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Posts posted by Neily_77

  1. 7 minutes ago, botchedguy95 said:

    You made an amazing choice mate, bisanga is a legend and seems to just get better and better even after all these years, I love his videos on youtube where he goes through various difficult cases

    Thanks mate. I agree. Legend in the game๐Ÿ‘

  2. 21 minutes ago, Big Rome said:

    I bet youโ€™re over the moon you went ahead with the surgery now arenโ€™t you? ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

    Yes pal. So glad i was lucky enough to be able to take advantage of Dr. Bisangas amazing skill set. Whole team was fantastic. Looking forward to it growing in down the line ๐Ÿ˜Š

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    • Well Done 1
  3. Day 15 pics as i have just finished my 2 week aftercare process. These will be the last ones i do now for a while. I will update at a full month then every month there on. My hair on top is growing to the point i can nearly cover the recipient area so as soon as i can tidy up the sides in a few weeks and get rid of the steppy trim i may look fairly presentable soon fingers crossed ๐Ÿคž Donor area presents no pain numbness or discomfort. Recipient area is still a little numb but a touch better than it was. Still a bit of redness. Not seen much of a shedding of grafts yet. Would be fantastic if they just kept on growing but i know thats very very rare. Will keep my fingers crossed but expect a shedding phase soon โ˜น๏ธ but as of 2 weeks out this is how its looking. Ill update again in a few weeks at the 1 month mark๐Ÿ‘







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  4. 2 minutes ago, Dillpickle123 said:

    I had my procedure with dr mwamba in Brussels in early November 1900 grafts healing has gone great! Identical to yours at that point nearing 3.5 months nowย 

    Another great doctor. 3.5 months in so i guess you are starting to see big changes now. Next 3 months will be great for ya. You glad you had it done

  5. 8 hours ago, Dillpickle123 said:

    Iโ€™ll be following closely as I had nearly identical recession where my right side was higher then my left and around the same number of grafts and unshavenย 

    When did you have your procedure done and who with if you dont mind me asking. Hows the healing and progress going ?

  6. 10 hours ago, rambo man said:

    As expected this should be a good result. You had good hair and went to a great doctor

    given your age and hair type it is going to be a good resultย 

    I hope so. Just before i left Dr. Bisanga was talking to some guy that walked in and he goes have a look at him as hes had work done by me. I swear you could not tell it looked that natural. Hes top drawer aint he Dr. Bisanga

    • Like 1
  7. Wow. Impressive. Now thats what you call going above and beyond. To invite you to her own house and accompany you to hospital shows the level of care Dr. Bicer has for her patients. Top marks for a top Dr. Not sure of many people that would of done what she did so thats an unbelievable level of care. The work shes done looks fantastic too. Hope you are feeling better and get the desired result. Fantastic Dr so im sure you will. Happy growing ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘

    • Thanks 1
  8. Day 9 post op. Donor area is nearly back to the length i usually wear it at and doesnt look like its been touched at all. All donor pain and numbness i had which was very minimal seems to be gone so all good there. As for recipient area this is looking better also as the crusts are mostly if not all gone but still some redness which im sure will improve with time. Still a bit of numbness but been advised by Ian this can last a few weeks sometimes more but will pass. Ian has been fantastic as a patient advisor and been on hand to answer any questions ive had with good advice and fast with response times. Great expreience so far with the BHR team, Ian and Dr. Bisanga so just gotta see out the rest of the process and look forward the end result down the line ๐Ÿ˜Š







    • Like 5
  9. 20 minutes ago, Mike10 said:

    Apologies if I am sounding overly negative. The OP looks very clean with a nice design and as said I am sure this is going to be another good result. You may enlighten me, but is not the point of an unshaven to hide the HTto the public?ย 

    All due respect mike but you have no idea how long i can take out of the public eye or even how long my hair is. The pictures you judge on are where my head has been stuck under a bandana all day and packed down. Take a look at my before pics (re added for you) and how well i hid the recession. My hair length hasnt changed. Yes the fine hairs were shaved in a touch but If i can get away with it great. If i cant its no biggie ill wear a hat until comfortable. What i was asking the question on was the donor area not whether i look daft or notย 





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  10. 1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:


    Why the antagonistic approach. Seems like you always have something negative to say on a Bisanga thread. Shaving your head to cover an area void of hair isnโ€™t necessary anyway. It would look weird either way once grafts shed.ย 

