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Posts posted by AStark

  1. 42 minutes ago, Chetman2112 said:

    Looks great buddy, and you still have lots of growth coming. Nadimi is a brilliant! 

    Thanks bud. Crazy we’re already here when it seems like yesterday I was posting pre op photos and you were only scheduled with a few months prior to your op. 

    What’s even crazier is how quickly improvements came in the past 30 days. I’m seeing a ton more tiny blondish hairs and stubble like hairs popping through along the hair line and just behind it. Should provide increased density but truthfully, my density looks really freaking good even at this stage of the game. I was not really expecting this at this point. I figured density might be my only concern but it’s not looking like it will be. 

    I have zero doubts your results will be a home run. All the post op work looked so clean per usual and your starting point was much better then mine. Looking forward to seeing your updates. No way you won’t be over the moon at the end of this whole thing! 

    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, Hangman said:

    Just wanted to make my first post to say this is looking great and I'm anxious to see more.  Currently debating on taking the plunge on a HT and Nadimi is my front runner.  I believe we have very similar cases as well so I will be following this closely.  Thanks for sharing.

    Don’t even second guess it with Dr. Nadimi. Lots of great doctors out here and she is def one of them. This has turned out as I had hoped but def better than I was expecting at this point in the process. 

    I would only expect things to improve from this point but will continue to update as months go on. 

  3. 6 hours ago, medoh199 said:

    You said the donor looks untouched...you don't see any little curcle scars from the fue? During initial recovery did you have a lot of itchiness, swelling or pain?

    No circular scars visible that I can see. My hairs cut at a #2 on the sides right now but I’ve had it as low as #1 a month or so post op and didn’t notice any. For sure nothing an untrained eye would ever notice. 

    had some itching for a few weeks post op and I actually swelled in the face quite a bit the first week but subsided quickly. No complications, just looked a bit silly. Literally zero pain. Worst part I suppose is the anesthesia shots at the start but nothing more. 

  4. 4 Month + 1 Week 

    I have to be honest, I’m extremely happy with the results at this point. if it stopped here today I’d say it’s a solid cosmetic improvement but of course, I’m hoping for more growth being only just past the 4 month mark. It’s still early days and I can def see more hairs, along the hair line especially, popping through or shorter than the rest. 


    I wish I had more pre transplant photos of this over head shot bc the crown looks a bit thin in this photo but it looks way better then it did pre op and that’s pretty well all from the oral Fin & Min I’d have to guess as I only has 160 grafts placed in that area. 


    The facial framing and ease of styling has been the most noticeable improvement  the density seems solid too. For the first time in 3-4 years I don’t have to use hair fibers. For those who know, this is a huge relief. 

    The ONLY complaint I would have (and this is nothing to do with Dr  Nadimi) would be that I would like the hairline a tad lower but that was my choice.  I can wanted to see how things went before I committed more grafts to the process. I may or may not do this again but if I would, I’d drop it just slightly.

    I’m sure theres always that desire for perfection BUT….If I never got the hair line lowered and what I have improved even slightly from here, I’d be 100% happy with my choice. 

    It’s honestly better than I expected it would be after 6-8 months at this point. I’m interested to see how it could improve from here. 

    I’ll post back at month 6. 


    • Like 3
  5. 6 hours ago, 5BetaReductase said:

    That’s already a huge change in the hairline and framing of your face. Your 3.5 month looks like most peoples 5-6 month update. This is gonna be fantastic.

    I’ve def seen the most improvement in the hairline and framing in the past 30 days. 

    I know it’s still early days but I’m assuming improvements from here should be expected 🤷‍♂️ I’m happy with progress so far but it’s always difficult to discern how ahead or behind the ball you are. It seems everyone has different growth rates at different times. 

    There are a lot of stubble type hairs in and just behind the hairline that I’m assuming are new hairs that have popped through. It will be interesting to see how this progresses from here. 

    Thanks for the kind words. 

  6. 24 minutes ago, Chetman2112 said:

    Well one month officially today, as expected I’m in the ugly duckling stage, time is flying by quickly, honestly It hasn’t been bad whatsoever, I’ve been going out everywhere not hiding behind a hat, nobody has even noticed, it’s been so much easier than I ever could of imagine, I prepared myself well and I feel great.

