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Posts posted by THE TRUTH

  1. 38 minutes ago, 110620 said:

    As i know, ASMED’s head of client representive is italian(or half italian) and probably they manage to delete/disapoear bad results/comments.

    It looks that ASMED manages some HT forums well and online marketing. At least i belived and give desicion because of good comments and good publicty online

    I know the moderator the italian forum. His nickname is Bola...He is a scam. 

    It is obvious that has some sort of  financial partnership with those hairmills. 

    He deletes bad reviews to make people believe what he wants them to believe...

    This is the problem with some forums... 

    Fortunately, the Hair Restoration Network is one of the rare honest forums which does not delete bad reviews. 🙏

  2. Fair questions bro. 👍

    I will try to be as  honest as I can. 

    Unfortunately there is no guarantee in hair transplants...

    A hair transplant can fail even in the hands of the best surgeon in the world even though the risk is minimal of course. I have personnally never seen  bad results from the clinics that I mentioned BUT that doesn't mean they do not exist... 

    Every clinic including the very best have had at least a few bad or subpar cases.

    The best you can do try to minimize that risk by choosing the best surgeons. 

    I totally understand your concerns and they are 100% legit. 

    For guarantees it depends. Most clinics offer only free touch-ups. Some clinics will refund sometimes. Not all of them and it's a case by case approach and really depends on the ethics of the doctor. You have to ask your doctor during the initial consultation prior to surgery what happens in case something go wrong. It is of critical importance to make that aspect cristal clear. 

    For a refund, you need to have them sign a guarantee before they operate on you that they will refund in case of failure. However, not many doctors do that. I heard Dr. Hasson used to do it. 

    What I recommend you to do is go on each and every single hairloss forum. 

    Baldtruth talk, recuperartupelo, alopeziede, hairloss international forum, belicapelli, hairlossexperiences, hairlosstalk, reddit HairTransplants and do a TON of research. 

    Search for individual reviews and never trust cases posted by the sales representatives/consultant of a particular clinic because they are obviously cherry picked....

    You should ask the clinic to show you as many cases as possible of their results on patients whose balding pattern  is as similar as possible to yours in order to get an acurate idea of what is achievable realistically. 

    Also (ideally..) you wanna meet patients from the clinic in real life to see what these results actually look in real life. 

    For the numbers of grafts that you require, 5000 is just an estimate. I think roughly 3000 to rebuild a "conservative mature hairline"  and give you some baseline coverage. You can always add some grafts later if you're not satisfied with the density. Your crown is not that bad. 2000 grafts should do it. Again I am not a hair transplant surgeon nor technician  and this is a rough estimate based on the many many cases I saw throughout the years. 

    Also I would not recommend doing a mega session of 5000 grafts right away...

    In case something goes wrong, it is always better to start with a minor surgery to see how well you "respond" to it. 

    Most people make the mistake of going at it all at once and then end up being disapointed. . I made that very mistake in the past and I'm still dealing with the consequences to this day. 

    Maybe do 2500 grafts or less for your first surgery and THEN if it turns out sucessful do the other half. Something like that... You don't wanna waste all your donor straight away.  

    I am not a big fan of mega sessions since they can increase the transection rate during extraction and as well as increase blood supply competetion  between the grafts on the recipient and thus potentially lower the survival of those grafts....

    Some doctors like Zarev have truly mastered mega sessions but you know  like I said there is never a 100% guarantee of sucess...

    Only high chances  of sucess ! 

    I noticed you have also slight miniaturization on the midscalp as well but that can be improved with medication since it seems like hairs are at the early stages of thinning on that specific area. I would hold off from getting surgery on the midscalp. At least for the moment. 

    Yes Finasteride will slow down your hairloss drastically... Will it stop it completely forever ? Probably no. Will it help you maintain most of your native  hairs till the rest of your life ? Yes definitely. 

    There are people have maintained most of their hair just with Finasteride since the 1990s. 

    Finasteride is enough for maintenance for most guys unless you have really really agressive hairloss or you are using steroids. 

    If you are worried about Finasteride losing efficacy then you can always upgrade to stronger drugs such ad Dutasteride, oral minoxidil, Topical anti androgens like RU58841, fluridil etc...

    Or in the extreme case Derek's nuclear protocol LOL....

    I'm sure you know all these pharmaceuticals. 

    You can add these on top of finasteride in order to try and thicken up your midscalp and crown for 6 months or so. 

    I'd do that first before getting under the knife. Surgery is always last resort. 