    Wether its shaved or not at some point there will be a stage of discomfort. Its 9 times out of 10 gotta get worse before it gets better. I think its just a part of the process like it or not. Well said melvin ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Mike10 said:

    I am sure you will have a good result. But the unshaven does look weird now. It is not something you can cover up

    Of course i can cover it up but i cant put donor pics on with my hat on mike. Im aware of how it looks and ive got all the time i need till it grows. This wasnt a rate my haircut post. It was to get an idea of my donor

    • Like 2
  12. Day 2 post op with donor pics. Not sure how good its looking but said the wife its very hard to see what and where the extractions have been done. Also this is the shortest it will ever be as i usually have a grade 0.5 to 1 on the sides. She did also say my haircut is awful but hey ho it will grow ๐Ÿคฃ Luckily my hair grows thick and fast so hopefully be a bit more presentable soon when the sides grow back in. Still a bit of numbness behind recipient area. Sensation seems to be back elsewhere. No pain as such and a bit of swelling in my forehead but not to bad. Any thoughts on the donor from any of you guys that have walked this path as this is all new to me. Thanks guys





  13. 4 hours ago, Spring15 said:

    Looks good, should turn out great however a bit contradicting in your write up

    "The whole procedure was done by Dr. Bisanga"

    "grats exctracted by Dr. Kostis. All grafts were implanted by the technicians."

    Which one is it? Also the graft breakdown doesn't add up

    Amended the grafts. Apologies just a typo on my part. Dr. Bisanga doesnt take on the job of implanting. He has trained technicians that complete that part in every case as far as im aware although if im wrong please correct me. Also Dr. Kostis just did the 289 punches right at the end as Dr. Bisanga was doing someting else. Im sure if he wernt otherwise engaged he would of done those too. The extra 289 was a decision made at the end of the planned procedure. Ameded also. Sorry for any confusion caused ๐Ÿ™

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  14. Well its done. I arrived at BHR clinic yesterday morning at 9.30 and was greeted by a lovely lady on front desk who gave me the relevant consent forms to fill in. A small wait while everyone went about getting everything set up for the day then a gentleman walked to me and welcomed me with a handshake whom i then followed into the procedure room. Quick change into some crocs and an operation gown and then i was in the chair for my haircut. Gotta say though this wasnt as good as my usual barber trim but it was free so i had no grounds to complain ๐Ÿคฃ I was then given an antibiotic and a valium tab then the next bit ill be honest was not nice....the dreaded anesthetic๐Ÿ˜– Little pinchy pinch he said but i can honestly say it was no little pinchy pinch lol. They affect all of us differently but felt this one well. My pain tolerance is usually very good but i did have to bite down hard for this. Anyway that done and the star man enters the room. Asks me how i feel which was good with no nerves as i knew i was in great hands and he gets to work. The vast majority (1200 of 1489) of the extractions and all of the incisions were done by Dr. Bisanga. Punching was done with a micro motor. I may be wrong but i think i heard it was a 0.8 in size. Dead strange sensation but zero pain. Same with the incisions. We had a small break for lunch between punching/recipient sites and placement. Beef and noodles with a chocolate cake went down well then it was back in the chair for implanting.ย The plan was 1200 grafts but come the end of the procedure we went with an extra 289 grafts exctracted by Dr. Kostis as Dr. Bisanga was otherwise engaged. All grafts were implanted by the technicians.

    The breakdown was

    1Fu 350 grafts

    2Fu 564 grafts

    3Fu 454 grafts

    4Fu 121 grafts

    Total 1489 Fu

    Started approx 10.15am

    Finshed approx 17.30pm

    Not a bad nights sleep considering im up right. No bloody pillow. My numb head has now gone and pain is tolerable with out tabs which i have if i need. No donor pain btw. Just recipient pain that i think is down to the swelling. Great experience with a great Doctor and his great team. Looking forward to recovering, growing and updating you fine folk along the way. Thanks again Dr. Bisanga and team BHR. Few pics of me waiting, how it was styled, how it really is when i dont hide the recession and how it looks now work has been done. Oh also my BHR bag with all the meds i need. Post op appiontment was at was at 11.30am today where a clean up was done, aftercare discussed and any questions answered. Now on eurostar on the way back to London. Keep you all posted ๐Ÿ‘

    Ps. Donor pics to follow shortly










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