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Everything posted by HTornotHT

  1. He was really helpful, I think he said I was a Norwood 3/4 and told me these stats about my hair. Hair Character - Straight Hair Thickness - Fine Donor Density - 80/80 Hair Groupings - Mainly 1s and 2s He's recommended 2700-3000 grafts at a cost of €3.50 a graft totalling €9,450. Is this expensive overall? I'm sure I'm going to get a great result, it's only to rebuild the hairline/reinforce the temples though, could I get the same result for less at a clinic in Turkey? He also said I should start taking Minoxidil tablets which seem to have quite a lot of side effects, has anyone got any info on this? They don't seem to sell them anywhere in the UK!
  2. Hi Lasercaps, Thanks for your reply. I think I've been at the self-aware point for a while! I'm taking fin and min and as I mentioned above I haven't noticed more loss. I've posted some photos above. Good to know that fine hair can yield good results.
  3. Hi Rahal, Thanks for your reply, I posted some pictures above. I'm 30, both dad and granddad on my mums side are bald, I've been taking fin 1mg and min. I'm not sure whether I'm still losing hair because it hasn't been short enough for a while to tell but I haven't noticed it getting shorter. I have done some research, I'm not particularly bothered, I'd probably prefer FUE but I read they yield similar results and FUT is cheaper, is this just due to more scarring occurring with FUT? I was hoping to get it done reasonably quickly but I saw some people have a wait list of a year, is that the same for most of the doctors featured on this site?
  4. Thanks for your reply, pics attached. I hadn't noticed but I think I'll need some crown work as well. And good to know, who are you going to?
  5. So, I've been considering a transplant and after lurking in this forum for a while I've wondered about a few things: If I have a transplant will I need to constantly style my hair? It seems like all the people I've seen on this forum put a lot of product in their hair whereas I'd normally have my hair messy/unstyled. I've seen many people talk about needing multiple hair transplants, is this because you're experiencing more hair loss or because you're not happy with the first result? I would say I was a Norwood 3/4, my crown seems perfectly fine but my temples have receded a long way. What is the top and bottom ends of what I should expect to pay for this in Europe for a decent result? I imagine it's difficult to say but any estimate would be helpful! I think I have very thin hair, what will this mean for my transplant? Thanks for your help!
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