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Everything posted by exswimmerD

  1. Thank you for the reply. I stated I was on and off meds in my mid 20s (I thought I was experiencing some sexual side effects and panicked), but I have been on the standard dose for about 5-6 years now. What do you mean well demarcated? Glad to know it's a good thing. I hope it's settled as well. I am definitely finding this forum helpful in beginning my research. These are good questions to consider as I consider options.
  2. I have not yet! But that’s what I’m gearing towards. So many choices it’s hard to know where to start and who to trust. Me posting on this account was a step in the right direction.
  3. Got it! Makes sense. Yes I do feel like I have substantial hair in the donor areas, so that is promising should I decide to go this route in the future. I'm sure you're right about miniaturization on top unfortunately.
  4. Very helpful to know - thanks!! I apologize if my original message was not clear. I have been taking finasteride for several years now. As far as swimming goes, I was breastroke and IM
  5. Thank you for the response! This is the first I've heard of dutasteride, but I will look into that and microneedling as well. Hair system is not something I'd really like to do if possible, was just curious what led people to choose one over the other. I don't think I'm there yet.
  6. Thank you for the quick reply! I’m hesitant to say I’m still thinning or if it’s just seasonal shedding (which does seem to happen to me every year). The guy who cuts my hair says it’s not gotten worse, but hard to say when I look at it & over analyze every day lol. What makes me a good candidate for HT? I’m in Kentucky. Where do people typically start when looking at consultations?
  7. Hello! Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm a 33 y/o (soon to be 34) male who has been experiencing various degrees of hair loss since my early 20s. I've been on finasteride off and on since then (currently been using standard dose for about 5-6 years) and same with Minoxidil (currently using the foam product from Keeps). It seemed to be much worse than it is in my mid 20s before I was consistently using any medication, and I've been using DermMatch to fill in some of the thin spots for the last couple years. I've been noticing my hairline thinning out a bit more recently and was curious what suggestions anyone might have for where I am. We are our own worst critics so it'll be helpful for me to hear perspective from any of you that wish to share similar experiences. If you were in my shoes, would you consider a frontal hair system or am I a good candidate for a transplant? Or is it not bad enough and I should continue with DermMatch (or another product if there's something out there better)? Any thoughts or feedback is appreciated! - D
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