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Everything posted by jim1973

  1. I've all but decided that I'd prefer FUE simply because I like to keep my hair short. I also don't really care about establishing a new/low hairline since I've been this norwood 4A for about 15 years (its just started to thin again on top after stagnant for a long time). My goal now is to really maintain what I have but improve density (and probably tighten up hairline without going overboard). That said, reading the reviews, blogs, and seeing pictures, it seems my choices are down to Shapiro, Konior, Wesley and Mohebi. Based on what I'm trying to accomplish any input on which may be better suited for my desired look?
  2. @1978matt Was recommended to follow your threads. Can you find one that would be relatable to my situation? Starting point and current look? Appreciate it.
  3. I am relatively new to the thought of a possible transplant. Many of the posts I see have to do with restoring a hairline. My hairline has been receding since 19 years old (49 now) and so I'm used to a receding hairline. That said, it has started to recede again recently after being stagnant for many years and I don't want to be completely bald. I'm also seeing thinning on top that I hadn't seen until the last 2 years. I've been on Propecia and Rogaine for many years now. Given the amount of hair loss I've experienced, (and the fact that I likely will always keep my hair as short as it is in the pictures), am I a candidate for a HT? Any recommendations for a surgeon with experience similar to my scale (I think 4a)? I've been researching different surgeons but don't see that there is a true expertise in specific types of Norwood scales. Would either the FUT scar or FUE holes be visible with keeping a haircut this short? My donor area in back seems thick, although sides of my head are thin. Do most people with a transplant grow hair longer to help cover up any residual evidence of the HT? Sorry for all of the questions but this seems like a very knowledgeable group who can enlighten me. Any advise or recommendations you can provide will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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