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Everything posted by BoredMassively

  1. From my perspective I’m happy with the entire process from the consultation to the surgery and ongoing aftercare. The Dr is optimistic about my procedure and he seemed really sincere whenever I spoke to him. He actually said he thinks this will change my life, which if it goes well I’m sure it will, for reasons I won’t go in to. I had ≈ 2150 grafts taken from the donor area which I was told should translate to around 5000 hairs. ≈ 300 singles at the forefront, the rest 2s and 3s behind the hairline. I just want to know what this community thinks of how it looks. Does it look like they did a good job based on this early stage? thanks 👍
  2. Hi all, I would love some third party opinions. How does it look? is it good work? is it over/under harvested? pass some judgement on it please! I asked to keep as much existing hair as possible… I was treated very well on the day by my clinic and the aftercare is very good too. I was told of the 2150 or so grafts, if all goes well, I should get around 5000 hairs. The surgeon seemed optimistic. Nothing like some third party anonymous opinions to validate or worry though! I’d love to hear. Thanks all.
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