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Posts posted by Hair56

  1. Hi everybody,

    I want to thank this forum, for the great information. Specifically, to @digi23. Thanks to your advice I decided not to restore the temples.

    As the topic says, I had approx 3200 grafts transplanted by Dr Resul Yaman in late march. The plan is to do weekly updates with photos. 


    Their "certificate" says they implanted:

    850 singles

    1600 doubles

    750 multiple


    Things I liked:

    1.      Great communication from the coordinator. Even late at night or early mornings he was available.

    2.      Speaks English really well. Also speaks Spanish (This came in handy as I forgot how to speak English under anesthesia 😊)

    3.      The pickup from the airport and all the transportation to the clinic was really well organized.

    4.      The result is looking good, didn’t get infected, only minor post operative pain. No Inflammation in the eyes.

    Things I did not like:

    1.      We were told we would stay at hotel A and we planned to which nearby restaurants we could go. Upon arrival the driver took us to another hotel (Great hotel too) just didn't like the lack of communication. Also, there was some lame excuse that the WiFi stopped working in the other hotel so they decided to change. 

    Again, the other hotel was OK, just the way it was done was not.

    2.      They didn’t ask if I have allergies to drugs before the surgery, they asked mid surgery   when I was all dizzy. Thankfully I remembered I am allergic to penicillin.

    3.      I got an IV during surgery and the nurse didn’t disinfect my arm prior to inserting the needle. I was so dizzy I didn’t want to argue with them.

    4.      One of the nurses aggressively moved my head during the operation. The older one was more careful.

    ·         Also, after surgery they provide certificate with the number of grafts that were implanted. One of the patients had a typo in his name and asked them to fix it, the new certificate had a different number of grafts. I think its just an estimate and they don’t really count.


    Overall, I'm satisfied with the surgery, just by tweaking these little things they could improve the experience for their patients.


    I will be uploading images soon, would like to hear your thoughts.




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