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Everything posted by Maikel

  1. Sorry for the spam folks, the pictures are a bit zoomed out and I can't seem to edit my comment. Here they are again in their original size.
  2. Hey everyone, it's been a full year so I can now show the full results of my 2nd transplant. Very pleased with the natural looking results and I can now finally say that I have the desired hair I always wanted.
  3. For anyone interested in the progress, here are the 6 month results.
  4. Hey y'all. As previously said, I had planned my 2nd operation which has just been performed once again by Dr. Munib Ahmad at FueGenix. This time around I agreed for 2070 grafts total of which 120 are single grafts. My main goal was to fill up the crown because as you can see in one of the previous pictures, it was quite thinned out. With the rest of the grafts, I have decided to fill up my temples and a small thinned up circle in the middle of my origin hairline. I am very happy with the results so far, especially if you look at the direction each graft has been places as well as the satisfying density. I really am looking forward for the next few months to finally see these the results and to share them here with you 😀 The pictures with hair are basically the 13th month mark results of my 1ste hair transplant and the rest are right after the 2nd transplant, all pictures taken on the same day.
  5. Hello all. I would like to share my full 12 month result photo's as it's been a exactly year now since my first surgery. The pictures are taken inside a room with a natural light from outside. I also would like to mention that I already planned my 2nd treatment with Dr. Munib Ahmad from FueGenix and this time for the crown as you can see in one of these photo's that it's quite thinned out in the crown area which I saved for a 2nd treatment. Already looking forward to it!
  6. At age 26 I was on finasteride, minoxidil and dermastamp for about 3 years. After 3 years, I quit finasteride and Minoxidil because I didn't see any negative or positive changes. I didn't see any changes after I quit either. At age 29 I started taking finasteride again a month before my operation and so now currently 8 months on fin just to make sure my native hairs are strong enough for the transplant. So far so good.
  7. Hello all. I would like to share my results at clinic FueGenix in the Netherlands done by Dr. Munib Ahmad with 2540 grafts FUE treatment. I started diffuse thinning at the age of 18. Luckily for me it wasn't very aggressive and still had enough hair to cover my thinning spots. At age 29 I decided it was time for a transplant and after talking to a bunch of clinics, I still had too many doubts so I decided to contact one more clinic which was FueGenix and Dr. Ahmad replied to me the same day. I had a honest and clear conversation about my hair loss history, medications and what I was looking for. It didn't take me long to be fully convinced and we setup an appointment for a frontal hair transplant. The reason why I chose FueGenix is because a natural hairline was my top priority, I've seen a lot of unnatural "doll-hair" like hairlines which really scared me off going for a transplant for years but at FueGenix I can be assured to avoid this problem because Dr. Ahmad does the entire procedure himself unlike many other clinics where the assistants do most of the job. The procedure lasted about 7 hours and went very smoothly and the environment was relaxing. Below I posted some before and after pictures and if you have any questions, post em below. (note: in the after pictures, my hair was just washed and had no hair products in)
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