair for everyone that walks in no doctor can. What she does is honest , I was treated like family, she and her staff made me feel comfortable and secure the time I was there. The choice of Dr. is a personal one. my friend had good results with hair mill BUT I was not comfortable going that route. I think I made the right decision , DrBicer is a kind and skillful surgeon. I want to thank her and her staff from the bottom of my heart for the treatment I received. I am very excited to see the results in the coming months keep your fingers crossed for me.

    pics will be uploaded soon


    I am now day 5 post op







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