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Posts posted by omarca

  1. Hi there! I dont notice different hair lenght…maybe there are. Maybe because i have a haircut like every month. What i do see is different hair textures but not many. I can spot “one or two” beard hair. Also i can spot beard hairs by being white. The Dr try to use as many pigmented beard hairs as possible but some whent to scalp. Also if a hair was destined to be white it will be white anywhere you implant it as years goes by. Also the hair cycles are different. Some will fall out first than others…and then grow back again… thats why you have to well distribute beard and/or body hairs with your excisting hairs and implanted scalp hairs.  If you need grafts other than scalp, beard hairs are the 2nd option , then lastly chest.  Here a chart i found of Dr A. Bansal that talks about hair cycles.
    Hope this helps.


  2.  @Stewie legend congrats on your procedures !!

    This was discussed, i was receptive at first. This is my 3rd overall HT (two with drM). Overall i have used 3000+, 2500, 1200 ish = 7000 scalp G give or take. As conservative as DrM he wants to leave some scalp G in the bank just in case and since my chest hairs have some characteristics as the scalp G we give it a try…knowing the cycles are different😕. In the first HT with drM we also used chest G and they are still there. At least thats what the periscope told. These chest hairs were used as fillers…finguers crossed. Also he doesnt want to overharvest the donor…i have a bunch of scars that hopefully smp will cover if i ever buzzcut. I hope this is my last HT i feel the same as you…at least iam a bit tired of the process.

    The beard Gs used where from the neck down and he used all the black hairs i got left. I dye my beard…it is almost all white. And all the white hairs i have now in my head are beard. If i ever wants another ht and we use beard they will be whites…that is a setback but a thing to consider !

    hope the best for you bro!


    here a photo of beard with no dye going home after procedure


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  3. First day after the 3 day procedure:

    This was my second procedure with DrM and my third overall…back in 2018 i got a ht that for me was a mistake wasting 3000+ grafts back then and by stopping finasteride as per “doctor” recommendation…not only that dr used a large punch also by not using medications i started to loose more hair. Maybe Smp may be required for the large punch scars (done by the previous dr back in 2018) if i ever want to wear a buzzcut.

    finguers crossed 








  4. Round two with DrM-Brussels March 6,7,8 2024.
    Day 1 Beard G - 950

    Day 2 scalp G - 1235

    Day 3 Chest G - 838

    total - 3023 touchup

    first the planning: bit touchup in left hairline and temple, crown (most G goes here), a bit in middle. 
    My smp done back in 2019 helps a lot in the transicion and ugly duckling.

    bare with me i will try to update every month

    again thanks for the forum and all the guys i have contacted and helped me in this.







  5. Thanks @Etownone ! The smp, in my opinion, is good if you have some hair to “backit up”…giving the 3d effect… after my smp and when i continued to loose hair my smp started to look bad…as paint. Thats when i started to focuse on my hair again and found this forum and DrM. 
    btw i was also in BRU the last 3 days of the 1st week of this month March for the touchup… will post everything soon and hope the best on your procedure! 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 hours ago, patronovski said:

    Thanks, i saw the pictures but what if its shaved? Still no scars visible? Or if you have a little tan in summer?

    Hello there ! This is my chest trimmed, i do not razor wet shave it perse. You can see sparse areas because now the density of chest hair is less …but no scars. Also my skin is a bit sensitive and thats the redness you may see or even trimmer cuts that i hate. I dont tan my skin i am very white and sun gives me trouble i use a lot of sun block so i cant tell if marks will appear; i assume not. Hope this helps


  7. 1 hour ago, Leos said:

    Hey man, sure: he told me 2500 for the crown would be enough, but I’m pretty sure we will push for more in the surgery day 😁

    We have performed the same in the first session, I was quoted 3500, but we’ve done 4200.

    Impressive results man, keep it up 💪💪💪

    Thanks @Leos we picked an excellent surgeon! Wish you the best in april my friend! For me he also quoted 2500-3000 but most will be bht 🤞🏻….will try for more grafts also !

  8. 12th month in sunlight and bathroom lights with haircut

    For my 2nd procedure with Dr Mwamba on march 2024 i hope to touchup a little the left part of hairline but the majority of the grafts will be for the top and the crown (2500-3000). Since all my top of scalp hair was miniaturized i needed a lot of work done and i did my research and found Dr Mwamba. Also my hairline was gone :/.  A 2nd procedure with DrM was always in the planning…and just after i hit the 12mo i scheduled the second part for march 2024. Iam super happy with the work achieved by Mwamba and his team.

    Till then now…see you in march and happy growing to all !

















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