    The Hairloss Show , Kevin Mann, Derek from MorePlatesMoreDates have many many videos about this very topic.  Check them out. 

    Check out, Mister Rolandas, Mesiasss4, etc...

    • Like 3
  3. 16 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Dude what’s your agenda here? First you talk crazy about HLC I didn’t forget your username “soon butchered by HLC” seems like your only reason to post is to attack clinics. What’s your angle? Are you a patient of Erdogan? You’re speaking in absolutes like you have experience. Typing IN ALL CAPS is also very strange. 

    Hello Melvin Lopez, 

    Thank you for your comment. 

    I never "talked crazy" about HLC. 

    I was considering them myself and I was  just questionning and discussing some of their results on this forum that looked really subpar. 

    And yes I admit it, that username was a bit sarcy and cringy that's why I changed it. 👍

    As for ASMED, no I am not a patient of them and I will never be. 

    Sorry if I sound a bit agressive and critical sometimes bro but these bad results from ASMED make me very angry.... 

    Their lack of ethics is terrible. 

    They completely ruined this poor man's transplant yet they charge 2.5€ per graft. 

    They totally and permanently wasted 5000 of his grafts and instead of offering at least a free touch-up, they wanna charge for another surgery...

    Last but not least they attribute his current situation to the fact that he stopped finasteride....while it is more than obvious that this is the consequence of their terrible job. 

    My goal is by no means to trash some clinics. I am just speaking based on facts. But I just get angry when I see that.... I guess you too. 

    ASMED has many bad results just like this one. Sorry but this is the truth bro. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

    Ultimately like i said, his donor is not overharvested and the transplant is not totally botched  so he could still do a repair at a reputable place. I wish him the best. There is still hope 🙏

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Ryan Daniel said:

    I never said Asmed did a great job or a bad job. I was just giving a realistic opinion. 

    I've had bad work done in Turkey, and for this man to get 5000 grafts taken from a Turkish clinic is catastrophic in my mind but we are all here to try and help him out


    Of course bro. No problem and totally agree. 👍

    I just wanted to clarify in regards to what happened.

    His current situation not being the consequence of stopping finasteride but Koray Erdogan's technicians terrible work...

    In which clinic did you get yours ? 

    • Like 1
  5. Yeah be careful. I see a Norwood 4 developping there... 

    That is already pretty significant. 

    Talking realistically you need a successful 5000 grafts to achieve the illusion of full coverage. 

    You have only one donor. And anything passed Norwood 3 you don't have the right to make a mistake cause once the grafts are wasted they are wasted. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Ryan Daniel said:

    I know exactly what happened to you.  After 22 months the hair that you had still on your scalp have all fell off... and so now you are left with just the transplanted hairs....

    This is why the result is not satisfactory.  I speak from experience.  This is the importance of Finasteride. 

    How is the donor area looking please?  5000 FUE is not a joke 

    Lol Ryan Daniel....No way...

    No offence, no disrespect to you and your hypothesis but this is COMPLETELY WRONG. 

    His hair did not just fall out because he stopped finasteride....

    This is just Koray's BS excuse to blame him....Koray Erdogan is such a liar. 

    Finasteride was basically protecting his native non transplanted hairs from miniaturizing and eventually falling out during the time he was taking it. 

    If you compare his before and after pics from surgery you'll notice his native hairs are the exact same now as they were before his surgery. He hasn't lost any. Even after stopping finasteride. 

    The real problem is NONE OF THE TRANSPLANTED HAIRS GREW...

    Zero growth from the transplanted. They threw 5000 grafts in the bin. Shame on them. 

    The reason is poor survival rate, incorrect handling of the grafts, transection by Koray's uneducated teams of technicians etc....

    Now or course the only long term risk of him not being on finasteride is losing some of his native non transplanted hairs. That may happen slowly over the course of the next 3-5 or even 10 years...

    But Koray's technicians did an absolutely terrible job. 

    I've seen too many bad results from ASMED...It's crazy man. 

    • Like 1
  7. Honestly I wouldn't go with HLC unless your budget is absolutely and strictly limited to  10 000$...

    I'd try to save a bit more and go with Freitas/Pinto/Fereira/Ximena Vila. 

    Couto, Lorenzo, Zarev and Bisanga are the very best in Europe for FUE but  they are a lot more expensive. The other ones I mentionned from Spain/Portugal are almost up there. 

    If Zarev/Couto/Lorenzo are 5/5 then Ximena, Freitas, Pinto, Fereira are 4.5/5.  

