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Posts posted by AJGG13

  1. On 10/31/2022 at 10:03 AM, BaldingEagle1 said:

    how much money did you end up saving using that fx transfer app

    I dont remember but I would like to say $500 CAD over the whole procedue given no credit card fee which is usually about 3% and minimal fx fees which can also be another couple percent... so I would like to say about 5%ish saved depending on your bank/credit card, exchange rate

  2. Here is the 8 months update. The front filled up nicely and continues to become thicker. The crown also filled in nicely. The donor at this lenght is fine but when I cut it short in september it was still alarming. I may try to keep it a little longer at the next haircut which is soon and see how short I can go without it looking too bad. The pictures are after a shower and towel dried. No products in the hair.





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  3. 3 hours ago, Ryan Daniel said:

    Hi AJGG13,

    did you have a previous procedure before? I can see your donor area extractions on the side.  I have a similar problem 


    Im just over 2 months now. The situation can either improve or stay the same.  We will see after a proper haircut… if not… smp might end up being the answer for me


    No,this was my first procedure. Our pictures are similar for a second I thought it was my donor you posted at 2 months😅 

    My donor did improve from when I took pictures at 2 months (improvement is more visible in person) but I hope it improves a lot more. Obviously when it was longer you could not really tell, will try to find a picture pre hair cut.

  4. 30 minutes ago, bbq111 said:


    I rather be positive for ajgg13. I'm not saying it can't be overharvesting.  People's donors recover at different rates and no 2 cases are the same. Let's see how things go and be encouraging. If things don't turn out well then hopefully the clinic can help rectify it down the road. 

    Melvin's shock loss thread for reference: https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/56394-my-donor-shock-loss-journey/

    Interesting thread by Melvin which he has similar results as me which seems to completely recover at a later date. Will stay positive for now. Thanks for the link.

    • Like 1
  5. Here are my 4 months results pre and post hair cut. Hairline is coming along great and I feel a lot more coming out. No complains about the temples either. Crown is slower but also coming through.However I got a haircut and got a number 2 and 3 for donor and it is definitely clear that it is lacking density. Hopefully it will get better with time and you dont see it with longer hair but with shorter hair you see it in sunlight. I have started applying minoxidil to the donor to hopefully improve the situation.

    All photos are with no products and I try my best to show different angles and lighting.








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  6. 8 hours ago, drawdownfx said:

    Wow Amazing work from Dr Das, the temples look amazing + the angles are perfect. Keep us updated man wishing you lots of growth in the coming months!

    Thanks, the temple is what had me worried at first since it often seems to be hit or miss. So far they look well placed and directions seems good but it is still too early to tell. Dr. Das was really diligent in regards to what hair would go in the temples and often cutting double grafts into singles to be used for the temples. Hair was taken near the ear were they are finner hair (what she told me).

  7. 8 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Awesome did you get to hang with @Bandit90? Thanks for sharing your amazing journey with us.

    Yah I met Bandit90, great guy. We had a great time being shown around Mumbai by Dr. Sethi.


    3 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    I always keenly follow any Eugenix work that involves temples and seeing you got 400 grafts for them, i'm certainly going to be following close. 

    Wishing you all the best and really glad to hear they accommodated the schedule you had. 

    Hoping to go in May and i know exactly what you mean about the Visa lol. Still waiting on mine but i've been told minimum 45 working days so will be calling up after 7th April as i formally submitted everything on the 4th February 2022.

    My visa was hell of a story. Ended up driving two hours to go see BLS and embassy in person and miraculously got the visa that day. I still wonder if I did not go if I would have ever gotten it. But I think things should get better soon. By phone everyone tells you a different answer. 

  8. Here is my experience at Eugenix:

    • 31 years old, been progressively losing hair since early 20’s. Went on finasteride 1.25mg daily (Proscar cut in 4) since 1 year. Been lurking here for 2 years where I found this clinic.

    • Had zoom call with Eugenix and Dr. Das which we estimated I needed 3700 grafts (2700 hairline/temple, 1000 crown). 

    • Booked for February had to change to March due to visa issue. Originally was to be in Mumbai due to her being there that week however they ask me to change to Delhi last minute which was not feasible due to tickets being already booked. They accommodate and Dr. Das flew to Mumbai.

    • Exclusive Package at 120rs +18% tax. I booked several weeks after Dr. Arika was not included in the exclusive package anymore. Dr. Das had been promoted to the exclusive package given almost 6 years of experience with Eugenix. I had selected her based on reviews I had seen. 

    • Visa was a pain to get as a Canadian given covid and the slow process speed of BLS international.

    • Eugenix has a corporate rate for the hotel which is about 50% less than Expedia. About 6000rs including tax and breakfast for a 5 stars hotel, well worth it.

    • They feed you whatever you want at the clinic which is delicious

    • Downloaded a food order app to order food as needed during my stay and downloaded a FX transfer app to pay for the surgery to save exchange rates and credit card charges.

    Day 1

    • Got at clinic at 1pm and we did blood pressure test and tested the anastasia for allergies

    • Proceeded to draw the hairline with Dr. Das. It was as I had imagined so I didnt have much changes to do. To be noted I have like 10 hair (litteraly, see the pictures) below the hairline in the front. Putting the hairline lower would not have made sense and I wanted a conservative design that is dense.

    • Shaved the areas where she would be operating

    • Proceeded to pay for the procedure which was 3500 grafts vs. the 3700 estimated earlier.

    • Proceeded to get the slits done by Dr. Das. This took maybe a couple hours and we finished with 3550 grafts. She was diligent in her slits and once done we applied the ink and we would be ready for tomorrow at 9am.

    • She reassured me that slits could stay open for several days and it would make a clean job

    Day 2:

    • Got there at 9 am and started surgery right away. 

    • As explained in other reviews the tech are pros at their jobs and are super efficient and clearly know what they are doing with each of them having at least 5 years of experience.

    • The girl giving the anastasia was the nicest, always asking if I felt pain and injecting as needed to numb the area being worked on.

    • Dr. Das was there the whole time to supervise the surgery. Dr Sethi even came in a couple times to see how things were going so that was reassuring.

    • We finished at around 7pm and had maybe a 15 minutes-20 minutes break for lunch which was perfect with me.

    • 3550 graft: Approximately 900 crown, 2200 hairline, 400 temples

    • Took pictures post surgery and was given a package to take care of the hair and medication and then I went out with Dr. Sethi and the team as well as another patient.

    Got to spend several days with Dr. Sethi since he was in Mumbai but he is mainly in Delhi so this was a good coincidence. One thing for sure is that Dr. Sethi eats, drinks, sleep (not much) hair. I have never seen an individual so dedicated to his craft. Be it patients, surgery, hospitality, staff, etc. Met several of his clients and all of them are 100% satisfied with Eugenix which helped make me feel good about my choice.

    Pictures Before Surgery:



    10 minutes after surgery:



    8 days:


    Had lots of dried up blood from after the surgery.


    14 days:





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