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Posts posted by BaldReaper

  1. On 7/8/2022 at 9:16 PM, mr_peanutbutter said:

    i didnt even know sneijder had an ht




    looks like he got an ht all over the norwood 5 region


    not bad



    There is a sh*t tone of footballers who got HTs


    Shaqiri, Karius, Rooney, David Silva, Beckam, Fabregas, Berbatov, Stokes etc.



    Some of them will have to shave and SMP in the future

  2. 3 hours ago, shiba1985 said:

    do those examples look good? 


    I would say only aobut 20% of the photos/ videos posted above look acceptable to me. I am interested in this too, just in case as a back up strategy for the future. 


    Visit Ahead Ink , Elixir SMP and Samuel Troonen they have a lot of examples on their instagram, also famous football player Welsey Sneijder has this done, also famous Israeli singer Eyal Golan.


    If you ask me the results with shaved head look great, the ones with grown out hair do not

  3. 6 hours ago, SimpleLife said:

    Very happy for you man. Hope everything turns out well!

    I also had a good impression of dr Mwamba. It will be hard for me to choose another doctor after seeing him

    @JimKan1 Checkout the stitches, only for a small # of grafts

    Honestly I fail to understand how stitching works and why Dr Mwamba used that? Is it that because he removes a lot of grafts close to each other?Or would he stitch them anyway?

    • Like 1
  4. he has really aggressive hairloss and made a lot of effort to reach this point, he looks good to be honest even while he uses fibers, I believe he will manage to maintain his crown for a while with medication and whats left from his donor but in 10-15 years he will have to shave everything and do SMP probably.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Jay00 said:

    Indeed Dr Mwamba is very skillful, the problem I am very paranoid and have ptsd from my previous HT. I am nervous surgery date is approaching. I’m mainly focusing on FUE removal so I’m guessing that should be an easy task for Dr Mwamba 

    Like I told you, Dr Mwamba has a lot of experience and is a decent surgeon, your decision about surgery however shouldnt be based just on forum reviews by random accounts but by your own judgement as well, talk to many doctors ,get their opinion, see which one matches your case and make your decision

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Jay00 said:

    Due to too many accounts praising Dr Mwamba for repairs but very little pictures, I can’t help but ask myself if they reviews are real. I have a surgery date with Mwamba next month, now I am getting very nervous about the surgery and even second guessing it. 

    Don't consider anything without pictures real and consider that a picture differs a lot from real life view, Mwamba is a decent doctor though

  7. 8 minutes ago, SimpleLife said:

    Got a price quote from SMP USA $4700 for 3 sessions

    ''We are able to achieve 85-90% improvement in the visibility of the scar'', so its probably 75%

    Really hope that 3000 grafts placed into the donor will be enough, so SMP becomes a cherry on the cake and not the main coverage


    thats quite a lot, you could find good solutions in Europe too and much more affordable

  8. 1 hour ago, Gatsby said:

    Actually from my experience in life showing your insecurities shows that you have the courage to be honest and authentic by having nothing to hide. This is a quality that in time you will find mature people will value as it makes them feel less secretive about their own insecurities. I'll give you one example. When I wore a hair piece I owned it like a boss and joked about it. Several girlfriends, when I spoke about it suddenly for the first time in their lives felt comfortable enough to share with me their own insecurities (ie their tits were too big/small, their arse was too big, etc, which was all unfounded). As a result it allowed them to feel open enough to share their fears and insecurities for the first time in their lives. As human beings we are more alike than dissimilar. Sharing insecurities is not only cathartic but it is also what it means to be human.

    trying to hide something and failing makes it look even more visible

  9. Thanks for documenting your journey and honestly it looks really good so far


    1. I cant see any significant scaring from all the extractions you did and getting rid of 70% of the hair is actually a good achievement, is the scaring as it looks in the pictures or it looks worse in real light?

    2.You think you managed to remove more with laser or electrolysis?

    3. FUE extraction, laser or electrolysis leaves the least amount of scaring?


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