    Hlc would be like 4/5 at best. 

    Some of them are approximatively 10% more expensive than hlc but 30% better in terms of quality. 

    HLC does have a few amazing results on their youtube channel for sure and I was really considering them at some point. 

    BUT then I found many bad results after doing extensive research. 

    Check out in this forum the following threads: Bloodhound, EvansLawrence, Andrei HLC,  Namsak died on the battlefield.....

    All highly questionable results...

    Maybe you've already seen them. 

    Also check out the many results from hlc on the german hairloss forum alopeziede Just translate the page into your language to read the reviews. There are many subpar results from hlc... 50% are good (not great) while the other 50% are just like lowcost hairmills...

    And also go to google and check out the following thread "Yalatif Dr. Ozgur 2012 Hairloss international forum." This is an old one on the french hairloss forum. 

    Basically there is evidence  of 3 totally failed transplants as well as 1 failed repair on 3 different  guys in a few weeks interval... 

    Also Check out Sandrom and LemonC on Belicapelli too. Very questionable results too....Almost zero growth. 

    Again, you may get a good result with HLC but you may also get a really average one and then you will regret spending 10k on something that looks like the average result you could have gotten in a  lowcost hairmill by spending only 3000$....

    You know what I mean ?...

    If you do decide to go then Dr. Umut is probably the least skilled surgeon out of all hlc surgeons. Dr. Elif and Dr. Cengiz seem to have better and more consistent results. Dr. Bekir is the youngest doc and replaced Dr. Akin. Never seen any result from him.  Unfortunately you cannot choose your doctor so it's all lottery ! 

    The main doc Ozgur Oztan does not operate anymore. 

    To be fair, I think they are a decent/good clinic overall. But just not comparable with Spain/Portugal. And from what I have seen not really worth the money according to the reviews on this forum ! 

    Don't me wrong, they are by no means a terrible clinic but just not worth the money...You know what I'm sayin...

    Like I said, if your budget is 10k then really try to save 12k-13k and go for a real elite FUE clinic which have a history of much more consistent results. 

    Also for example if you compare Couto/Lorenzo/Ximena/Freitas/Pinto and hlc on youtube,  you will notice they all show results under harsh lighting, combing through wet hair, showing all angles etc...

    Never the case with hlc. The results which are cherry picked on their youtube channel are always showed either with longer hair or by hiding certain areas. 

    To summarize, best case scenario you get a very good result although not full coverage since you have pretty advanced hairloss already and you'd need 2 large surgeries at least to achieve the illusion of full coverage. 

    Very worst case scenario is you get an average result with lack of density like bloodhound, evanslawrence, namsak, andrei etc...

    And then you will have to save an aditionnal 15k to get a repair with the best of the best....

    Cause hlc offers free touch-ups but no refund so think about it twice. 

    All the best. Good luck

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 1
  8. Koray Erdogan is an absolute scam. This man truly deserves to be EXPOSED....

    On Youtube, on hairloss forums etc...EVERYWHERE. 

    ASMED is by far one of the worst clinics in Turkey. 

    Not only ethics wise but also in terms of price/quality ratio which is absolutely horrible.... 

    I would rank ASMED well below Hair of Istanbul or Cosmedica. Which are also hairmills of course but cheaper and produce more consistent results. Probably as low as Çinik,  Elithairtransplant or even worse if we consider the price/quality ratio... ASMED is not worth the money at all. And Koray Erdogan is the biggest scam ever. 

    He basically just draws your hairline, takes your hard-earned money and let his technicians do all the work. 

    I'll never forget FarsanUK, a pakistani man from the UK from the baldtruth forum who got totally anihilated by Koray's techs...Poor guy. 

    Eugenix is also another good clinic for repair surgery. 

    Hattingen also in Switzerland. They are more expensive though. They do FUT but if I remember correctly they can sometimes perform FUT even after FUE has already been performed. But depends. It's a case by case approach. 

    And maybe HDC in Cyprus (Dr. Kyriakos Maras).  HLC ankara also has a few good repair results BUT be careful since they have produced many highly questionable results too especially on this forum. 

    Honestly I'd stay away from Turkey this time.

    As for the US and Canada,  it is a lot more expensive as you know... But clinics in North America recommended on the forum are all good (Hasson & Wong, Rahal, Diep, Alan Baumann, Umar Sanusi, Konior etc...) 

    But remember even with the best of the best it is always a gamble and there is never a 100% chance of full sucess. 

