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No cap

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Posts posted by No cap

  1. 6 hours ago, Ajamilo said:

    This thread is weird. 

    A normal person would at least have answered and addressed the issues people have brought in this thread. The reality is that no one needs to warn you about bad clinics. But people care about each other here and want the best for them.  What you have done is to ignore the warnings and not responded or felt anything at all about the probability that this could fail. Because let us be honest Asmed is not the same clinic as it was for 6 years ago. That is the reasons I think you are not honest with us here and have some sort of a connection with Asmed.


    I'm not sure what you think I haven't dealt with. I chose Asmed, again because 4 years ago my result was great and was very pleased with the minimal visible scarring in my donor. I have no connection to clinic other than being a patient. I'm not sure what connection you think I have with the clinic? I don't post enough to be a useful advocate and if someone posted a wack result from asmed I would have no issues calling them out! I am grateful to them for my first procedure - and hope for a good outcome in my second procedure. We will see.🙏🏽

    • Thumbs-down 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Ajamilo said:

    This thread is weird. 

    A normal person would at least have answered and addressed the issues people have brought in this thread. The reality is that no one needs to warn you about bad clinics. But people care about each other here and want the best for them.  What you have done is to ignore the warnings and not responded or felt anything at all about the probability that this could fail. Because let us be honest Asmed is not the same clinic as it was for 6 years ago. That is the reasons I think you are not honest with us here and have some sort of a connection with Asmed.


    'Weird', as I said, I wasn't going to post as Asmed gets a lot of hate on this forum, and posting straight after a procedure whilst hoping for the best, whilst receiving criticism for your choice of clinic isn't going to help anyone's recovery- or something I cared for. For myself i document my progress! I find photographs more accurately show progress. I think it's  important that this forum is a space where people can share the good, the bad and the ugly. What I will say about asmed the visible scarring in my donor area is minimal. Which means I can have modern hairstyles. I also personally think my first result was great - so I went with what I know. As up to this point I would definitely recommend.

    I'm hoping that I get the result I want this time but I've got the feeling too few grafts were used to cover what turned out to be quite a big surface area - time will tell. My only criticism of asmed would be a more detailed consultation with the dr might have ironed this out.  Oh well let's see. 



  3. For anyone thinking of a 2nd transplant, down time is a lot less but emotionally it is still very hard! It was also very different from my first transplant. I started shedding after day 4. I dunno if that's normal? The hair that I lost due to shock loss also started to grow back a lot quicker, possibly due to the fact the procedure was less traumatic as it was smaller. I'll post 4, 6and 7 month pics. Most of my growth on my first one happened between 6 and 7 months. Feel free to ask any questions.

  4. I'm just passed the 3 and a half month mark. My hair is pretty much nack to where it was before the 2nd procedure: so less 'cap' time, less down time which is good. My weak areas in the front temples are still weak. My donor looks amazing though. And it just a wait a see game now. If I'm honest I think I should or will need 500-700 more grafts bit I'll just have to see.20221030_201409.thumb.jpg.ef75d1f83093ba7f05a8645a8a822e01.jpg20221030_201409.thumb.jpg.ef75d1f83093ba7f05a8645a8a822e01.jpg20221113_121235.thumb.jpg.3bed1137a20aa7c4ad36f6a0877a37e3.jpg

  5. At about 2 and a half months you can really see where the weak areas are, (wet pics) more so than before the 2nd procedure at this length, partly due to shock loss, partly due hair maturity and a little to length. What I would say my hair looked denser after my first procedure _1 year- at this length than it did 2 months+ after my second procedure, but as the pics show above the shock loss hair started to grow back in quite quickly this time round.20221010_191708.thumb.jpg.105fc09f19a814acb04f2550de6f5064.jpg

  6. Pics below are 7 days and then a split pic between ten days , 2 weeks and 1 month. You can see again that I experienced some shock loss, and again that made the process hard. I was intially worried that it was terminal hairs and that they wouldn't grow back. However after about a month and half later I had a lot of new growth growing in places where I hadn't had newly transplanted hairs the 2nd time round.



  7. Hi all, so I pulled the trigger on my second HT and I've decided to document it. I'm about 3 1/2 months in.

    To be honest, I intially wasn't going to post again. There's a lot of negativity surrounding asmed; some of it just a lot not. And I just couldn't be bothered. However this forum, before my first procedure, gave me a lot of (unknowing support) so I thought it right to post.

