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Posts posted by Inch6

  1. 5 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    OP, you're a few years younger than me. Don't make rash decisions that affect the next 30+ years of your life. 

    You have done the right thing taking medication for the last 4-5 years to stop or slow the progression. I think if you put away $100 a month for the next few years, you will have a decent pot of money and maybe look at Eugenix in India or some of the forum recommendations like Dr Bicer etc. in Turkey rather than a hair mill. 

    It's good you found this forum because it will honestly save you making probably one of the worst mistakes men are making atm, creating a ticking time bomb of bad hair lines and repair cases that would cost you 2-3x more to fix even if you somehow escaped having your donor area butchered. 

    I am glad i didn't rush to Turkey and have a hair mill work on me. A friend basically had been twice already and i would honestly say his results aren't as great as they could have been. The donor got left overharvested  and i think medication wasn't ever discussed fully to highlight benefits etc.. Although, you can't force a horse to drink from the well just cause you lead it there and he was probably left worse for that fact. 

    I always feel like i want to try help other guys to address their problems, but i'm not gonna lie, it's mostly a thankless job in person and people don't take kindly if you approach unsolicited. So having forums etc. like this creates the right place.

    I also think the truth is, and this could be completely selfish of some, but rightly so they don't want to have others know what they use to keep their hair and the competition of others in some ways.

    Yea I've spent many hours by know reading reviews at forums and also hair mill google reviews, while many of them has high scores (4+ out of 5) with hundreds of ratings, there is actually a pretty considerable precentage of people that's been traumatized and destroyed, and I have to agree that the top clinic has much much less of such negative reviews. I could basically increase my budget with ease but I'm a cheap ass and dont like to spend more money if I dont have to. That's why I put ~ 3000 dollars... But I will most probably increase it and avoid telling others that I've spent so much on my hair.

  2. 3 hours ago, JC71 said:

    To the OP how are you getting on with your research? I really hope we have managed to steer you away from the inherent risks from the mills…

    Choosing a Dr to do the incisions and having a low amount amount of patients is paramount. A totally “tech” driven procedure is not the way to go, I’m really hoping your now realising this 🙏👍🏽

    Yes I'm leaning more towards choosing a good clinic now even though I have to increase my budget. But man, every time I see my cousin that had HT for 1500 dollars and got really good result, it would feel so akward that I've spent so much more, but I have to remind myself that many more had awful results also at hair mills.

  3. 4 minutes ago, TorontoMan said:

    honestly this is a very stupid question. I don't want to sound rude but better the point get across for your own sake. You're rationing what you already know is a bad option for the sake of staying within a very low budget. There is entirely no point to this conversation. 

    You're going to have scars all around you head for the rest of your life, take this decision more seriously for yourself ffs. 

    But the thing is that the risk is not that high. Not everyone that goes to a hair mill get scarred for life, but I know the risk is much higher.

  4. 6 hours ago, Hayden87 said:

    Why don't you get in touch with Eugenix and enquire about their Comprehensive Package? It's only Rs. 75 per graft, plus tax; 2000 grafts would come to about US$2,350 at today's exchange rate.

    I actually thought about it yesterday when I scrolled through some results here on the forum. I might just do that, or increase my budget and go for a good clinic and skip a hair mill.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, AA1989 said:

    I'm glad your'e not my accountant😊

    • 100% represents a perfect yield. 
    • For example. If the estimate of grafts required is 3000 and you get 70% yield.
    • 3000 X 70% = 2100 
    • Short by 900 
    • To get those 900 grafts at a yield of 70%, you'd need an additional 1285 grafts.
    • So you'd pay for 4285 grafts to yield 3000.

    Where did you get your 70% from?

    As others have pointed out, the cost may be much greater than financial. A doctor with the skill and protocols in place will produce 90%+ yields consistently. Hair mills are defined by their inconsistent results.

    I've read that the transection rate at hair mills is 30%, so 70% good grafts are harvested and implanted. But I understand what you mean, however, if we say I can "risk" loosing 1000 grafts but also save 10000 dollars, is it worth it? It can be, I'm not sure. It's leaning to a no right now but sometimes I think messed it lets save that money and take the risk... 

    • Confused 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, Doron Harati said:

    Hope my photos will answer your questions, I was botched badly by a cheap hair mill in 2018 BUT IN MY DEFIANCE I paid a lot because used a consultant agency that unfortunately I trusted them and sued them with 4 more botched paitents, my first HT was the most painful and horrific experience I ever had by Arenamed clinic in Turkey, also my life was in danger and ambulance came for my rescue.

    A year plus later I had my repair by Dr. Maras at HDC clinic in Cyprus and today I am the coordinator of the clinic and very happy with my repair result.





    Wow sorry to hear that. What went wrong? Do you have a thread about your experience, would be interesting to read more about it. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, JC71 said:

    How old are you ? And can you let us know more details, if your on a med regime, your current loss, pics would be good. I implore you to do as much research as possible before making any decisions. Don’t be the next hair mill failure. 👍🏽

    I am 29, I have been on fin 1 mig/day since 4-5 years. My hair loss is not so severe, I'm nw3.

    I understand what you mean guys, but the thing is that I know a lot of people that went to Turkey to a "hair mill" and most of them got decent to good result, a few of the got really good result and a few very bad. However, if I go to a "Good" hairmill I could increase my chance of also getting a good result, and if I'm not satisified I also have enough money for another procedure. Of course, the is a risk of destroyed donor... 

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