    Ximena Vila has done an amazing job repairaing Mesiasss4 hairline with only couole hundreds grafts after he got destroyed twice by Songul Alçi in a cheap hairmill...

    She does good work for 2.5€ per graft. 

    Not crazy. But very solid. 

    • Like 1
  9. Koray Erdogan is such a terrible unethical person. His clinic is basically a very expensive hairmill that is by no means better than the Ciniks, the Serkans, the Balwis, the Acars etc etc....Only difference is he is more expensive. SHAME ON HIM. 

    I've seen so many bad results from Koray's technicians especially on the french forum called hairloss international forum. He should AT LEAST refund the money. If I was running a business, I would have a minimum of consideration and overall  humanity for my clients and I would  refund the operation in such cases because I would not be able to sleep knowing that I am held for responsible for ruining someone's life. Every clinic make mistakes and every patient who has done his research diligently should know what he is getting himself into when playing the russian roulette of hair transplant. BUT his behaviour post op is absolutely unacceptable. Moreover he is millionaire and makes some crazy money so 10k more or less is nothing for him...

    If I were you I would publish and translate my case on every big hairloss forum (recuperartupelo, alopeziede, belicapelli  international hairloss forum, hairloss talk, bald truth, hairloss experiences etc...) as well as a youtube video. Reach out to Mister Rolandas, tenermaspelo, Mesiasss4.  People deserve to know how is "doctor" Koray....


    Truly sorry for you brother. I feel u. I really do and I know how hard it is to have to go through this. 


    Good news is you still have enough donor for some repair. Go with the best of the best this time. Avoid Turkey by all means. 

    Spain/Portugal: Couto, Lorenzo, Ximena, Freitas, Pinto, Ferreira, 


    Belgium: only Bisanga. I wouldn't trust Feriduni and Mwamba. I saw 2 bad results from Feriduni and heard horror stories from Mwamba in ild threads. 

    Zarev in Bulgaria. Probably the best in the world for large FUE


    Otherwise I you don't wanna waste your time money and energy anymore then just get SMP. Make sure you do a TON of research before choosing a clinic for Smp.


    Good luck all the best


    • Like 4
  10. 17 hours ago, MachoVato said:

    These numbers are ridiculous.

    If you think HLC gives you a 10% of being "butchered" ... and are STILL going there... you're an idiot. Or you're just a troll.

    Hello MachoVato, 

    I am open to friendly discussion and wanna learn from your experience as well. 

    You didn't read my posts obviously or you did not understand my points. Never mind. 

    Actually I was thinking HLC is a GREAT clinic and amongst the best for FUE in Europe until I came across Bloodhound and José story on this forum and spanish hairloss youtuber Messias' channel and then started researching VERY deep into the archives. 

    I knew hlc was perhaps not as elite as some very expensive docs such as Couto & Lorenzo or maybe some doctors in the US but still I felt really really confident until recently. That is why I had chosen them initially. 

    Based on that very extensive research,  it turned out (literally around 10 days before surgery) that there are elements that justifiably awake quite a few doubts and suspiscions in regards to their abilities...

    A) How was your experience with them ? 

    B) What is your opinion about the numbers I was speculating about ? 

    C) What do you think would be an accurate estimate of the number patients they operate each month ? And also what do you think the percentage of failed cases that happen per month ? Less than 10% ? 

    D) What was your post-operative routine specifically ? 

    I know they do NOT have many failed cases and none of those particular cases is a disaster like those we often see from lowcost hairmills.  Bloodhound case is not a disaster meaning the donor area is okay and there is SOME growth in the recipient area but this type of result is just not acceptable given the high price and reputation.  It is not too bad for sure  but looks like the average lowcost result from Elithair, estepera, serkan aygin, cinik etc...

    Looking forward to hear your opinion. 


  11. Mister Lopez, I really do not appreciate your behaviour. 

    First of all, you deleted the links I posted on my previous comment. Why are you censoring information ? Because these were links to other forums that you perceive as concurrents to yours ? Because they show bad results from a particular clinic ? 

    Totally unfair behaviour. I am considering unsubscribing already. 

    Secondly you call me "just a troll". Okay well no, I am actually not a troll. But I do not care about your opinion. 

    I decided to use this particular nickname on this forum simply because it reflects my current state of mind.

    Going into surgery next week, having already bought the airplane tickets, paid for accomodation as well as the deposit and spent 700€ already while finding out literally weeks/days before surgery (after digging VERY deep into the history of the clinic) that this "reputable clinic" has more than one bad result makes me question my decision to go there....

