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  1. This is great! Its looking like its really growing in, now. And only at five months! Did you even shed at all?
  2. Looks good! Really clean and densely packed. Agreed that the hairline looks natural. Who had the final say on the hairline decision? I'm seeing more and more results from Dr. Patty, and its very encouraging..!
  3. Does he accept PayPal for full amount of the HT, or just the initial fee? He's in my top 3 list, and I actually have PayPal credit.
  4. Jpaw - I 'm a little confused after reading Hairtran's site. I know Dr. Patty uses a DHI implanter pen for the implantation portion, but were any incisions made on your scalp after the extraction of the grafts?
  5. I did some research over the months, and there’s a few attractive take-away’s for me. - DHI is, in fact, FUE… only the implantation method is diff’t - healing time is faster with DHI than with FUE - I’ve read that there is less scarring than with FUE (I’ve only read this recently; I’d do more research on this!) - I prefer the harvesting method of DHI over FUE. With FUE, after the removal of the grafts, they are placed in a solution (to keep em from drying out and dying), and then implanted into the incisions the docs made earlier. With DHI, a DHI-implanter tool is used to remove the graft, once the grafts are extracted (FUE), they are loaded into the DHI implanter pen, and implanted into the scalp. This supposedly minimizes the time the grafts are out of the body. - its a myth that grafts die immediately once its outside the body. Apparently, grafts can theoretically last for hours outside the body. Whether or not that’s true, that’s at least one area of DHI I wouldn’t have to worry about. The debate rages on as to which method is “better’, which yields a better result; and I’ve even noticed some people say there’s no real difference in results. But from my own research, I’ve seen more consistent results with DHI. To each their own, I guess. The bottom line is, it doesn’t really matter which technique is “better”; it just really depends on how skilled the dr. is. (Edit: corrected to include more accurate information.)
  6. Thanks for your reply, Jpaw. Was DHI requested by you, or was that the only option? I think DHI, for me anyway, really moves the needle. Did you meet with them in person for the consult, or was it a Zoom/FaceTime meeting? I'm in Tenessee, US, so there's no way I can go to Thailand just for a consult. Also, was there much of a language barrier, i.e., how was her/their English? 😛
  7. Jpaw - That's great to know that they're gaining popularity; word of mouth is a powerful thing. At first I wasn't too confident since they're fairly "new" and I didn't see too many results (although the results that I did see, they were really great, your's incl). I'm planning on using Hairtran or Laorwong early next year (seriously leaning towards Hairtran). A coupla questions, though, if you don't mind: 1. Who were your other choices for dr.'s, and what made you choose Hairtran? I see you mentioned quality, but was Dr. Patty specifically recommended by others? 2. Do you know what forms of payment they accept (USD cash, cc, PayPal, wire transfer)? 3. Did they use DHI method? 5. How was the consult? 6. How was your donor before surgery? great/average/below average/etc.? Thanks so much in advance, Jpaw!
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