     Honestly, I thought it would be emotionally easier this time but I still found it hard! Especially after my shed!!

    I had 1500 grafts. After analysis by the doctor and from the pics it was decided that I needed some grafts in my crown.  My crown hadn't really been bothering me, but I did realise it wasn't as dense as other parts of my hair - probably because I couldn't see it as easily, which is why it hadn't been a focus, but it was evident from the dr's photo analysis. 

    Ok the new clinic. 

    What can I say? it is state of the art. Asmed seems to have all the latest gadgets. There were 4 patients in total who were having transplants on the same day as myself. I think the clinic has facilities to do more than this 6 possibly 8 in a day. Which I know a lot of people would be against. So Whether the clinic has deliberately decided to do less procedures a day I'm unsure. The extractions and the implantation in total took about 5 to 6 hours. With a small break in between. 

    Dr Koray probably spent about 45 mins to just under an hour doing the incisions. 

    What was really cool this time was that there are monitors and camera equipment around the room which show the procedure throughout, and rather than watching netflix on tablet I found it really interesting watching technicians and the dr at work. 

    I do wish I had of spent longer talking to the dr before the procedure because I would have opted for a 1000 grafts in the frontal area of my scalp and 500 around the crown region. I remember asking the technicians after they had finished implanting in the frontal area how many grafts had been placed there and they said 800. I was gutted. Seeing my ten day pics I was worried that I might need another 500 in the middle of the front of my scalp in the future. However, I don't want to jump the gun, let's see where we are at at 6+ months


  8. 46 minutes ago, Nccan said:

    Interesting how these threads about ASMED are popping up now as well ASMED coordinators posting at the same time, to anyone considering this clinic, there are FAR better, safer and cheaper options even in Turkey, ASMED is not even top 20 any longer in any category, PM me for and I will give you a list of clinics, do not go here and play casino with your life 

    Nccan I'm not here to promote anyone, just share my journey which happened to be with Asmed. My biggest concern thinking of 2nd would be more prominent scarring on my sides. I've just looked at your post and you have a right to be pissed. Would I consider asmed for 2nd procedure left temple. Defo but the incisions would have to be done by him and the team the same. He did me right the first time. Again, the forum has given me support and things to think on. Cheers guys

  9. 41 minutes ago, DEB1982 said:

    Looking good mate. Glad my account could provide you with some support. 6 years since my first procedure, 4 since my second and i’m still over the moon with it! Enjoy it, changed my life 👍🏻

    Seriously brother I'm gonna sound like a fan, but I was in tenerife about 3 years ago, and before my op and for the first 9 months after the op I followed your posts religiously (so I knew what you looked like.. ha ha). Anyway I saw some dude in a bar - who looked the spite of you and I asked if he was from the uk... he wasn't, he was spanish, but I if it was you, I would have bought you a drink or 2 because u helped me take the leap and for me - it was a great decision 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

  10. Again, I'd like to thank this community,  in particular,for their unknown support. I'm not here to promote or disparage anyone. Just share my journey. So guys do your research if you do decide to bite the bullet be prepared for a tough 6 months but it can be really worth it. I'm hoping if I ever do get a 2nd one, the recovery time would be way quicker... again look @DEB1982🤞🏼. Peace out

  11. The next pics are of me showing the weak area (left temple). It's only a problem really at medium left, before the curls. I've also included a hair parted pic... I'm not sure how valuable they are. My partner's hair parted can look thin, but I wanted to show what it looks like at It's worst, so to speak.

    As I said, my partner, who really lived through my first procedure thinks im obsessing but I am considering a small 2nd procedure <1000. My biggest concern about a second procedure would be more visible scarring; something which there was virtually non with asmed. I also think a 20% boost in that area would provide great coverage because of the thickness nature of my hair.




  12. Hey I said i'd finish my post. 
    I'm gonna keep it brief. So the first two pic is of 12 months growth and curls flop over and hide any gaps. The illusion  of density is really strong and I believe it shows a great result: I was/am pleased.

    This year in  Jan i also went down to a ground 2 forward which was quite low. I haven't really got a top view pic, just a pic front on. Generally it looks good at that height on top. I wore my sides a zero.




