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Posts posted by jspence09

  1. Hey guys, I started on propecia a little less than a month ago.


    I'm fixing to have to begin a hardcore workout regimine, and am about to start taking some enhancer supplements.


    Is it bad if I take my propecia early in the AM, then take my workout supplement later in the day for my workouts?




  2. Well you see, the thing is, I wanted to give the foam a headstart while I was waiting on the derm appointment/fin pills....


    I may be overlooking it, but I feel my bald spot is just nothing but short peach fuzz compared to the sides of hair on my head. I'm sure most of the follicles still work, but the hair just grows slow?


    Good news, however.


    I saved up some money and am going to the dermatologist later today. Let's hope for good news guys. My plan was to start the fin before or on my 19th bday (may 21)

  3. Bill,


    The only reason I haven't consulted a hair restoration physician (aka dermatologist, right?) Is because I'm about to be 19 and have no insurance at all. I would have to pay everything out of pocket and I'm broke, quite frankly.


    That's the only reason I've been thinking about getting it online. I don't even really want to order it online, bc I'm scared it could be fake or something like that.


    I would much rather have a precription from a doctor. But my hair is getting worse and worse each passing month. I need the proscar now. Before it really is too late.


    I feel I may be one of the few who could regrow hair considering I've only been balding badly for less than three years and I feel my follicles are still "alive" but just growing peach fuzz rather than long thick strands.


    I will take it everyday til I'm 50. I don't care! Nothing is going to keep me from being an actor especially not my hairrrr!


    (Sorry for that ending rant.)

  4. Cmon guys I'm at a loss.


    I've looked on google and everything.


    I know some of ya guys gotta know something..


    What site can I get proscar procepia or fin? I don't care which one I get as long as its cheap and last me a long time, that's why I'm so geared towards proscar because I can cut it and make it last longer.


    Guys please help my haie is getting worse and worseee

    Please please respond

  5. Why would the rogaine foam be useless? I just bought it today. Going to start it tonight. I plan on buying some proscar online after I get paid Wednesday (anybody got a good site w/ cheap prices they can suggest?)


    I also bought nizoral or whatever, so by may 21 I hope to have all 3 combined.


    I have noticed my hair getting worse however, but I'm hoping since I'm young, the proscar will help somehow reverse it, and the rogaine foam will make it thicker as well as the shampoo giving it the thick look. Might as well try.


    I just want my 15 year old bushy hair back. I don't need long locks, JUST HAIR SO NO ONE CAN SEE MY SCALP WHEN I BEND OVERRRRR

  6. Alright guys.

    So a doctor's visit seems to be out of the question as I cannot afford it.


    I've decided I'm just going to buy the proscar online and cut it into fifths and just take it like that.



    My questions for you are... where can I buy it for a low price (that is legit) and how do I know if it is a scam or not?


    Where do you get your online supply?


    Please help a guy out!! Thank you!!!!

  7. I just shaved my head completely. Some hair has grown back.


    I had a debit card issue and now I'm not getting the foam until the end of April/beginning of May...


    but here's some pics. I think it will be a good starting point for the foam. What do you think?






    Starting the foam soon and still trying to get proscar.

  8. I have been working out for the past few months and havent really seen the results I want. I know it takes time...but just incase I wanna go ahead and get some answers to my questions. I am a male and will be 19 in may.


    These are the areas I would want worked on.


    NECK (way to fat and too many rolls)

    FACE (fat cheeks)

    NOSE (too pointy)

    BACK (more so the bottom of my back, the sides etc)

    CHEST (I feel like I may have gymnostsia or however you spell it and that I may need a breast reduction for it)


    There's also more that I have written down somewhere. I'm going to have to get back to this and edit it.


    But what can you tell me about this stuff so far? I am going to keep working out and dieting but this discussion is basically just to answer some questions for me.

  9. by the way...check out my new plan, I just posted it in another forum.


    First thing:


    I'm pretty young, I'll turn 19 in May.


    My hair starting thinning around my junior year, and now being a freshmen in college, it is BEYOND AWFUL.


    These pictures were taken last semester: http://tinypic.com/a/1cdwo/1


    Alright. I've decided that I'm fixing to go order the '4 Can Rogaine Foam' Package on AMAZON.COM, it'll cost me about $70 but thats way cheaper than Walmart!


    Anyhow, I want to combine it with Propecia, Proscar or that Fin word, Finastride? Anyways.


    I DO NOT have the money to go see a dermatologist right now, things are a little crazy money-wise at the house, and I'm saving up for a billion summer trips...


    I've read that you can buy the drugs online. I'm just confused a little bit.


    Proscar or Propecia, which one would I have to cut in fourths? Which one is cheaper? They are basically the same right? ANYTHING you could tell me about this would be amazing.



    I also plan to shave my ENTIRE head, and then start applying the foam. As soon as I can get my hands on those pills I will be taking them as well.


    Do you guys think thats a good idea?


    I will be taking pictures every month. (I know I won't see results every month, I just want to be able to compare!)


    So what do you guys think?


    Reply asap!!


    Thanks so much!








  10. First thing:


    I'm pretty young, I'll turn 19 in May.


    My hair starting thinning around my junior year, and now being a freshmen in college, it is BEYOND AWFUL.


    These pictures were taken last semester: http://tinypic.com/a/1cdwo/1


    Alright. I've decided that I'm fixing to go order the '4 Can Rogaine Foam' Package on AMAZON.COM, it'll cost me about $70 but thats way cheaper than Walmart!


    Anyhow, I want to combine it with Propecia, Proscar or that Fin word, Finastride? Anyways.


    I DO NOT have the money to go see a dermatologist right now, things are a little crazy money-wise at the house, and I'm saving up for a billion summer trips...


    I've read that you can buy the drugs online. I'm just confused a little bit.


    Proscar or Propecia, which one would I have to cut in fourths? Which one is cheaper? They are basically the same right? ANYTHING you could tell me about this would be amazing.



    I also plan to shave my ENTIRE head, and then start applying the foam. As soon as I can get my hands on those pills I will be taking them as well.


    Do you guys think thats a good idea?


    I will be taking pictures every month. (I know I won't see results every month, I just want to be able to compare!)


    So what do you guys think?


    Reply asap!! icon_smile.gif


    Thanks so much!



  11. Yeah I mean I don't plan on giving up on my dreams, and I already expect snobby *** and *** lol.... but, what I meant about hair/waiting until I was rich and famous... I meant I wanna solve it now and keep it thick, but once I get famous and rich, I can then be able to afford to geta hair transplant etc lol


    Ps...I'm thinking about shaving my head and starting rogaine foam immidiently after. Sound good?


    Also, what sites have any of you guys used to buy procepia/proscar/etc??



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