    My hair has shedded a little bit each day so it’s not a drastic change overnight. Donor was healthy and healed in the first week, my recipient is no longer knumb so I’ve healed well which I credit to Dr Nadimi’s skill as one of the best surgeons out there. BB68B5C2-330B-496A-A935-BD1395C0D56C.thumb.jpeg.100500e0c8b1265348f28f854acd2010.jpeg

    I still have a little bit of itching and a pimple here and there but other than that all is well!

    I’m excited for the future and I am so glad I decided to do this, will update again on month 2.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! 

    Looking good brother. I’m excited to see your progression. 

    • Like 1
  7. 3.5 Month Update 

    Posting today to say that the results have really started to take off. It’s obviously still very early at only 3.5 months so I’m not taking a victory lap but aesthetically speaking my hair situation took a turn for the better in the past few weeks. 

    A proper haircut I believe helped with that as well as I was able to even out the newer growing hairs with existing to eliminate the big gap in length. 

    If this were as far as it went I would say I’d be disappointed with the overall density but it’s my understanding that this should only increase from here so I’m not complaining or concerned. It’s already an improvement from where I started. 

    Here’s a side by side of Nov 12 front on shot and then this morning. 


    Still some gaps along the hair line I hope will even out but even today there’s quite a few smaller hairs popping through along the hairline and behind it. 

    Here’s a top down fee with hair slightly wetted and combed up/back with flash to give worse possible lighting and angle.


    This angle makes it all look thinner than it actually appears in person but gives a better view of the new growth. Right side is lagging behind but I believe gaps and uneven growth are expected at this stage. I actually feel (despite the bad view of this photo) that my crown has seen improvement as well. 

    1mg Fin daily since 3 days post op 

    2.5mg Oral Min daily for past 45-60 days 

    I also take biotin, collagen and a few other vitamins daily but not sure I can say what kinds of results these are having on their own  

    Under right lighting, things are looking on point. Here’s a comparison to before operation and after with both photos having a small bit of fibers added 


    pre op 



    post op 3.5 months 


    hoping for further improvements through months 4-6. I’ll post back soon. 

    for anyone wondering, donor looks literally untouched. Even to a trained eye I don’t think you’d notice but I think it’s immaculate. 

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, Chetman2112 said:

    Looking good buddy, just have to have patience, but definitely see a very nice hairline forming. I’m on day 14 and my hair looks perfect, dreading the ugly duckling stage that I know is right around the corner but it’s all part of the process. 

    Thanks man, I too was loving the first few weeks of the buzzed look with the new hair line (short lived lol). 

    It’s nice to see some growth, hoping the days ahead will continue to bear fruit in the follicular region. 

  9. 3 Month Update: 

    Not a lot to report. There’s def some growth happening but not sure how far ahead or behind I would be considered. 

    No complaints…just remaining patient.

    I understand I’m still early in the process and that the 3/4 month mark is usually just the start of growth so not too worried at the moment. I can certainly see the new hair line forming, especially when I pull my hair back. There’s a TON of baby like hairs and new hairs popping that aren’t easily visible under certain lighting or from a distance. Guessing that’s normal and new growth 🤷‍♂️ just Keeping the faith this whole thing will work out haha. 

    For reference I’ve attached a photo to show the start of 60 days compared to the start of 90 days. 

    I’ve taken these photos over head with flash on and hair brushed up for the worst possible view 😂 


    Here’s a straight on shot in natural lighting. At least I can style my hair again and haven’t been wearing a hat anywhere for the past 3 weeks or so.


    If there’s significant improvement at month 4/5 I’ll update. If not, I’ll post back at 6 months either way. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Chetman2112 said:



    A few more weeks and you will start to see big changes starting, I’m actually in Chicago just finished my procedure with Dr Nadimi about 1.5 hours ago, couldn’t be happier with the procedure, will post soon. 


    Congrats brother. I look forward to seeing your story and following your journey. 

    It’s an interesting process. They aren’t lying when they say the first three months are long lol

    I guess we never know for sure how this whole thing is going to look in the end but I don’t stress about it. Having done a lot of research I realized going into it that everyone grows at different rates and not much happens for most in the first 3-4 months…but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was anxiously awaiting that 4-5 month mark lol 

    Good luck with everything. 

