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Posts posted by cptgetdrunk

  1. 29 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    Proper research requires time and at the end of the day, the worst thing that can happen with the situation you've outlined is you end up getting some very high level consultations from surgeons you maybe cannot afford to employ. Ending up getting consultations with top surgeons is always a good thing even if you eventually end up going somewhere else for the surgery. One interpretation is to view that as a waste of time... I don't think that's the smart interpretation though.

    I do agree that transparency in pricing is overall a good thing however, and if there are straightforward ways to mitigate some of the issues I outlined in the previous post then I don't see the harm. But like I said previously, it's not as straightforward as you'd imagine. 

    Your point about getting the worst thing that can happen is very true. You empower yourself by getting more consultations and more advice from the top doctors. 

    I guess I'm just thinking out loud here. I do intend to do my research; there are just a lot of recommendations between the forums and the doctors, and it can be somewhat overwhelming. 

  2. 26 minutes ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    you can?

    Not to be cynical - but in my experience pricing is not a static amount, but rather doctors subjectively look at a # of factors in setting the price.

    I dont believe you can easily find the pricing. For example, the three places/doctors I was/am interested in, and that are recommended do not show their pricing upfront on their sites (Absolute, Eugenix, Felipe). But your point about the various # of factors is still valid, so I understand just a blanket price might not accurate.

    29 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    There's several issues with putting a doctor's pricing in the recommended section:

    1. Prices change often so it would be difficult to always keep on top of that.

    2. Whilst most doctors have a standard price, certain work such as repairs or complicated cases may require a custom price and to list standard prices may be misleading and cause more problems than it solves for both the clinic and prospective patient.

    3. Realistically, clinics don't want to be shoehorned in the "budget" category as it has - or can have - (albeit unfairly) implications on people's perception of the quality of their work.

    4. The clinics who have been accepted for recommendation pay a subscription, so you can imagine from a business perspective that some clinics will be less open to putting their prices directly alongside other clinics in the same space.

    With all of that said, there was a handy infographic/chart floating around with a decent approximation of various clinic's pricing.

    1. Valid point, though a ballpark would be great, I still feel. The only pricing I have found for Felipe is from a random reddit post (have reached out to find out more though)
    2. That does make sense.
    3. Maybe that perception is true however, for me at least, there are simply some clinics that are out of my price range. A 5 USD/graft price becomes 25k quickly when needing 5k grafts. Then with conversion from Canadian monopoly money its at 33k. I cannot be the only person in this situation. So then you would think that the clinics that are recommend and lower price would do well to promote their lower prices so we can find them.
    4. Fair that they may not want this directly on their profiles. So something like that infographic could be stickied to the forum so the information is easily obtained.

  3. Hey,

    first thanks for replying to my post!

    I realize it is possible to do what you suggested above; however, it does not seem like an optimal process when there is so much great knowledge on these forums. 

    Your suggestion is to search the forum for all the places people recommend. Go to their individual sites. Find the pricing and record it. If they do not show the pricing upfront but want to do a consultation first, contact them and do a consultation. Then, repeat this for each recommended doctor/clinic. 

    This just seems like it wastes a lot of everyone's time: people trying to find information and doctors/clinics (consulting with people who cannot realistically afford them).

    This does not seem like a great solution when there is already a list of recommended doctors without any idea of pricing. 

  4. Hello all,

    I hope I am not missing something on the site, but it seems like it would be helpful to get recommendations of doctors/clinics at various price levels.

    I know I can find a list of recommended doctors here -> https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/dr-arika-bansal/patients, but there is no pricing information to help filter to each of our own budgets. I know budget shouldn't be the main concern when getting a medical procedure done, but realistically, it is a major deciding factor for many people about where they go. 

    Ideally, we could break this down by price per graft (1-2, 2-4, 4-6, 6-8) so it's easy for people to understand their options and not have to search the forum, find recommended doctors, contact the doctor, find out the cost is 30k and repeat. 

    Apologies if I am missing something, and this information is readily available. I'm just trying to make an informed decision and get the best HT I can afford.

