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Posts posted by TheHairGuy

  1. You can take care of the maintenance yourself, but it's a learning curve, man. You WILL need assistance in the beginning.


    There are a few good salons out there, that give the option to go it alone, and you get the peace of mond knowing they're always there if you want them.


    Oh yeah, I wouldn't go near synthetic hair, it looks and feels false. Not good.


    As for the life of your hair... depends what kind of hair you order, and how well you take care of it!


    THG :-)

  2. Hey Folks,


    I've been viewing these boards for a while, thought I'd finally share...


    It took me the best part of 6 years to do anything ...I must've researched everything from surgery to hair cloning and, in the end, I went for the cosmetic alternative. The System.


    It's not the perfect cure for losing your hair, wish it was, but IMO it's the closest I'll ever get without having actual hair growing from my head.


    Maintenance is a learning curve. Like anything, I guess. Beats having no hair, for me, at least! Oh - it looks great. Seriously, you'd never know. Look at the new pictures of Elton John, Will Young, Brenda Fraser, David Tennant, etc.




    THG :-)

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