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Posts posted by Ganymede

  1. Information: 45 year old Male  Lots of photos at the bottom, scroll down.

    I was in Thailand for work and interested in a Hair Transplant, so I took the opportunity to investigate. I live in the USA and was quoted nearly US$30K for 3000 grafts, which shocked me, so I decided to try out overseas clinics. Being in Thailand I couldn’t let the opportunity pass.

    I checked the famous clinics Absolut and DHT but their prices were about $10K for 3000 grafts, which was tough on my budget. I’d started seeing chatter in the community (Reddit) about Hairtran Clinic so thought I’d have a consultation. 

    Hairtran Clinic is helpfully located next to a Skytrain station. It is connected by a bridge so you don’t even need to cross the road.

    In the clinic reception area there were some tall asian guys waiting around. Their results were spectacular. They looked like models or members of BTS. You’d never think they’d ever had transplants. (Hairtran lets customers come and use their laser helmet for free and they were waiting.)

    Dr Patty is very bubbly and has excellent english. 

    Kevalee, the customer liaison, also has accent-perfect Australian english. If you close your eyes you would swear you're talking to an aussie girl. (She corrected me that her accent is New Zealand, where she attended University, but I can’t tell the difference). This is an added comfort that you can talk in slang, super fast and be completely understood. Kevalee handled all email communication.

    Dr Patty drew in some initial hair lines, which I moved up a little. She commented that asian customers prefer a 20 year old’s hairline that’s nearly straight, whereas foreigners prefer a slight M shape - which is also what I wanted. She then produced a circle with plastic on it, put it on my head, and drew my baldness pattern with a marker. She then removed the plastic and calculated 40 per cm2 to come up with 2800 grafts required.

    My general impression after the visit was - I just felt good about the clinic. Everything they said matched the hours of research I’d done here and watching youtube, for what constitutes a good hair transplant, and Dr Patty seemed passionate about Hair Transplants.

    I decided to go with them.

    I’m a bit lazy to type a massive story so here is a bulleted list:

    Quick facts:

    • Hairtrain perform FUE-DHI unshaven hair transplants
    • One major procedure a day (not a hair mill). Starts early morning or midday.
    • Much cheaper than Absolut or DHT (Dr Path) in Thailand
    • Cost is around ~$1 per graft
    • New clinic, established in 2019 
    • They have a locker to store your belongings and you keep the key
    • Doctor Patty performs incisions, and starts the extraction and placement process, thereafter two technicians take over and work quickly
    • There are around 10 technicians working on you
    • They offer a PRP package of 6 or a single treatment
    • They give you a Thai foot massage during painful parts of the procedure
    • They put a strip of cloth over your eyes, so you can’t really see what’s going on
    • Procedure was quite painful
    • The Pad Siew for the dinner break was delicious, make sure you order it
    • I had a lot of bleeding from the forelock area and needed multiple anesthetic
    • The order of procedures was, incisions by doctor, then extraction using a micromotor, (dinner) then placement by two technicians. I could hear the click clack as the DHI was loaded again and again. The room was so silent I was shocked when I saw 10 people. They only whispered.
    • Procedure was painful, I won’t lie
    • Before, and the next day, they took me to a photo room where they took my photo from every angle. Numbers around the room then “Look at the 3 , Look at 6 etc”

    After care:

    • They gave me a bandana and showed me how to tie it myself. I caught the train home feeling really weird.
    • The aftercare instructions were different to other clinics - spray every 4 hours, don’t wake up to spray, lie flat on your back is ok.. I decided to ignore them and go with the consensus - spray saline a lot and sleep propped up. 
    • I was given meds - Saline Spray, Min, Fin, Valium, baby shampoo and Antibiotics
    • The next day at the clinic, Dr Patty was unhappy with my transplant, it was oozing too much (due to me spraying too much and not listening?). She thought it likely in the Thai air I’d get an infection, so she took me to the surgery and put me on a drip with antibiotics. Maybe what’s good for Turkey/India doesn’t suit in hot and humid Thailand?
    • They said, just wait for the scabs to fall off, but at day 10, I washed them off gently, gently by water from my hand. 
    • They also gave me the laser cap each time.
    • I threw out all the medication except Fin because I was scared of going through customs with hundreds of non-prescription pills. (I had a prescription for Fin)
    • Feedback - I’m really happy so far. The placement was excellent, my donor looks untouched and my left temple already has a lot of growth after only two months.
    • They only put single grafts in the hairline and pointed them correctly.

    As expected the hair shed, but it has already started growing back.

    Only criticism - they transplanted some grey hairs - I’d rather they threw them out.

    Would I recommend Hairtran - Yes. But let’s see my final results.


    00. Before 0 - Copy.jpg

    01. Before - Copy.jpeg

    02. Donor Before - Copy.jpeg

    07 hours after R 20220615_205036 - Copy.jpg

    07 same day other side L 20220615_205029 - Copy.jpg

    08 Donor bigger 20220616_090324 - Copy.jpg

    08 Donor day 2 20220616_090313 - Copy.jpg

    09 Day 10 Scabs off R 20220626_013630 - Copy.jpg

    09. L 20220626_013428 - Copy.jpg

    10. Day 14 donor 20220629_051423 - Copy.jpg

    12. 2 months L 20220816_154942 - Copy.jpg

    12. 2 months R 20220816_152430 - Copy.jpg

    15. 2 months Donor - Copy.jpg

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