  5. @NARMAK @JoeMan @Vann @J.A.C 

    Hey guys just wanted to update you. Sorry for the delay just had to grow my hair out a bit first. I reached out to Eugenix as was suggested in this chat. I sent them the following images. They suggested 5000 grafts with 700-1000 coming from my beard area. Wishful thinking on their part I think considering how little of a beard I have haha. Have added their image below for reference.

    I was looking at the various packages they offer and the pricing seems to come out as follows:

    Comprehensive Package - 75 INR per graft -> 1.275 CAD ->6375 + 18 GST -> 7522

    Exclusive Package - 120 INR per graft -> 2.04 CAD -> 10200 + 18 GST -> 12036

    Premium Package - 210 INR per graft -> 3.57 CAD -> 17850 + 18 GST -> 21063

    Super Premium Package - 350 INR per graft -> 5.95 CAD -> 29750 + 18 GST -> 35105

    I guess for this I am wondering is there much of a difference in results between the various packages? They tend to go from "oh ya that's not so bad" to "well time to sell a liver" expensive pretty quickly. 

    @Gatsby Can I ask which package you got from them? 

    @NARMAK I just checked out Mr Rolandas like you suggested. You are very right about the FUE scars being pretty obvious. At a number 2 guard they dont seem too visible so perhaps I could go for that. Just hasn't really been an option currently, hair look much worse that long with my current amount, so just more used to a skin fade. Could always get SMP for the FUE scars as well I imagine. I think I will just start budgeting for the transplant and think on it. Its not something I want to rush into either way but Mr Rolandas videos actually kinda gives me more hope than anything else. Dude has amazing hair at this point and with SMP hiding the scars that doesn't sound too bad. Def not afraid of getting a tattoo haha have been cultivating the biker look for a while now. 

    The shitty thing with these miracle solutions is they always seem a couple years away. Kinda like flying cars, just seems like a dream that wont ever happen, but fingers crossed I guess. 


    image.thumb.png.d16789199ad26e028a7365b9c4c3fd11.pngAMSf6AGyyspuZWyYDQ1LWkkim-odYNuPZjQG893YB-9a_9YaCBf1TaK35nYWHVCRWO4hFD2fxx9dVIwhPUyZERzT2poUg6rPpYBwiCVg_Ukuspn2hRsztrSl4hGNhaFoVxU5bi4K9OpwOGAsu4gPbebJOGY5rxk06VlyExQJSZaseCaod5ido0aTuMJoKk0bhgu5zLX710HwRnpaWr2SkxAvdSFi-bu_d7LjosyiXdCkW5jgUG68-V_Owcy7cUJMqU2vFOT8bNMTTz7tR_VD4lja8n_kTtDaEu1Ed6zyzM7AKCAS2lCyaF7BPylljy_WwrXNvYqeTohltBJQNjUveaFpCxKeW3qDxoeJgYfDbBkbzIt_UuJQvhCtZvd_D_fmgxmwLcbw336zoKGIM0jKmneI19WPaLQcT_INFRNOM0RWNy1HvRZls1RVWnEYx_rrecovwN8fn8-g0l6YHlViUN2ND5kN365gDQNN5kYOWJ_cjlcLq_UBYvB7uodKXZX2YVJz1grx75anT3ltZVsnz72v41dlnX32vFvdlbPzx0AolfZ7rNPqHtTJT4iVQ8AgpC_R_NXb321nYVR8yEqvvuY2sjCMuAajKp6rfp4t7IEgtVIUaiNxxLpIHTyA9nQ68nAlEKNU_aZY_zUWJheL3Wr0FLeg28q-xKD4YTbUZXZ9gtObzHICfDD9Xfhc-09f1aD43Q8p19bEM2S5_AkdNBXtZnWr2ph1axe6QptkQRS6H9_U_xHIVAvQYRqlRbFRFAE6wIqHnK4DuJpF4oMeS0IlWxbJuzishCtrstHtOOru1i3_wGYRdqizwmsvtdMW00AhWNzrLLq97h7eTXL3YPrYZ1oBaKcxtMOAgZlSq72E0bBjFGdybQfFrkseaQlrVkGooQZOEbkkYZcVOIJX_wiRfpYlcrp7lyyDbVE33pKNkla6U7P0GNTkO38YS35K-Wki_VnZjg=w1168-h1183 (1168×1183)

  6. @JoeMan - I think I can blow a couple hundred on some laser hat to see how it works, not gonna get a 1000+ hat. I'll do some research into PRP as well. 

