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Everything posted by Gramatik

  1. You did a excellent choice by selecting Dr Pekiner. He is one of the best choices in Turkey. So if i understand well, your procedure was done in 3 consecutive days, 1000 grafts each day ? Is 1000 grafts the max he can do per day, because he is doing implantation and extraction by himself ? Also what was the price per graft ?
  2. Are you talking about his old instagram ? This is the new one of Dr Pekiner https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb7D0OEjw_m/?hl=el
  3. Good luck and Happy Growing !!! Can you give us more details, like the number of singles, doubles, triples etc.. and the hair caliber?
  4. Dr Demirsoy isan ethical doctor and definitely a good choice in Turkey...Very good for 5 months man. Keep us updated 🙌
  5. Its a general rule in hair transplants. Its always better to have low contrast between skin and hair to achieve illusion of sensity (light skin, light hair), in difference with high constrast between skin and hair (light skin, dark hair) where the illusion of density is less, so people can more easily see gaps between your hair. You can check also Dr Bisanga's video. He say what i said on 6:49.
  6. You have very low contrast between skin and hair, which helps a lot to make the illusion of density and hide the gaps between hair ! Defnitely a nice result with huge difference from before ! I hope you enjoy ur new hair...👍
  7. Out of three i would select Dr Gur, he has nice and natural results in a consistent basis. There's also an option to select him to do the extractions too. Yaman is decent choice too though, you can check his results on this forum.
  8. if punch out was used, then why did he have stiches across his hairline??
  9. Isn't it the very first line the one that is shown in this picture ? I think your very first line has grown a bit. Do you see single or mutliple grafts in the very front line of this part shown in the picture?
  10. So if i understand well, he did 2 micro strips in 2 parts of your hairline to remove the grafts ? Why didn't he just punch out the grafts, instead of removing the skin with the grafts and putting stitches ? What if the skin under the stiches leaves scar ? I think its a bit risky, this method you did. It would be better to use a manual punch to punch out the grafts or add more grafts there..
  11. Guys if you check the graft placement of Dr couto's results in youtube and compare them with this case of the OP, you will see that the graft placement density is similar to the OP's graft placement density, but his result lacks of density while these on youtube do not and they do look too dense. Dr Couto follows the same plan in simillar cases of small norwoods and so the graft placement density is simillar to every of them. Anyway he should wait some months until 12 months maybe to see if it gets improved, other wise he will do a second hair transplant to fix the lack of density. But why Dr couto already admitted to the OP, that he is dissapointed with the result ?
  12. Incredible result. Thats a huge change man. Definitely Dr Sethi is a top quality surgeon and a specialist for higher norwoods. Enjoy your new result 👍🙌😃
  13. I feel sorry for you man. This does looks like a bad result from Dr couto. Poor yield, and too many multiple grafts were inserted in your hairline instead of single ones. Your now need a repair procedure to another doctor, that specialises in removing multiples from a hairline and putting soft single ones in order to look natural, while having high yield of grafts. Even if your doctor offers a free procedure, i would not trust the same doctor after the result you got from him. I hope you find a solution to fix this pluggy hairline. Whats the explanation of Couto for this poor result ?
  14. I do not need any education from you. I have been researching for years, so i know what to select/avoid. You can keep on your promotion of your doctor for your own profit(s). You are free to do it mate. Dont worry. Keep on the good work 😉
  15. I have watched many videos of you. So thats why i have seen your promotion to your doctor. Your doctor owes you lot for: 1) his popularity, 2) for increasing his prices, 3) for been reccomended by various members without many independed cases published, but just a few (!!!). I know that would never admit that you have a profit by doing that promotion to your doctor. Thats my personal opinion and i do not try to convince anyone about that. Eveyone can think about that if it can be true or not. Best of luck to you too.
  16. I didn't sugest anyone to go to a hair mill. Just said that many people dont have money to afford the most expensive doctors and they are not able to increase their money cause of their fmilies/obligations etc.. so they try to find safe solutions with less money (not hair mills). Because donor is specific and not unlimited and so you have to select safe options and do your own research to decide. I agree that many clinics in US that are very expensive are not good and safe options to go to, when you can pay less in europe for top doctors. So the cost of the hair transplant also depends on the location. Some Clinics might charge a lot, but their results are not good, for example in the US like u said. So more expensive clinics do not always mean better options. You need to do a lot of research to see their consistency and results
  17. You are doing a lot of promotion to your doctor and your doctor owes you a lot for his popularity. Everyone knows that. When someone is doing so much promotion to a doctor, means that either he didn't pay for his hair transplant (probably the second one), or he got a big discount or he get paid to promote him on his videos. Guess in which of these 3 you belong.
  18. I would not suggest someone to go to a not safe option. I just said that not all people have the money to go the most expensive doctors, so they try to find decent options with less money. Not hair mills. I saw you are doing a lot of promotion to Dr Fere*ra, so someone would think that you did not pay anything for your hair transpants to him (because of your promotion to him) or you get paid from him for promotion on your videos. I know you will not admit that, but anyone can think that. So it is easy for you to sugget the most expensive options to people when you don't pay for them.
  19. Thnik that when someone is searching for Cinik, he might have specific budget and not unlimited, so its a little funny to suggest him to go the most expensive clinics Couto etc... He would go there if he had the budget and was able to pay. Unless you will give him the money 😆 Bicer is not 2, it is 2.5€. And it might be budget for you, compared to the most expensive options. But for many people might not be, thats why they select less expensive clinics. They try to find some decent options with the least money. Think that they also need to pay transfer hotel's airport tickets, food etc. The reallity is that many people who have low or average incomes can't afford expensive doctors.
  20. I would no tell someone to go to Cinik, but if he doesn't have enough budget and its impossible for him to find more money, and he wanted to go there then i think it would a bit better to select Dr Cinik doing the incisions. I know its a hair milll, better than other hair mills though. The options you said are not so budget, and many people dont have thousands of money or they cant find more money to get a hair transplant in an expensive clinic. Thats why they select more budget clinics, because they cant afford expensive ones. Unsless you will give them the money to go in more expensive clinics, so you can suggest them to go to the most expensive ones. In addition there are more budget clinics in turkey with dr involcement like Bicer, HLC, Turan, Gur, Yaman, Demirsoy etc..
  21. Both are fue. But in DHI, there are not pre made incisions and the grafts are instered into the scalp with choi implanter without incisions firstly. Only in Sapphire FUE, Dr C is doing the incisions not In DHI.
  22. I dont know if what you are saying its true. Some of his result differ from others. Some of them have better angles than others. I think the ones, in which the incisions are done by Dr cinik have better ones.
  23. ohh thanks man. Your post was very descriptive. I think that dr turan does a few patients per day..is that right ? were there other patients having hair transplant in the same day with you?
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