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Everything posted by Rajiv01

  1. hairline looks great. Not worried about that. It’s more the thin patch between native and transplanted hair that I am not sure whether that’s normal or that it was missed you can’t miss an obvious area , so whether it’s shock loss which I hope improves with time. Quite stressful times knowing there is patches frontal and temporal despite a transplant. With Dr Alam , sorry entire scalp just frontal part then it’s easier to put local anaesthetics further higher up in scalp.
  2. yes they are sending it to me. Will upload them soon. I haven’t been great with finasteride. Only took them on and off. But I plan to take regular at least for 6 months. It was done in australia by Dr Alam. He did a decent job but yea I was thinning given my non compliance with the meds.
  3. it’s with the team. Can I request for them ?
  4. This was day 2, unfortunately had no immediate post op photos
  5. hey guys wanted some opinions. Just 1 week post transplant - this was my 2nd transplant. First one was 2017 basically I just had some thinning in and around previous transplanted hair and my temporal areas also thinned out i have opted for the premium pack with Dr Arika. She is lovely and amazing. Had about 1900 - to fill thin areas, slightly lower hairline and ofcourse the temporal areas. day 4 onwards started noticing some thin patch just above new transplanted area ( pics ) , started to get obvious They are quite busy and i managed to ask Dr Arika who quickly had a look and said likely it’s shock loss which can happen. Hope it’s temporary as I was quite worried. I did notice like their anaesthetic technique where they use multiple injections to numb which means more trauma to the areas. From previous experience it was just numbing main nerves in forehead which blocks entire scalp. Anyways let me know your thoughts
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