    Sure my screen name is a definitely sarcastic and may not sound serious but this is just how I feel right now. 

    I guess I should have done my homework a bit earlier but without me coming across Bloodhound's and José's  cases on this forum I would have NEVER ever suspected anything wrong coming from HLC and thus would have never researched sooo deep into the archives and found quite a few additionnal bad cases.

    Have a nice day. 

    • Sad 1
  12. Tnx for the reply. 

    I am still kind of hesitating literrally days before surgery...

    On one hand I've already paid the deposit, bought my plane tickets, booked hotel rooms and spent quite a lot of money already...

    They gave me a discount because of Covid. I think they used to charge 2.7€ in the past. Maybe even 3€. Therefore (in some way) it is an interesting offer for sure. 

    On the other hand, I keep thinking about those bad results...Yours, José's and also the bad cases from the french guys I showed you (one is from 2020 and the 3 others are from 2012). 

    I remember said "there is no surgeon that hasn't messed up at least 1 patient" and that even the best clinic have had failed cases but I wonder what is the percentage of failed cases at HLC STATISTICALLY ?? What do you think ? 

    I guess they have 3 patients per day so basically it equals roughly to 90 patients per month or maybe a bit less. Out of those 90 patients maybe 5-10 get a result similar to yours or José's...

    And of course I know donor area is limited and there is no comeback possible once you get under the knife...And like you said in your previous comments, there is no rationnal reason to believe a free repair surgery should be successful given that the first one was a failure. 

    Actually even our man KEVIN MANN changed his mind about HLC and is unsure whether he would trust them based on the recent failed cases published on this forum. 

    I wish I could afford someone such as Umar Sanusi, Hasson & Wong, Zarev, Pradeep Sethi, Couto & Lorenzo but 10k is my very maximum budget. 

    Maybe I should go with Fereira, Maras, Ximena Vila, Freitas, Pinto. Bit more expensive than HLC but they show a lot more results on their youtube channels. 

    What are your plans for the future ? I guess you'll stay on finasteride and to find a reputable surgeon in the US in order to repair your  temple ? 


    Wish you all the best

  13. Hello bro,

    I have also been dealing with hairloss for several years.
    Norwood 4 diffuse thinner.
    Finasteride 1mg daily.
    I have used each and every imaginable pharmaceutical under the sun including Dutasteride at doses as high as 2.5mg daily, oral minoxidil, fluridil, RU58841 etc...
    Pretty much everything except Derek's nuclear protocol and castration but sadly nothing grew back....And I remember Dr. Hamilton demonstrated that total endogenous deprivation through castration stops hairloss dead in its tracks but does NOT regrow hair...
    So I basically I just switched back to good old finasteride.
    I have only 3 options left at this stage:

    A) Finasteride for life and Hair Transplants. I need at least 4000 FU assuming the survival graft is gonna be over 95%
    B) 15-20 laser removal over the course of 1-2 years in order to remove the balding shadow that still
    makes Male Pattern Baldness visible even after a Gillette Fusion Proglide razor shave
    C) SMP tattoo but that would involve touch-ups every couple years as well as shaving at least twice a week. Shaving is an incredible pain in the butt. Done it, been there for 2 years. Bledding, cuts, razors bumps, extreme scalp redness and irritation and lot of time, money and energy wasted in the bathroom and on shaving devices...

    My hair transplant is schedulef at HLC next week.
    Your story and EvanLawrence's freaks me out...Even though your case seems slightly worse than his.
    Of course it is not a distaster but definetely not acceptable for such an expensive clinic.
    I have seen good results from them but also many failed cases after digging very deep in the archives.
    As for example these

    May I ask you several questions please?

    1) Do they let you choose which doctor is performing surgery during the first day of consultation ? Dr. Umut seems to be the one who messed up in 3 of the bad cases I have seen
    2) Where exactly is the accomodation at HLC ? Was your appartment in the building right on the other side of the clinic across the road ? Or was it another place ?
    3) Could you please described briefly what is the exact protocol to follow after the procedure ? Spraying, washing the grafts etc...
    4) How is your donor area after 1 year ? Was it overharvested ? I guess little white dots are visible when completely buzzed, aren't they ?
    5) How much is the price if you want Dr.Oztan to operate on you ? Some people say it is 3.5€ per graft, other claim he doesn't operate anymore because of neck issues...

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