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Hairy Henderson

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Posts posted by Hairy Henderson

  1. On 4/15/2022 at 2:54 AM, Eugenix Hair Sciences said:

    Thank you for sharing more pictures. You would require around 2000 grafts for your hairline lowering with adequate density. This is if you really want to go for the hairline lowering.


     Read recently about Sethi at your clinic, seems this might be up his alley.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    There are several good doctors at temporal peaks. I chose Eugenix specifically Dr. Sethi for my temple points. So far i'm 3.5 months and the temple points are the first things growing. There are other excellent choices such as Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Konior, to name a few.  Use our list as a starting point for research. 



    Can you post some pics?  What’s the cost with Sethi?

  3. 23 hours ago, Bradley787 said:

    Yes.  Here it is:

    1’s – 207

    2’s – 1187

    3’s – 671

    Total – 2065.

    Given how everything looked after surgery, I thought there would actually be more grafts.  But Dr Konior always seems to get incredible coverage with lower graft counts.  

    I can’t believe only 2k to cover that entire area.  I would think it would take 3k at least. 

    Would some of the vets comment about the number of 1’s used?  Thought 1’s were needed for the hairline and is 207 enough?

  4. 14 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    More doctors enter by using crappy robot systems and fly in technicians to lead procedures like you have littered all over the US that are almost a hair mill unto themselves that few mention because Turkey gets all the flak usually for Horror Mills. 

    The US has a hot bed of doctors who use it to basically maximise technicians to further bolster revenues. I heard of one female doctor who came in, did something really basic i think that was legally required and then bounced to go do some boob job while the technicians did the rest and then basically didn't return till the end to sign things off. 

    I also think what you said about more people coming into it and getting good and having lower prices sounds great, but it's an OPEC situation imo. They're not overtly colluding but why would any surgeon enter hair transplants, build a reputation and not jack up their prices to match the income they could make like the rest? It doesn't make financial sense for them to hold back on further pricing once their reputations established imo. In the first early years they're new and need to balance things. We actually see this a lot imo. 

    If the supply of reputable docs increases, waiting lists for current docs will decrease, and put downward pressure on pricing.


  5. I used a ruler; guess I can try again with a piece of string or similar.

    Certain angles (front view) the hairline looks fine or only slightly high, but, on the sides with little temple it shows too much forehead which is why I was saying 0.5-1cm lowering and mostly concentrating on filling in the temples.


    Fin for 15yrs.

  6. Looking to create new hairline and temples /reduce forehead.

     From globella to hair line is about 7cm.  Looking to lower by at least 1cm.  

    Assuming the blue line in frontal view pic is 1cm, how many do you think I’ll need?


     I’m thinking 3k grafts FUE.  






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