    • Like 1
  11.  2.5 month update 

    I don’t think we usually see much if any growth at this point but below are my 2.5 month updates. I was wearing a hat all day when I took these so hair looks a little worse than usual but shows what you all want to see I think lol

    I’ve def seen some growth, tons of  baby hairs in the transplanted area which aren’t visible in most lighting  but I’m starting to see some progress I think but nothing to write home about just yet  

    I finally started letting my hair grow out after the first month. Had been keep it buzzed down at a .5 guard every few weeks. I’m in that awkward stage of growing the hair out but almost past it and back to where I was pre transplant. 

    been taking 1mg Fin daily since the procedure and started on 2.5mg oral Min for past 4 weeks. No sides that I can tell 🤷‍♂️ 

    it’s hard to be patient at this stage but I have a busy schedule and find myself thinking about it all less and less. Stopped wearing hats most places about 2-3 weeks ago. 

    It’s still very early but I will update again in a few weeks when I hit 3 months and get a proper hair cut for the first time since the procedure. 

    Aside from wishing time would move a bit faster, I can’t complain. This really hasn’t been that bad at all. 

    Not sure if I’m on track or not but based on what I’ve seen I think I am for just over 2 months. B9C3A226-ACEB-40D5-A6BB-87A14DA89236.thumb.jpeg.7326b0559510987353e49b4765365294.jpeg182BBB2E-D227-4242-8452-BA3A39A1E36E.thumb.jpeg.2d8fcd81c070f5dbdbad2190f81da434.jpegD8EE1F01-2B6C-41C3-91A6-44EB465B8F34.thumb.jpeg.41844df6480ea6607c43d976fcd4dd2e.jpeg

  12. 7 hours ago, Chetman2112 said:

    Thanks for the update, I’m sure this will be a home run, will be following closely, as you know I’m scheduled in November with Dr Nadimi and my hairloss is similar to yours so shock loss is a concern of mine, but I’m prepared to go through the ugly duckling stage, the reward is worth it! How has your friends and family reaction been, have they been supportive? 

    It’s hard to really say the exact extent of the shock loss but I’ve def experienced a bit of it. Nothing I’m too worried about. Hard to keep the head looking good no matter what a guy does at this stage I suppose so no reason to stress about it. 

    All in all I couldn’t be happier with the recovery process, it’s seemed to have healed in the first 2 weeks aside from a little redness in the recipient area. 

    As far as friends and family, they’ve all been pretty supportive. The bald/balding friends are most curious but I don’t try to hide it. I’ve barely worn a hat unless I’ve been outside under the sun. If people have questions I will openly discuss. Nothing to feel ashamed or embay about as far as I’m concerned. It’s not for them, it’s for ourselves 🤷‍♂️ I think you’ll find the same reactions. 

    Good luck in November. You’re in good hands so you can rest easy knowing that at least. 

    Depending on progress I may post an update at 2 months but don’t expect much to happen between now and then but either way I’ll post an update at month 3. If you have questions feel free to DM me here anytime or post a question on this topic. I’ll check back from time to time.  

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 month update…….

    Not much to report but I’ll post a couple of photos. As expected, I hit the shed phase about 2.5 weeks in and at 4 weeks have shed majority if not all transplanted hairs and then some. Def some shock loss in the recipient areas but it’s hard to say exactly how much. I was prepped by Dr. Nadimi (and others in this forum) for the reality that I may actually look balder at this point then I did before. 

    I’ve been pretty well all healed up since about day 10 or 11. I’ve had zero issues to speak of. Now I’m just in the waiting stages to see how this whole thing turns out.

    If not for this forum, I can understand how a person might panic at this stage of things. Hard to see an end result but I’m a patient guy and stay busy so hopefully this will help ease the anxiety of waiting over the next 3-4 months for some action to happen. 

    I’ve elected to carefully buzz down the hair to a .5 guard. Not straight clipper but short enough to help play down the ugly duckling stage I’m in. Dr. Nadimi told me I was good to do so after 2 weeks. 

    still a bit of redness, especially under certain lighting. Recipient area still a bit numb but donor looks untouched and as good as new. 

    I took a few different photos under natural and indoor lighting. 


