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Everything posted by jspence09

  1. How do I get the proscar??? And to the rat above you, I don't want to be a comedian...
  2. You guys, I'm at a loss. I don't know what to do.... There is nooo way I can see a dermatologist right now. I have to depend on you guys. I neeeeed to know, what meds do you guys suggest I use? Tell me what to buy and how I can get it. Should I not use the rogaine foam?? What should I do? Trying to get in the entertainment industry is hard enough, and I can't have thin, balding hair hold me back! Thanks guys.
  3. I guess I could save up money to go visit the dermatologist. It will take me a while though... I guess my hair will just continue to fall out... ;( P.S. Where can I buy the meds online and for how much?
  4. ughh insurance issues. have to reschedule my appointment AGAIN. Do I have to see a dermatologist? Or can I just see a regular physician and get him to prescribe me the medication?
  5. Ok men, Appointment didn't happen in Nov, but got rescheduled for Jan 2010! Is that bad? and GR, What kind of side effects are you talking about? I've tried Rogaine Foam and it didn't work for me, but I don't think I followed through on the plan correctly.
  6. Alright guys, Appointment on the 19th of Nov. Next week. What should I bring up? What meds should I suggest?
  7. Thanks, Danny M! It's just, I can remember being like 13 years old, and having really thick hair. Like really thick bushy hair. Then 16 or 17 years old, it was really thin, and now 18, it's like the thinnest it's been. If I take the meds, I just want my hair to be somewhat close to what it was like 4 years ago. That's all I want!
  8. Thanks peter. So I'm guessing that being 18 is a good thing and my hair could possibly grow back to normal by taking the medicine? And why couldn't I donate blood?
  9. Thanks Ralph & Bill. I mean, I figured it would take months, but a year!! That saddens me, but not as much as being bald for the rest of my life. Hopefully this stuff will help, and again thanks for the advice. Kyle, that sucks. Even though I've had classmates pick on me, or say something stupid about it, I've never had a whole group of people chanting it. I would've died on the spot. Sounds horrible. I wanna throw up when one or two people say it. Sorry you had to go through that. I posted pics thats on page one of this thread if you want to take a look. Have you tried growing your hair again? Any improvments? Write back (:
  10. 6-12 months!! UGHHHHHHHH! Well thats better than nothing I guess. I have a dermatologist appt Nov17.
  11. Oh I see. Hopefully it would help me, if I take those pills and the biotin vitamins. By the way, I found another pic. This is when I shaved my head in March 09. Then my hair started growning and it looks like this! I was horrified because a friend took this picture! http://tinypic.com/m/5wflt5/1
  12. So I'm guessing the Nanogen is a topical solution like Rogaine or something? So can I get the prescription for those pills and use the Nanogen at the same time while taking a Biotin vitamin?
  13. I'm tailor made for it? Really? are propecia/proscar/fin all three the same thing? Confused! lol Nanogen, what is that? Thank you!
  14. thanks anatopsis and Marvin, how do I get it? edit: here is a gallery of my lovely head http://tinypic.com/a/1cdwo/1
  15. So I'm 18 years old, and experiencing thinning and balding hair. My sides, and back are thick, but the top center of my head is thin and balding. It really sucks, I hate having thin hair, and I don't know what to do! It gets embarrassing when friends and peers pick on me about it, and I try to play it off. What should I do? What can help? I just started taking Biotin 2 days ago, and using the Walmart Brand of "Rogaine" that has the same ingediants of that Rogaine has. But It is just worthless. I need help. What do I do!!?? Wait for a pic shortly.
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