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Everything posted by nikhei95

  1. Thank you for your answer @DrTBarghouthi. Really appreciate it. Since the clinic doesn't handed me a saline spray I wanted to ask, if it's available for purchase at a pharmacy or if it is possible to make the spray on my own? I'll keep you updated as well.
  2. I'm really hoping it's actually just fibrin and part of the scalp just hasn't healed completely yet. I also thought about it, but you know, if you look online, then you usually get more nervous than reassured. So thank you for your answer! My doctor was Dr. Aslan and the clinic is called "KÖ-Klinik" in Düsseldorf, Germany.
  3. I had my surgery on Tuesday and was told not to do anything until Friday. On Friday I used the shampoo that was handed to me by the clinic for the first time. I used it according to the doctor's instructions. I literally just layed the foam on the scalp without any touching, waites a few minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water without pressure and after that let the head air dry. But although I was very carefully there was some bleeding. They did not give me any saline water spray, only Aloe-vera spray that I should also spray on the scalp as needed starting on Friday. Maybe I'll just skip the hair wash for today...
  4. Hello, I had a HT (FUE, 2,400 grafts) exactly a week ago and am now a bit concerned about a spot in the recipient area (see photo). I went to my doctor yesterday for a follow up and he told me that everything looked good and no infection/necrosis is present. However, it seems to me that the affected area is not healing well because every time I carefully wash my hair so far (starting on day 4), the area starts to bleed a little. Therefore, I would like to get a second opinion on this. Is there anything I can do to improve the situation? I am really grateful for any opinion, because obviously I want to achieve the best possible result. Kind regards from Germany.
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