    Agian, not much to report at 1 month but figured it was a good bench mark To share to show healing etc….

    Obviously the worst part is waiting and I’m very interested to see how this whole thing shakes out but so far so good and feel all is as expected. 

    See you in 3 months…..

    • Thanks 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Chetman2112 said:

    Just curious how many days total after your HT did you stay?   

    I would advise staying for at least 2 days after to allow Dr. Nadimi and her team to give proper cleanings and look over things before you jet off. But 2 additional days is more than enough. 

    I was within driving distance (about 5 hours) so it was no big deal for me to stay a few extra days.  

  15. 18 hours ago, Chetman2112 said:

    I’m scheduled with Dr. Nadimi in Nov, your post opp pics look great and I love the hairline design, will be following, thanks for the write up. 

    Good luck with your upcoming procedure. You’ve made a good choice in surgeon no doubt. 

    I appreciate the words and I will certainly keep things updated here along the way. Just shy of 3 weeks and I’m 100% healed up. A little nimbleness in the recipient area still but no redness, no scabbing and donor looks like it was never touched. I attribute that to the clean work Dr. Nadimi and team did.

  16. 21 minutes ago, John1991 said:

    This looks quite good and I'd be surprised if you felt the need to go back again - not including years later if loss progresses, of course.  At some point in the process you may get the idea in the back of your mind that you might wish to go back for more grafts only to realize a few weeks later you won't need to  As of about 2-3 weeks ago I was thinking I might want to go back and get more grafts put in, but now at just shy of 5.5 months I'm very confident I won't need to.  

    Thank you!  

    you are correct. A 2nd procedure is a back ground thought at the moment but I went into this with the expectation that it’s possible. 

    I’ve spoken to Dr. Nadimi about this and we agreed to reconnect 6-8 months from now and see where things were at and how the 1st was progressing. 

    For now, I’m solely focused on staying busy and being patient. 

    • Like 3
  17. 1 hour ago, mrmane85 said:

    With your hair characteristics and choice of surgeon, you have nothing to worry about. You're going to have a very pleasing result.

    Start a new hobby or put more attention into a current one for the next few months to keep yourself occupied.

    Thank you. I feel confident in my choice to remain conservative on the hair line and def the surgeon choice for sure. 

    of course only time will tell the full story but confident going into the next 6-12 months with my choices thus far. This forum has been a massive help. 

    Between, work/home life and Jiu Jitsu, I’ve got enough to keep my mind and body occupied lol. Thanks again brother. 

    • Like 1
  18. 5 hours ago, lindros88 said:

    Hell yeah brother!

    Will be following. I got mine done with Dr Nadimi on August 4th. Will be interesting to track our progress.

    I tried finasteride for a 3rd time and got sides which was disappointing, so on classic Rogaine foam for now, but going to try and procure oral Minoxidil in Canada.

    Yes sir! I’ll be following yours as well. Seems like you’ve had a similar experience thus far. 

    it will be interesting to see how this plays out over the next 6-12 months. 

    I have never been on either in the past. I’ve been taking Fin since the procedure. I don’t think I’ve experienced any side effects but I don’t know how long I’d have to be taking that to know if I’ll get sides or not 🤷‍♂️

    Happy growing bro. Your work looks just as  clean as I felt mine was. No exact guarantees in this, I get it…but I feel good about the doctor choice I made and the rest time will tell. 


    Keep updating. I’ll do the same. 

  19. Week 1 Update: 

    Today marks 1 week since my FUE Procedure with Dr. Nadimi and so far so good I believe. Everything seems to be going as expected and based on previous results I’ve seen 🤷‍♂️ 

    Just to recap 

    I had 2510 Graft FUE procedure w/ 

    single hairs: 280 

    double hairs: 1603 

    triple hairs: 627 

    total hair count: 5367 

     Started 1mg of Fin everyday, not sure on how long sides could take if one were to experience any but I haven’t so far 🤷‍♂️ 


    pre op photo: Morning of procedure 



    Pre Op styling 


    And again…Immediate Post Op 



    I believe the vast majority was concentrated on my front and recessed temples. The grafts decreased as we got closer to first purple line of the frontal half where I still had decent coverage from Native hair. Once Dr  Nadimi felt she has packed the front with all the grafts she could without risking loss of native or newly impacted hairs, she tossed 160 triples into the crown for good measure. Not really expecting much there but will be interesting to see if that adds any coverage in regrowth  


    Week 1 Photos 










    some of these are upside down, not sure how to change that 🤷‍♂️ 

    Other than very light scabbing and a bit of itchiness, I have had zero issues.

