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Everything posted by Fireblade

  1. Thanks for this! I hear you. When it comes to involvement of assistants I'm just afraid that if practically all of the procedure is done by them I can't look at results bcs I'll never know who did what. -Results could be from good assistants while I might end up with a really lousy ones. Anyhow, I've contacted quite a few that were suggested here let's see how it develops. Regarding recipient area, is it possible to increase density in an area without shaving it using FUE?
  2. Where do I find those videos?
  3. I have "no" problems being shaved in the donor area,but the receiving area - no way. I need to lower the hairline and increase density in the temples, a lot. My hair is half way down my back in length and relatively dense, except for the front. Shaving the front is not an option. From what i understand the DHI is not only a tool, it's also about how dense you can make it and also without shaving. Is FUE possible without shaving the receiving area? I've got s few responses from the suggested facilities but still no one says the Dr is actually performing the procedure only " overlooking it" and cutting channels.
  4. Thanks for all replies so far! I really appreciate this! I have contacted a lot of them for consultation and look forward to hear what they have to say. I believe DHI would be best for me, but not so many clinics seem to perform that. I really don't want to be shaved! I have, after two kids, lost a lot of hair and my hairline has declined a lot. To the limit I can't stand it anymore. I have, I believe, a good donor area, and one of the clinics I contacted earlier (Serkan Aygin) suggest 2800 grafts using DHI. But he doesn't do the procedure himself and from what I read it's one of those clinics that performs tons of procedures using "assistants" for them.. I'd like to find a reliable, highly competent doctor who's doing the procedure him- or herself and who's interested in a good result, not just the money... like all of us here I guess.. Anyone who's done DHI who has input to share?
  5. Hi there, thanks for input. I'll certainly check out the ones you mention. It's a jungle and I really don't know where to start. Doesn't matter how good the Dr is if it's not him/her doing the procedure - right..?
  6. Hi all, I was advised to look at this forum for advice regarding clinics in Turkey, but when I look for recommended clinics there are only two.. Seems weird that only two would be qualified for recommendation as there are so many. And neither of them are doing DHI. Any advice of how to find reviews and recommendations for DHI in Turkey? All the best! /Charlotte
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