  13. 5 minutes ago, Aslitarcan sucks said:

    definitely shady, why would you post your review here 4 years later?

    I suppose because I'm debating next steps or a lil touch up <1000. On my left temple. As stated above.

    I'm not 100% I want to, and maybe it's hair greed but I'm so close to having it the way I've always wanted it regardless of length or style. I'll post again at the end of the week.

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  14. 1 hour ago, sukh123 said:

    Yeh something very shady going on here , I’m quite suspicious too

    I said I wasn't going to log on until the end of the week but I have to admit you get a little buzz, when you get notifications that people are engaging with your thread. In terms of something being a little shady... I can only take that as a compliment. Do you mean my results look too good to be true? I don't owe Asmed anything. I paid close to £14000 when you factor in flights and accommodation. That being said I am very, very pleased with my results! I do have a weak area my left temple... my girl thinks I'm obsessing but it's there. To be honest I'm not here to promote or defend Asmed just to share my journey, and to give back as it was the likes of @DEB1982 and @Ponchik who unknowingly help me take the plunge. 

    ps if someone does want to pay me to promote something I took 100s of pic over the first 5 moths because I was sure it was gonna be a fail.

  15. OK guys. I've dumped a lot of content all at once, and my thumb is hurting from tapping the screen on my phone. I'll finish my post at the end of next week, showing 12months, also I'll show my hair cut short and the little problem area  (left temple) that I'm considering getting touched up. It will also give people time to comment. Peace out.

    • Like 2
  16. I think it is important to say that I kinda just let my hair grow after the op and used aloe vera gel to curl it. Length is so important, in order to maintain the illusion on a full head of hair in my opinion. At the time, and there still is a weaker area in behind my left temple. But with my hair long or really short my wavey curls just hide that. You can kinda just about see it in the first pic above.


    Pics are from 6 months to 9 months. Brushed out and then styled with gel.

    One of the reasons I chose Asmed was at the time, his patients seemed to show very little scarring in the donor area, which is of particular importance to me as I like to have my sides very short. I get a zero on the sides at the moment and there is no visible scarring. You can sometimes pick some up with the hd definition on my camera but to the naked eye my scarring on the sides is invisible.

    There is some at the back but again at about 0.5mm no one can tell or see.

  17. At the 5 month mark I started re-using regaine foam again. I had foolishly thought I had been advised against it's use - as it can cause irritation, but after re-reading my after care document it said just for the first 2 - 3 weeks🤦🏽. At the five month mark I was desperate, so I also applied a little topical steriod cream to my scalp as well - once a day - as I know it is sometimes prescribed for alopecia and could help to increase blood flow to my scalp. I'm not advocating this by the way just documenting my journey.


    Interestingly, within just 2 weeks the quality of the new transplanted hair, which I believed was destined to stay thin and miniaturised like my hair in the frontal area before the pre procedure, thickened and matured immensely. Again, the use of the steriod cream and the foam may have had no direct impact on the thickening of my hair and that could have been it's natural cycle, but within the space of 2 weeks I went from thin and whispy to Jackson 5. The pictures below were TAKEN 2 HALF WEEKS APART.



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  18. Pictures go from day after the procedure.

    Next 10 days pre shed

    1month (a lot of shock loss, total shed I felt of transplanted hairs)

    2 MONTHS not a lot to report

    5 months. Lots of fine hair, definitely some of the transplanted hair, but at the time I felt it was mainly my natural miniaturised hair returning

  19. As I have said, I had my procedure with Asmed 4 years ago. His new clinic was built but they hadn't yet moved over to it. At the time of my procedure Asmed started coming in for criticism online which made the first 6 months really hard as I definitely was a slow grower, with massive shock loss. Here's the evidence. Everyone's journey is different as our bodies react differently. Between 2 - 5 months I thought my procedure was a massive fail. I couldn't find anyone who I thought had a successful transplant with similar shock loss And growth pattern to myself online.

    Pics below:_DSC8688.thumb.JPG.5fc0ce3dc5467a5f64f7fda152a5a6dc.JPG20220603_214142.thumb.jpg.95ff00f1df80ef1adc0de6439ca5acde.jpg20220603_214142.thumb.jpg.95ff00f1df80ef1adc0de6439ca5acde.jpg20220603_214142.thumb.jpg.95ff00f1df80ef1adc0de6439ca5acde.jpg







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