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  1. I am not biased towards anyone. That is true, he is great, but the prices are at least out of my reach. Due to visa restrictions I can't leave the US otherwise I have to go to the embassy again and it is going to be a very uncertain process. However anywhere in the US would work. Yeah I have seen Dr. Panine's work and it's great. I haven't had a consultation yet though. I was on oral Finastride and topical Minoxidil for about ten years, then I gradually stopped last year because it didn't seem to be working anyway on me. It never stabilized anything and the shedding kept progressing full power. Well I tried for ten years but it didn't stabilize it. I got Covid a few months ago and after that the shedding has much gotten worse. The surgeons I have researched and liked their work so far has been Dr Konior, Dr Nadimi, Dr Ron Shapiro. My goals are in this order: 1) Adding density behind the current hairline in the mid-frontal area (the part that I didn't get any grafts last time), 2) Adding density and making the hairline more natural as in the previous surgery they didn't do a zigzag hairline and there are a few doubles in it which I wonder if can fixed. 3) Adding density to the crown area. As of now, first goal is the most prior one to me, but if it is possible to address more in a single surgery given reasonable cost and quality why not. I am mainly considering FUE but if FUT can turnout better results quality-wise that is something I would consider as well. Dr Konior told me given the previous surgery FUE is probably a better option. How many grafts do you think would be enough for the area behind the hairline up to the crown for good density?
  2. Hi guys, I'm 31 years old based in Chicago and had previously had an FUE procedure procedure back in Iran in Jan 2020. In my previous surgery, they did the hairline and the crown. It wasn't the best clinic and I didn't know much about the procedure at the time (didn't even ask how many grafts I got but they said around 5000 hair follicles) and due to frustration I just wanted it to be done and to be honest I'm happy I did it and I don't hate my results. In the past two years obviously the shedding has continued and now it's at a point that I'm considering a second procedure mainly for the midscalp and if possible fixing the hairline a little bit and the adding more density to the crown, but the first priority is the parts that are thinning now (I also have a pretty good donor area I guess). I'm an international grad student here and can't leave the US so my options are limited to here. I contacted Dr Konior a few months ago and at the time he said that he needs to check in person but from the images he advised to wait a bit more. I also talked to one of the corporate places but I didn't like the way the consultant talked and she acted very condescendingly. Obviously I would love to proceed with Dr Konior but given the prices and my current status it's a bit out of reach now. I was wondering If you guys can help me choose a few people to talk to in Chicago and also give me an estimate of how many grafts are required to get a very good density and results for the area, if it is possible in a single session and about the costs. Also if you think it is the right timing given the progress. Finally given that I have had my hairline done before, assuming not wanting to touch the hairline for now do you think it is advisable to do the rest in a more affordable place and then later on for the hairline go to someone like Dr Konior? I'm sure you guys know about the frustration and how it affects the confidence, so I would be very thankful if you can help me make the right decision and not repeat what I did last time. I'm adding some of the pictures from the old procedure and my current status. sorry for the background in advance, that's the best lighting I have at the moment.
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