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Everything posted by Rob83

  1. No, zero loss in overall density Only the transplanted hairs, they fall in a matter of days, grow back with the same thickness, and when things are looking pretty damn good 3-4 months later and seems like this thing is over , they fall again, grow back, repeat...
  2. I read ciaus advice, sounds reasonable I never used it, wouldn’t use minoxidil make my hair dependent on the product if I later discontinue it?
  3. It makes sense, the Dr said that it is the likely reason back when I was over a year into it My question is, while this shed/loss and hair cycle looks like it is certainly synchronized in only the transplanted hairs, why does it happen repeatedly? I would understand the hair changing hair cycle in a synchronized manner, and suffering the shed I went through but after they the hairs get back to anagen, why do they fall again? It seems chronic or something
  4. Yes I got the transplant about 5 years ago but this ongoing fall took place shortly after the 3 year mark and it’s still ongoing Yes ONLY the transplanted hairs fall, I have quite a lot of hair but with a receding hairline, the transplant made the hairline straight and closed off , therefore it’s very easy to discern the transplant area as there was no hair before The transplanted hair falls and regrows and falls again I agree, to name it stress is easy to do, I haven’t gone through anything that I would consider stressful Regarding meds, I take finasteride 1mg same as years ago, vitamin d, iron and basic multivitamins as pretty much always have, nothing else... I can’t think of any lifestyle changes either. The hair regrowing means the follicle is alive, what can this be? My health is good, I am fit and I barely ever get sick What tests do you recommend, and what type of dermatologists as many just go by the book Yes it is absolutely ONLY the transplanted hair
  5. Yes it falls in sections by area The first year pretty much covered all the transplanted area by different batches, every 2-4 months some area would fall(again thick hair, no miniaturization or slow process, within 2 days you wake up and wtf, the hair looking pre transplant in such sections) During the first year not one area fell twice which made me think is the hair cycle theory But now reaching 2 years, the same batches have fallen twice or even 3 times in some areas, one same area fell, started regrowing quickly and has suddenly fallen again within 5 months It only affects the transplanted hairline, the rest of my hair is thick as always, there is no itching, discomfort or strange feeling
  6. Hello i’ve been reading this forum for a while and looking at similar experiences to mine I had a FUT HT to cover a receding hairline of less than 1650 grafts with close to 5 years ago with excellent results The problem is that close to 2 years ago, the transplanted hairs started falling overnight by different areas over the course of many months The hair does regrow fairly quickly with the same thickness and characteristics but then months later falls again, then regrows and falls The Dr says is the hair cycle being synchroniced or something or blames it onto stress, diet and the like which is hard to believe considering that the hair has fallen and regrown more than once and I am doing the same healthy eating and habits I was when the transplant was successful Reading other threads I see people that have LPP or scarring alopecia which is pretty scary but I must say that I don’t see none of those symptoms , I have no tingling feeling, eyebrows are thick and there is no scarring on the recipient area Only the TRANSPLANTED hairs are going through this, its a recurring issue and very upsetting Any idea what this might be?
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