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Posts posted by 3rdtimefail

  1. 40 minutes ago, shiba1985 said:

    DHI is not a harvest technique. The clinic is jacking you around and gaslighting you at the same time. Which is not surprising given the quality of work. 

    There is no easy way out of this, if a way at all. If you are not happy with the way its looking right now, probably best bet is to shave it all off, and try SMP look. 

    Sorry you had to be subjected to this.

    Geeez man....you really think my only option is to shave it off and go SMP? i dont think I ever want to touch SMP again. 

    Iv heard of people having up to 4 or 5 HTs....extracting hairs from the neck beard or chest. Anyone think that can be an alternative option for me in 6 more months? im absolutely torn...and just want to find someone who can help me.

  2. Hi everyone,

    Welp...i screw up big time and I regret my decision. Im really not doing well mentally or emotionally because of it.  I went to Turkey for my 3rd hair transplant (they performed a DHI transplant) and I don't see any results at the 5th month mark...I understand full results take 12 months im currently at the 5 month mark, I am seeing ZERO new hair growth and so I am of course extremely worried.

    I reached out to the clinic directly and they claim that I did not mention that this was my 3rd hair transplant, otherwise they would have "definitely performed an FUE procedure" and they would have advised on realistic expectations since "the third hair transplant will never be as good as the first or second". First of all, I 100% told them in person, during my consultation that this was my 3rd hair transplant. We discussed that in person, so that should have been addressed before they went ahead with the procedure. 

    I dont want to throw the clinic under the bus as I am still waiting to see how they handle this situation but I would love to know how I can expect to move forward from this. As I mentioned earlier, im really not doing okay...I am so regretful and im not sure how/ if I can recover for this. 

    My first hair transplant was an FUT (age 25), my second was an FUE (age 28) and the third was a DHI (age 31). My donor area is now over harvested and I wonder if I can ever get another hair transplant at all.  I really am not looking for a bunch of people to tell me how stupid I am, I am looking for help/ advice.  Im honestly heartbroken and Im freaking out everyday....checking the mirror 50 times a day.

    Prior to my procedure they also did SMP to help camouflage my baldness but I absolutely hate the results....as you can see in the pictures below, the SMP is completely faded in the center of my head (where I am nearly bald)  and its obviously noticeable near my temples/ hairline. 

    Can anyone advise what I should do next and if there are any doctors that can help fix this?




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