    Whats been fun (while it lasts) is seeing a new and more aesthetically complementary hair line. The work looks cleans and From just a few feet away, it’s almost impossible to tell. Looks like a solid buzz cut. 

    I realize it’s VERY early in the process here and I have a long way to go to see how this ends but I am fully prepared to go back for Round 2 if that’s what it takes at conclusion so I assume if all goes to plan, I’ll be better off in 4-6 months than I was starting out and at 10-12 months I should know my final thoughts to another procedure or sticking with the results I’ve gotten. 

    I have to add the obvious, Dr. Nadimi and her entire office have been amazing to work with. Best medical experience I’ve ever had. Have went above and beyond my expectations in all ways. 

    I’ll update at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and depending on how things change and progress, either 8-10 month or 1 year. 

    • Like 1
  20. I actually had a topic going in another forum on this but thought maybe this one was more appropriate. It’s my first time posting (long time lurker) so I wasn’t familiar with the different forums. 

    Im actually at 1 week today post op. 

    Nonetheless, I’ll copy and paste my previous post here and follow it up with my week 1 update immediately after: 



    Before I even jump into my FUE experience I just wanted to say thank you to everyone before me who’s taken the time to both share their journey’s, knowledge and experience. I honestly don’t think I would have taken this leap without this forum and in fact, I was signed up for a procedure approx 4 years ago but chickened out the week of. I won’t mention that clinics name but let’s just say, I’m glad I waited.


    About a year ago I decided to take another look into HT as an option for my hairloss. I read countless user stories (good and bad) and consulted with approx 3-4 different doctors before landing on Dr. Nadimi as my final choice. 

    In fact it was this forum that led me to Dr. Konior’s office and ultimately Dr. Nadimi where, after 8 months of waiting, I finally had my FUE surgery with. 

    Having said all, I wanted to share the experience thus far and fully intend to update this forum over the next 12 months as my process progresses. 

    A little background on me: 


    I’m currently 37 years old. I’ve been losing hair slowly since I was approx 21-22ish but it wasn’t until I hit my 30’s that I really began to realize the progression. I feel I was fortunate not to have a super aggressive pattern of hair loss and I feel it had somewhat stabilized but it had gotten to be such a hassle to try and conceal it day in and day out with fibers etc….that I decided now was the time to look into alternatives. 

    Fast forward and I am now one day out of my surgery with Dr. Nadimi and her team and I would be lying if I didn’t say, I’m still having some real anxiety over it all. The procedure went great, the staff was amazing, the hair line design is what I envisioned, the pain was minimal but it’s the not knowing for 6+ months what the final results will be that, as you all know, that sucks the most.  

    oh well….all part of the journey and like it or not, I’m in the game now as they say lol

    Anyways, I will update once I have more info but I wanted to share some before and after photos I have and look for any feedback on the look and/or advice on the journey that anyone would like to share. 

    This is my first time posting so I’m not sure I’m doing all this right but I attached a pre op top down photo the morning of and the evening just after the procedure wrapped up. 

    Pre Op: 



    Immediate Post Op: 





    I will update once I have final graft counts etc but as far as I know we did 2510 grafts w/ approx 2340 in the frontal area and 160 in the crown. 

    I don’t know what she meant exactly but Dr. Nadimi kept mentioning how my donor hair was as thick as yarn, very coarse and while she admitted that the 160 in the crown was not a lot she felt given the thickness of my hair shaft I would see an improvement. I went in with no intention of doing the crown but Dr. Nadimi mentioned she packed the 2340 in the front, that it should be a fantastic result and had the others left over for the crown. 

    Admittedly, I don’t know if she could or should have used all 2510 in the frontal area but she said I had super thick donor hair and a lot of 2 & 3 hair grafts. I took her expert advice and rolled with it. 

    Praying for a great outcome. 

    Any and all feedback or questions are welcome. Thank you all again and I look forward to seeing where this goes. 

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