    I am pretty comfortable with a buzzed head, suits me well, but its just nice to have options and I feel like as I get older the buzzed head add age vs hair.

    I will check out @Gatsby's progress. I actually watched his YouTube video about the experience prior to coming to this forum. It would be awesome if they could use leg hair, though I know they cant, but I have so much. Prolly could get 30000 grafts just from my bloody legs. 

    • Like 1
  7. @NARMAK Ya maybe I will invest in a one of those laser hats. It isn't overly pricey so worth a try I guess. That is awesome though about Fin/Dut working continuously. 

    I think my main concern with getting a HT is not getting full coverage and then not being able to go back to a buzzed look due to the FUT scars. I have no real interest in using fibers or anything like that to fill it in, I just touch my head too much and am too active I think. 

    Honestly no worries about offending me man. I am a very chill dude haha ya the top of my head, crown and frontal areas have a good amount of diffused thinning, the sides and back do not. I will message Eugenix and see what they say but you may be right about not having enough grafts for full coverage. I have legit no beard haha insanely hairy legs though, wish that helped. Atleast I was blessed with a well shaped head for a buzz cut. Could be worse.

    Thanks again for the chat and guidance though!

    • Like 1
  8. @NARMAK, thank you for the reply. Really thank you to everyone who has replied. Its great to have this forum to discuss this. I will grow it out a big longer to get some better pictures, thank you for the advice. It just looks much worse when its a bit longer but your point is well taken.

    For Minoxidil, looking at my purchase history, I have been using it since 2017. I was also doing Finasteride around that time as well. The switch to Dutasteride is a more recent thing but still atleast a year. No side or real issues with any of these supplements. I heard Niacine was a good option, tried that, got that insane Niacine rush, think I took 1 pill from this bottle I have haha.

    For Dermaroller, I was using the roller originally but wasn't overly consistent with it. I switched to a the dermapen in Oct 2020, so a while ago, and have been consistently doing it once a week at the 1.25 - 1.5 depth. Really annoying seeing people online with great results from this and I feel like I have none, plus it hurts my head haha. I somewhat think I go to hardcore on it since I have a good amount of red prick spots for days but who knows.

     For Nizoral, I do actually use that. Totally forgot to mention it. I dont think I use it often enough or consistently enough. With my hair this buzzed short its often easy to forget to do in the shower since I'm pretty much just shampooing my head haha no fun bubbles or anything.

    Is PRP something I should consider getting done before a HT and evaluate the effects? Do people have real results with the laser therapy? I have always somewhat discounted it as "magic" but would be open to getting one. 

    Once again thanks for the advice and input, really is greatly appreciated.

  9. @JoeMan The back and sides aren't diffuse at all. Just the top and crown. Would a FUE hair transplant for Eugenix, or anyone really, give me full coverage again on the top? I am worried about still appearing thinning on the top and not having the option anymore to buzz my head down if I have the FUE scars. I will reach out to them however and get a conversation going. I have seen some of their youtube videos and it does look like great work.

  10. Hello all,

    as the title says I am mainly wondering if I could get some input on if I am a good candidate for a hair transplant. It would also be helpful to get an idea of what Norwood my balding is at.

    My current routine is minoxidill foam @5% x 2 a day, dutasteride @ 0.5mg x 1 a day, various supplements (biotin, multi-vitamin, iron, saw palmetto, flaxseed oil) x 1 a day, microneedling @ 1.25 - 1.5 x 1 a week. I have been using minoxidill for a couple years, was on finasteride before switching to dutasteride for a couple years and have been microneedling for about a year. I don't feel that I have really had any results from any of the above. Perhaps some slight growth but nothing really beneficial enough for me to want to grow my hair out. I'm also 33 years old and started loosing my hair around 25.

    So once again I guess my questions are am I a good candidate for a hair transplant, what kind of results will be realistically achievable, what Norwood am I currently at, any other recommended supplements or treatments that I should consider adding to my routine that could help improve my thinning.

    Thanks in advance and apologizes if I missed something or didn't post this in the correct spot












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